Final Fantasy finally caught

I mean who actually cares about streamers lole asmongold though? Most of the community dosent like him to begin with.

Without those “streamers” you would not have a world of warcraft to play…Remember asmon getting 20k+ viewers during bfa and shadowlands, the WORST expansions? He kept this game alive longer than it should have EVER been kept alive lol. If I ever meet him I’ll tell him you said thanks.

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It’s fair a lot of streamers are cringe and degenerates but it’s not fair to discriminate against streamers as a whole. They just want to provide entertainment at the core. There are a lot of grifters in streaming, but it’s foul to hate on streamers as a whole.

I gave FFXIV a go and as much as I enjoyed other FF games I just could not get into playing the MMO. I tried, on a few occasions, even tried to get my wife to give it a go and we would play for a bit then stop.

I dont hate them as a whole. Im more so meaning the ones like asmongold are entirely irrelevant to the game.


Golden saucer is the best part! Now i really wish wow would do something like that. I have a bard who just lives there, does events and queues for dungeons and that the best way to just unwind after work.

Has OP mentioned Asmongold in every post they’ve made? Jesus dude get your own identity and opinions…

He’s also an odd choice to pick for championing your point, because yes he’s “quit” WoW probably hundreds of times at this point, but he’s also “quit” FF14 multiple times in the year or so that he’s played it lol.



Reality check time.

WoW pre-dates not only twitch, but also youtube.


Cool, go play FF with the rest of the bads then. One less classic poster sounds like a win to me.


But how else are people supposed to form their own unique perspective of the game? Play the game themselves and base it on that? That would put Streamers out of business! Or make them as important as a newspaper’s movie review.

We’re talking about a specific period of time though, the beginning of wow has NOTHING to do with that. You really thought that was a checkmate?? Hahahahaha

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this is so cringe - I hope you aren’t more than 13 years old.

What I think regarding this thread is not fit for polite conversation.


You’re talking about a hypothetical that never occurred in any timeline. How to prove a non-existent event?

WoW would be fine without asmongold. Likely better, because more people would actively play it instead of playing while watching asmongold on the side. The dude doesn’t play the game, he rants while botting out in WoW. The definition of an irrelevant gamer.


The only thing about FFXIV I feel is better than WOW is the character creation. Otherwise for me its a very “meh” game.

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I dunno, when the Twitch Drops thing happened, I got mine by having a Korean streamer on who was really into making her Dracthyr.

She had a dragon statue at her desk, which she kept showing on camera, and spent hours trying to make her Dracthyr look as much like her dragon statue as possible.

In between jaunts of doing her make-up and eating melon.


I’m really confused about this honestly, you’re given “bags” for each specific gear slot with more than enough space for all your equippable gear from all jobs and professions


I’ve played both on and off over the years.

They’re both great in their own rights.

But fundamentally, they are different MMOs meant to cater to different needs. Whenever I’m playing one or the other, I always enjoy what that game does well while at the same time missing something that the other one does better.

Whichever one suits your preferences more is going to be the winner in your eyes. Perhaps WoW no longer fulfills your checklist of fun and that’s totally fine. But you gotta keep in mind that it still works for many others. FF14 does not check out for many gamers as well. I have friends who absolutely hate the feel of FF14 and some who enjoyed it. But the general consensus for my social circles have never implied that FF14 is the superior game, not even as of today. That’s just my experience though and it by no means implies that this is proof of FF14 being inferior.

With that said, you are entitled to believe that FF14 is now the better product. You just stated it in a presumptuous way that doesn’t help your opinion. WoW is like comfort food for many. While you can argue there is better stuff out there, you just feel better going back to something you’re comfortable with and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Just name dropping Asmongold to bolster your opinions is a bit silly. I’ve enjoyed his PvP content in the past for entertainment purposes but Asmon is not exactly an individual that you should name drop to win an argument outside of his followers. This is like name dropping Skip Bayless to win a sports argument. If you don’t recognize that name nor care who he is, then my point is proven.


Sheep confirmed.

As if the goofy opinion on FF vs. WoW wasn’t a big enough clue. :rofl:


It would be virtually impossible for them to do this because FFXIV’s story from ARR to Endwalker is one consistent throughline. If you immediately jumped into Shadowbringers without any sort of context as to what got you to that expansion, you would be completely lost and the story would be worse off than if you were to just suffer through ARR (Side note: ARR gets better after a certain plot development).

In ARR, yes. It immediately picks up in Heavensward and continues to build in each expansion. By the end of Endwalker, you have a plethora of skills in your rotation that make combat far more engaging.

It sounds like you played to level 30 and dropped off, which is fine, but to say that FFXIV’s combat is slow is like saying WoW’s combat is slow despite only playing to level 20. It’s not exactly a fair assessment, is it?