Final fantasy for real?

So lately on forums there is bunch of talk about FFIV or FF11 whatever who cares, how its gonna devour WoW or how it will be the ice berg for Wowtanic.

First of all Final fantasy gameplay , story and overall graphics in 11 and this new remake is more childish then wow, plus it creeps me out. I can only imagine addicted gamers obsessed with digital GF playing final fantasy.

Second of all, WoW has something other games will never have, and its Unique design, pvp, and perfect raiding and dungeon system. I love ESO more than FF, but still lacks that dungeon and raid development wow has.

I managed to stay in ESO because of Skyrim and Oblivion as single players games, they where my favorite games, but in FF everything was same. All races are manga anime whatever models. I found those always creepy, and Japanese sense of fantasy.

There is more and more game magazines writing how FF will eat wow, and I will boldly say that will never happen. WoW will always be best MMO regard if one or two MMO’s gave flawless year. World of Warcraft franchise is still keeping its crown as best MMO on market. You disagree? Fine means you wouldn’t like this game even if its perfect in your way


lol no it doesn’t. Wow is not the best, its just the most accessible.


there’s your problem. you’re looking at FF11, which is 2 years older than WoW

I think what you’re looking for is FF14


FF is just the new hot topic Mmo and its gonna be that way for a few months.

This has happened like 4 times over the years since I started playing in mist.

I tried both , but I’m sorry its same waste. For me there isn’t better MMO then WoW. Hate it or not here is ranking

  1. WoW
  2. ESO
  3. FF both numbers 14 and 11 I think

And you’re perfectly entitled to your own opinion

But if you’re already set on your personal opinion then why are you questioning the opinions of others?


If final fantasy is better then WoW , you would play it not waste time over here.

Imagine thinking I cannot do both?


I’d argue that WoW has the best dungeons/raids. The combat is also pretty tight and responsive compared to other MMOs with similar combat systems but that would be about it.

Guild Wars 2 is my favourite overall with ESO being my favourite for casual gameplay/exploration/story. WoW is my favourite for its endgame content/challenging content.

Final Fantasy just doesn’t appeal to me. The combat feels floaty and the artstyle isn’t something I like (at least not as it is executed here. If it looked like Code Vein or something that would be pretty sick.)

As for the rest… WoW will eventually die. I don’t think that it is happening anytime soon though.

Their races are Manga creepy.

FF14 does have a unique raiding and dungeon system and it’s actually really, really good.

I don’t know why people make posts like this when they’ve never actually played the game.


Gonna devour WoW? It already has.

Multiple articles have come out proclaiming FF14 as #1 MMO now. Big WoW streamers are already hopping on FF14 more. Youtube coverage for FF14 is only growing bigger with WoW refugees being a common topic, whereas there is no “WoW welcoming so and so refugees” etc. All WoW coverage is negative. As a huge WoW lover, even I know when to admit defeat. WoW is #2 now, or below. People outside of the dedicated longtime fans, truly like this game anymore. That’s okay. But let’s not pretend it’s still the best MMO out.


you can , no one said you couldn’t. Right now wow provides me with enough content that I don’t have time to even log into other games.

People are allowed to enjoy more than one game, friend. Stop being so close-minded


FFXIV has outpaced and out-subbed WoW a good while ago lol.

We have no accurate statistics either way, but the ones we do have suggests that WoW is still top–but only when you combine retail and classic. Otherwise, it is 2nd by a small margin.

I think it’s fair to combine the two since Blizzard thought it was a good idea to split their playerbase but if you don’t I’m not going to argue that you should.

It really doesn’t matter anyway. People get too obsessed with what is or isn’t best without considering their own fun or ability.


You mean Trial of Crusader type of raids? Empty raids, just bosses? Its fun I can imagine

P.S Even Trial of Crusader had at least crown inside to cheer you up

Another FF post headed for the Off Topic forum.

Tip OP: if you want to discuss whats good or otherwise by comparison to other games, don’t put the FF thing in the topic title. Not only is it seen as bait, its also going to get your post shifted off GD fairly fast.

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Gonna happen a crap load more in November as well.