Final Fantasy finally caught

This whole “debate” is stupid. It’s just like in middle school when the PlayStation and Xbox bros were at each other’s throats.

I play both games. I enjoy both games for different reasons. If I thought one game was strictly superior than the other, I would just pay one sub and save myself the trouble. If you do enjoy one game and not the other, that’s fine, play what you want. Regardless of which game is more popular than the other, neither game is anywhere near dead and will be a fine gaming experience. The childish competition is just that - childish.


Okay, no…

Streamers did not ‘keep WoW alive’, and you’re delusional if you honestly think that’s the case.

Sure, Asmongold is popular, but you could combine the streaming audiences of every single WoW streamer and you wouldn’t have a population large enough to keep an MMO like WoW profitable, and profit is what ensures future patches and expansions get made.


I disagree here. I’m the type that likes to ‘smell the roses’ on their first pass, and even I found myself skipping MSQ cutscenes and dialogues whenever possible mid way through Heavensward and I never looked back.

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Try harder scrub.

I try to play FFXIX between WoW streaks, but I’m still getting through ARR content and it’s such a slog. The only thing that keeps me going is the promise of the whole world building getting major pay offs in later expansions. I’ve grown up watching Babylon 5 and I do know how long haul story can really take off later even if the beginning feels like a lot of filler the first time around. So I’ll keep playing.

But also, as a game FFXIV feels very unpolished compared to WoW in almost every regard, except maybe some rpg elements. Everything from enemy design to interface design to color choices to spell graphics feels washed out or made by indie developer. It’s almost like it’s an interactive book where you run between zones and you are rewarded for reading, because the objectives are very easy.

I do like some design choices from there. Like, I heard they reward raid teams for inviting players without experience. Or that there are no raid wipe mechanics, you just don’t get loot if you die. Or having the competitive content beyond gear ceiling, so people do it for challenge only and cosmetics, but don’t force themselves to do it for power, which removes a lot of toxicity. Stuff like that Blizzard can really learn from them.

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Oh I see where op is going,this will be good. :popcorn:

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Pretty much, I did watch the MSQ because I do enjoy a good story, but every expansion is adding on like 5 more hours of cutscenes to the point that like ARR had something like an hour of voiced cutscenes and EW had 16+ hours of voiced cutscenes. At some point you’re no longer playing a game, you’re watching a loooong movie.

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Weird how people keep forgetting draenor exists.

Okay? That’s not what I was saying.

Flag the post for being off-topic and move on. FFXIV shills only post here to be annoying and troll, we all know that by now.

Shill, or troll. :dracthyr_shrug: Considering they mentioned flying being unlocked in capital cities, I’m actually more tempted to say troll, on second look-over. Because that’s never been a thing and likely never will be a thing; the cities are too small and most of them are instanced. You still can’t even mount in cities, to my knowledge.

Either way, flag as off-topic and move on.

Which draenor?

The funniest part of this thread, at least to me, it’s implying that the OP was not around for the hilariously large exodus to FF like a year or so into Shadowlands so that people taking a break from WoW to another game is worthy of a shocked Pikachu face.


Did you know it’s possible for more than 1 game to be fun?


I’ve played through the FFXIV story a couple times, leveled my Astrologian, and the game always fizzled out for me. Nothing kept me intrigued enough to log in. /shrug.

Morgan Freeman: It hasn’t.

Op,isn’t shill but a different tangent all alone. It wasn’t about anything relation to either it was used as a sort of mental experiment ,an uncontrolled one at that.

But unlike FF14 my skills aren’t locked behind story progression. If I hit 50 in ARR and I’m still going through the ARR MSQ, that’s it. Most jobs can’t even progress through their questline to unlock other abilities at that point.

I like the MSQ and quests, but SE really needs to let up on the restrictions and tying literally everything to it. Which to their credit they’ve learned from HW and started placing new Job quests in the 3 starting cities.

If you in it you don’t see it from outside ,and if your outside you’ll see it play out.

There’s no 5D chess here my man.

Read the responses op gives notice even if you agree to what op say op bites back with sarcastic remark so op keep going on and on sometimes making nonsense .