Final Fantasy finally caught

Good the same now you know .Good luck on your rainbow chasing.

Yea that’s another thing. He went to FFXIV because 1) A lot of people wanted him to do it, 2) The Blizzard Controversy added to others doing it, 3) The timing was opportune to do so

I think the last thing he did was some Heavansward stuff and hasn’t touched it since.


The basic human is tricked easily


Okay so both your points get invalidated by a simple mechanic…CAPITAL flying and it’s the reason I even made this post because the new updates really change the feel of the game. The gearing process in wow hasn’t been for the fundamentals since what, mop? If the fundamentals aren’t there, then why would the average player go through 20 HOURS of leveling just to start gearing without a consistent group? Doesn’t make sense to me AT ALL.

He absolutely dictates what is and isn’t good for him.

FF is a story game first and a multiplayer RPG second and I think that’s why the game is standing out so much and why the players are so in love with it. It’s not just a game, it’s an experience. Just mixing things up so new players don’t have to play the story in chronological orders and don’t even know what’s going on is exactly what a lot of newer players in WoW criticize.
It’s totally fine to not like ARR. It’s slow and heavy world building and a huge introduction to all important characters, forming relationships and getting to know the world and its conflicts. It’s not for everyone - but those who stay manage to immerse much more into the world and really feel something, when the story develops. Just implementing something like Chromie Time in FF would completely break the game and nothing would make any sense anymore.

In the beginning you have no mount, yes. But in general I find travelling in FF14 much more fun than in WoW because you can teleport wherever you like without CD. No waiting for hearthstone, no searching for portals and then flying for an eternity. It saves so much time.
Remember that in WoW you also get flying quite late and have to earn it back for several expansions.

It’s basically just two very different MMOs with different approaches and there’s no objective “This game is better than the other”.
In my opinion WoW is more like a loot focussed action and combat MMO where story doesn’t really matter and is quite shallow. A good game for people who care about numbers, raiding and doing dungeons with friends. Systems are developed and then it is garnished with some story bits.
FF14 is extremely story driven and there it’s the opposite. The story is there and then it’s garnished with systems and gameplay. It’s very focussed on RP, social bonds and experiencing the story/world.

While both games could take something from the other game and do some small things better (like the annoying transmog system in FF and the poor storytelling in WoW), both games are great and well done in their fields and I don’t see why some people always feel the need to hate on another game.

I also don’t understand the hate for the profession system. There’s seperate inventory space for every equipment slot so additional profession equipment doesn’t hurt if someone is able to keep his bags kinda organized. The fact that high end PvE equipment also isn’t the only thing that professions provide and professions there are actually much more meaningful and have an engaging crafting process made me fall in love with it.


I got geared on my own in pugs with no addons or voice chat. It’s a skill issue.

Who are the fundamentals?

Because of pacing the leveling has to be nerfed or too many would gear too fast and it become a bore.

I’m talking about actual gear not some base level 70 stuff. The fundamentals are the reason this game was even made in the first place, have you seen the making of documentary on it? Most people couldn’t even get in at that time even though everquest was still very popular…Now we have a new game with new reasons to play and guess what? If Asmon swaps over I don’t know how much hope I have left in this community.

Dude what? Sounds like 20 year old logic. “Base level 70 stuff” LOL. If asmon quits WoW, the game will improve.


Obviously it’s 20 year old logic, that’s when the documentary was freaking filmed dude. I get people really want their one game to last forever, but other things happen and I think it’s time for not only you but the rest of this community to BRANCH OUT a little bit. The capital flying update is a game changer

Why are you hinging so much off of one person? Despite all of the crap WoW/Blizzard went through the last few years, the dude still returned to play WoW after not playing FFXIV for almost 6 months.


I have no idea what you are talking about with capital flying, what is that?

What has happened? They can use mounts in cities after 20 years of doing it in WoW?

I played FFXIV and it was cool. I’ve done 2 savage raids and progged P3S all in pugs. Then I learned that the game is the same as WoW with addon usage, only it’s against ToS and nobody knows who is and isn’t using addons. Kinda invalidates everything from a gameplay perspective. At least WoW is upfront about rules. FFXIV dev team might as well be snakes with the way they moderate their game. Don’t ask, don’t tell.

WoW is a way better game. It’s more innovative, and the combat is better. FFXIV is cool, but it’s not going to overtake WoW in this reality. Not in any point of time.

…Maybe OP missed the memo by like… a year and a half.

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I mean, I am sure OP is trolling, but in the likelihood they aren’t, and based on how deranged some FFXIV players can be, I worry that they aren’t. Their constant pivoting to avoid things Asmon does/doesn’t do only to look the things that suit OPs narrative.


isn’t this two years old? also you do know that you can enjoy both games right ? moreover since you mentioned streaming , ff numbers are always lower

It might be time for you give up whatever this crusade is.


Because streaming FFXIV is a fool’s errand. People want to avoid spoilers, and it’s impossible to know if your streamer is a cheater or not in that game since all the third party combat tools are based on overlays that don’t get captured in stream unless the streamer is deliberately showing them. Zoom hack is an exception and I’m sure there are others too, but the majority of the combat hacks are based on overlays and won’t show up on stream. Same with the audio triggers, they can be played on a different audio channel that isn’t streamed.

In WoW, it’s all in game and people aren’t trying to hide addon use since it’s not against ToS.

FFXIV is the most illegitimate online experience I’ve seen in a while from a big company.


My last Final Fantasy had Tidus and Rikku in it

:ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon:


I like FF, I like its stories and how everything builds up slowly and then you are like “ohh nice!” as everything unfolds.

But I also like WoW and FF needs to make glamour less annoying. :slight_smile: