Final Fantasy finally caught

It will likely last indefinitely because FFXIV is a horrible game to stream and WoW is actually really suitable for stream content.

FFXIV is teetering on actually crashing and burning because of the cheat problem being exposed so hard.

It’s not an odd quirk lol, if people don’t care about cheating they are a minority. Even if they are the vocal minority, what can other people do? We have no way of reporting cheaters in that game, no way of avoiding playing with them, it’s like… Either throw your hands up in the air and embrace the fact that people are cheating in your groups, or quit the game. There is no other option. Either embrace foul play, or quit. Square enix has made their dont ask dont tell policy extremely clear at this point.

It’s funny how people talk so mcuh about how square enix cares about their game and cares about fair play, but then all of a sudden they’re exposed for the truth. Sad and ruined.

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Saying ‘Oh the game gets good after X’ isn’t a selling point. It’s an extreme negative. If that’s the overall message being sent out by people who are playing the game, then the developers need to step in and make changes so that the game is good from the moment it starts.

For Final Fantasy 14s case, the story absolutely does get better after ARR, but the majority of new players aren’t going to sit through the trash just to get to the good bits that come later. Guild Wars 2 has the same issue, the story vastly improves after you reach level 80 and begin Living World Season 2 before it really takes off with Heart of Thorns, but telling new players to push through the lackluster story for the first 80 levels of the game is just not a good selling point.


NOBODY besides a handful of people you know and maybe 1 reddit post gives af about this cheating issue so let’s be real here…Asmon didn’t cover it, and he always watches the big news stories so clearly we have a bit of misinformation here…Why are you trying to derail from the main point of the thread so much but yet pretend to care about this “debate”?

I had thought about if Blizz should streamline a story from 1 to 70 but tbh, I was leveling my Lock across all of the EK zones to do the loremaster and actually had fun doing it.

I suppose in one way the way to level in WoW is a pro but also a con as new players might not exactly know where to start.

Since Asmon is the only person you live by


What is the main point? You’re talking about how much better ffxiv is than WoW. Anything goes basically. WoW is 10000000x better at moderating their game than FFXIV’s surface deep level rules.

FFXIV is all about maintaining appearances and I really just hate that kind of human behaviour. The game is based around maintaining a front. Nearly every single aspect of it reflects that. It’s fake and I can’t stand it.

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Hahaha I’m sorry but you’re definitely just a quirky dude the average player DOES NOT CARE about these issues. This “mass exodus” you’re apparently witnessing from who knows where is just projection with pure deflection and the only thing fake is the effort we have gotten with the development of these last 3 expansions.


What are you even talking about? If you don’t care about cheating in anything you’re a degenerate and should be banned.

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so defensive that you even have to make up stuff - no where did I say I only played a couple of days.

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Where did I say cheating is good? Cheating is bad yes but to say THIS specific cheating is worthy of you quitting the game and calling it bad then that’s a YOU problem. There’s plenty more to the game than flexing your rare gear drops.

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“Worthy of quitting the game” You say this as if I am giving up on something important in life.

Your addiction and dependency on video games is the only you problem here. Plenty more to life than latching onto experiences you don’t enjoy just because of a sunk cost fallacy.


This was my experience too. They try to inject humor or make me care about these NPCs in this random zone that I’m never coming back to for any reason.

I will say this though - Wow needs a Gold Saucer.


I like how you stack delusion on top of more delusion so you have failsafes to fall back on when my argument steamrolls yours, it’s pretty funny. That being said, YOU are the only one making this experience affect you poorly, if you don’t like it then don’t deal with that part of the game.

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It doesn’t affect me poorly, it doesn’t affect me at all. I haven’t lost anything. I simply stopped playing a game that I lost interest in because of their stance on cheating and fair play in it.

Why would I deal with any part of a game I don’t respect or enjoy? Why would I view it as a “me” problem that I grew to hate the game that supports cheating and encourages weak minded people like you to say things like this “I’m sorry but you’re definitely just a quirky dude the average player DOES NOT CARE about these issues.” in response to my anti-cheating stance. Interesting psychology, but I’d rather stay really far away from ffxiv players if this is the norm. Bunch of creeps.

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Respectfully, most of the things you stated here are incorrect.
Getting around is easy since you can teleport at will to any crystal you’ve visited. The combat becomes EXTREMELY fast as you level up and gain your OGCD abilities. You get a mount very early in the game, at level 20, which is achievable in a single night of play or maybe a day or two casually.

Also as far as storing your equippable profession gear, that’s what the armory is for. You have 4 inventory pages of 35 slots each for a total of 140 regular slots outside of your armory. Then you can store 25 hats, 25 chest, 25 gloves, 25 belts (although belts are gone now lol) 25 pants, 25 boots, 25 necklaces, 25 earrings, 35 rings, and 35 weapons… for a total of 270 armory slots. And then you get your chocobo saddlebags (had you chosen to do the 5 minute quest to get the mount) for 70 more slots.

Alltogether that’s 480 inventory slots… WITHOUT using your retainers, with each adding an additional 140 slots (with 2 retainers being free) for a grand total of 760 inventory slots. Just how many profession items were you carrying at a low enough level that you never got the mount unlocked? I don’t think ARR even has 760 profession related Items if you chose to level everything at once!

Spending 100 hours of play time to level 29 is pretty great content wise, I hope you give it a chance to get to the real meat and potatoes of the game at some point so you can give it a more accurate review.


So the truth comes out,

You are resentful so now you go to these outlandish arguments to defend points I don’t even want to talk about…It’s like Asmongold was saying on his stream yesterday, “Wow players take around” and he was right…It describes a player like you perfectly.

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I think at this point there’s no real reason to keep engaging OP. They just aren’t able to debate in good faith and it’s become more about attacking the person than discussing the subject.

Been pretty clear about how I feel toward the game this entire time. It does make me resent the playerbase and the devs that the accepted norm is to embrace cheating that is against ToS.

“Just don’t tell people you’re not legit. They’ll be none the wiser.” The game has no prestige, might as well be dead.

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Streamers are the worst people on the planet, followed closely by anyone who takes them seriously.


Third place must have been hitler right? You know who is actually trashy though? People like you.