Final Fantasy finally caught

The only thing good about ff14 is the story

Honestly, and in my own opinion, I think FFXIV has a perfect balance though with the GCD in the combat and fighting mobs in the open world. Because when you look at it, the mobs don’t really hit as hard, though elites do, but not as hard as one would think. Now, if the GCD was similar to WoW, then there isn’t really much of a challenge to fighting the mobs, because then you’d be burning through the levels without any sense of challenge, and be burnt out from playing. And this is a problem WoW has as well, because there isn’t that sense of challenge, unless you’re like doing High-End content.

So, to slow things down, there is that Global Cooldown. But then if SE decided to remove the GCD, buff up the health pool and the damage mobs do, it will turn people off from playing because it would end up like trying to level through WoD when the level scaling was introduced. Overtuned and broken.

Plus, at higher levels, the GCD isn’t so much of an issue, because not everything shares a GCD, so it makes it perfect to know the rotation of your jobs/classes/whateverpeoplewanttocallthem.

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Are you anxious about the cheating scandal potentially being the downfall of ffxiv? If they stepped up moderation and made it impossible or harder to cheat without being banned, the cheating playerbase would quit, if they don’t do anything, any reasonable human being will avoid the game like the plague. It’s like ffxiv is in a catch 22 situation right now and it would make sense for you to be anxious about your favorite game dying.

Ultimately, even if every third party combat addon abuser quit ffxiv, it would rise out of the ashes and finally be the game it was meant to be. Until then, it is sustained by cheaters and nobody wants to be part of that if they are decent.

FF14 is a horrible game and I will never understand the posts comparing it to WoW.

LMAO what streamers? Oh the whopping 8k viewers on Twitch where you have to scroll a bit to get to? Oh yeah.

Their raids are horrible and boring. No immersion. Oh hey. Let’s make all boss fights in a ring and have everything outside it blacked out so there is 0 immersion. Using the full rooms like WoW and pretty much all other mmos, make it feel more immersed. Also, yeah FFXIV raiding is sooo good they don’t even have World First events like guilds in WoW do.

FFXIV is a horrible mmo in general. Tons of loading screens especially going from each tiny zone to another. Tons of invisible walls making it feel like it is on rails. VERY slow combat. Horrible dungeons. WAYYYY too much RP. Especially that one dungeon where you get that mecha type flying mount. That place was like 20-25 mins where is was mostly all RP. You did like 3-5 mins of actual combat. Sooo much RP after each quest turn in too.

But yeah. Glad you felt the need to come to the WoW forums to advertise for FFXIV. It is always funny watching these people come to the WoW forums and feel the need to talk about the horrible game of FFXIV. They need attention because Big Brother isn’t paying attention to them so they come here and do the whole, “Hey brother! Why aren’t you paying attention to me? Come on! Look at this! Look at this! Why aren’t you looking?”

It’s all a matter of what you enjoy. You can’t really say either WoW or FFXIV are “bad” MMO’s. I vastly prefer FFXIV to WoW. WoW is my side game that I play when I’ve kind of finished what I want to do in FFXIV.

Different people enjoy different things. FFXIV has a massive player base, so obviously it appeals to a lot of people.

Oh wow another classic character talking smack about retail WoW how original. Also bringing up streamers Like Asmon and others to prove no one is playing WoW anymore then I guess no one is playing FF 14 either because WoW is the top MMO on twitch so going by those numbers FF 14 is the actual dead MMO.

You know what Blizzard should steal from XIV though for WoW?

Tomestones. Reasons to run say queable heroics for some tomestones that you can gather and eventually use it to purchase pre-raid/M+ gear or something.

Probably shouldn’t call it tomestones, something different and more WoW. Like badges. Have Heroics should drop badges.


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So go to the FF forums. If you don’t like wow, why are you here whining?

Your biggest mistake was doing side quests instead of just sticking to the MSQ.


FF14s GCD has to be slower because of how they design rotations. If it was any faster, as it is designed currently, it would be pretty much impossible to do an actual rotation. The reason WoW gets aways with a faster GCD is because the vast majority of the time, for every single class, the majority of your time is hitting 1-2 buttons, which just isn’t the case for 14.


Correction. It would be impossible for any NON-Korean to do it.

lol I kid I kid. We have fun here.

With most classes in FFXIV by the time you are max level or around 70 you have more spells then you can keep up with. You weave non-GCDs in between the gcd abilities.

I play ninja reaper and monk. All classes feel fast and responsive at end game. Even 60-70+

You’re like 40+ dude, get a grip with what you enjoy and don’t enjoy and stop crying about my post if you can’t handle it. ff14 has more players and that’s a fact, so “horrible mmo”. Yeah, seems like you’re in the minority little guy

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They’d obviously have to reduce the damage of ability to keep the Time to Kill the same if they reduced the GCD, but as it stands, immediately going from WoW to FFXIV, I can see how most people feel as if they are playing wow, but with a -50% haste debuff. I really enjoy the game, and think both have their pros and cons, but as it stands, especially wow players who are used to their current rotation, it is objectively slower combat.

Many wow classes also have active abilities that don’t trigger the global cooldown, I understand what you’re saying with cooldown management and off GCD abilities, but it is still measurably slower combat. Again, I love FFXIV, and think it’s better than wow in some aspects, but I don’t truly get how anybody could think it is even close to the fast paced combat that is wow since the APM of XIV is significantly lower than wow.

Again as before, there are many classes in wow that have the same thing, but with a cooldown less than 50% that of FFXIV. In wow, those classes are generally miserable to play imo, (often also doesn’t make sense in dps vs reward) but again, wow is a much faster game hands down, you are performing far more actions per minute on average in WoW than FFXIV.

You certainly don’t have to do that. It’s not even efficient to.
You get double XP for the first craft, that is true, but you level efficiently by doing crafting leves for making certain items over and over… which in turn gives you crafting mats and profession items…

Is it quite possible that you didn’t in fact spent 100 hours of game time on this?

Crafting one of everything is what the Live version of World of Warcraft wants you to do to level efficiently. Do you hate that about WoW since that’s the game that actually makes you do this?


we just had Shadowlands!
the Bliz team destroyed every single piece of lore and important character in the history of WoW!


Damn, another wow vs ff14 rage bait thread with the OP’s only point is to belittle and insult anyone how doesn’t like ff14…that is all.

Both games are different, some people like it, others don’t. This has been argued to death, undeath and death again. xD come on!

Learn to be an adult and enjoy the things you want without fishing for online validation. It’s sad to watch (but also kind of funny ngl)

For the record, I’ve played both. Just enjoy wow a bit more. (for now)

What about GW2, EVE online or SWTOR? ESO? Am I scum if I like those too?!

WoW is not weeaboo crap, so it will always have that.

Side quests in 14 are for leveling your alternate jobs.

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