Final fantasy for real?

The fact that there is this much talk about another mmo is a good thing.

Blizzard has been coasting creating mediocre xpacs and getting away with it.

Systemlands is not good.


Honestly, this. Competition is healthy, the reason WoW has been going downhill for so long is because the devs have had no competition to whip them into shape


well this patch brought some back but i think we all know it sure didn’t bring everyone back that was playing and quit. i guess some people don’t understand all the frustration people have over wow. sure some are happy and think everything’s perfect but there’s alot more that just can’t stand wow as it sits right now and 9.1 brought nothing exciting lil area korthia and a dungeon that’s basically worthless along with new grind it out systems sure it’s the best mmo lol. if they wasn’t obsessed with systems they would of brought real tier not grind it out garbage. and a story that everyone spazzed out on i got a good laugh over that.

This kind of sounds like cope when multiple outlets claim ff14 is number 1.

but i can play a gunblade! i’m a disciple of squall

To this question Sub runs out in Sept cuz it already ticked through however each game is different and better its own thing however there are different in both Jesse Cox did a good review of both honestly and his video is good. Now will FFXIV kill WoW 
no never nothing can kill WoW except WoW
this has shown over time. No game has took the title of best MMO from WoW till WoW took it from itself as now 14 has by most analytics a larger player base.

Graphics, Gameplay and story though FFXIV starts out rough in this WoW is better early lvls than FFXIV (except graphics) however once FFXIV hits around 40 the gameplay and story is FAR
and FFXIV don’t have to constantly RETCON their story to make the new expansions story fit, FFXIV has had a overarching theme and finally tied all the loose ends of the story up after 3 expansions with 0 retcons. WoW has retconned its story every expansion lately.


Honestly, if you consider that FF14 has players on multiple platforms it probably has been competitive with total subs for a long time.

I love FF14 raids, no trash.

Chef’s kiss


FF is stupid I agree, but it’ll take over WoW because it caters to casual players and role players more. I think the biggest part of the MMO population is casuals and I’ve seen a bigger decline in WoW as it’s gone more and more towards catering to the top small % of players. I have fun running keystone hero keys and mythic raiding but apparently most people don’t do that so the game suffers.

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Nah. I don’t give a dang who is or isn’t top. I just play what I find enjoyable/what my friends play. My personal favourite mmo is GW2 and it’s absolutely not close to being the top mmo. Wildstar was actually my favourite before it shut down and it never had a chance.

The simple matter of fact is that none of the companies release their subscriber counts; thusly, any statistics we have are gathered by third parties, which makes them much less reliable than if we were able to get them from the source.

Also, most news outlets aren’t particularly reliable even when they do have proper statistics. They’re usually just after clicks so that more people will see ads so that they make more money. “WoW no longer #1 mmo!!!” is good clickbait. lol

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Dude you wrote a whole essay and you are going to give me a straight face and say you don’t care. Also until blizzard release the numbers sources say ff14 is more popular until blizz proves otherwise wow is number 2.

FF14 doesn’t publicly release its subscriber count either.

I’m just trying to explain to you how we don’t have reliable statistics in favour of either game. When it comes to which game is more popular, I couldn’t care less. You came at me saying I was trying to cope when I’m just trying to tell people to take news with a grain of salt given the lack of concrete stats.

But believe what you want. lol


The people denying FF14 is doing better than WoW or is gaining remind me of Trumpers denying they were losing and then lost the election honestly. Its that same mindset that it could never happen and if it did it is lies or skewed data.

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Can’t take people who get creeped out by FF graphics seriously

I guess you think men can’t wear pink as well?

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Anybody denying that FF14 is gaining is an idiot or in denial. Likewise, anybody that 100% trusts the data from third parties is probably dimwitted or doesn’t know better. lol


Agreed 100%

The lalafels are seriously creepy. Just the fact they look like children and the females have a boob slider. /Shudders

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best to worst.

why you guys get creeped out by final fantasy when we have taurens and vulpera in goldshire going at it? just dumb with all the creepy stuff in wow.

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