Final Fantasy finally caught

LMFAO. Look I enjoy Asmon’s content, but…

There is no way this isn’t a troll thread.


So you base whether the game is good or not …on if streamers are playing it? Seems like a bad way to look at it. Maybe assess it for yourself. Play it if you like it, play something else if you don’t. It is that simple.

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Tried FF14 but couldn’t get into it and honestly don’t see the appeal :dracthyr_shrug:

But I’ve just been playing GTA online with some friends and playing Destiny 2 solo lately like Blizzard have improved a lot of things however there are places where the game has gotten worse like locking story campain behind Rep grinds, mechanic bloat in Dungeons and well multiple problems with Dracthyr Evoker which well I’ve brought so many times in the Evoker Forums couldn’t be bothered repeating them again.

This is false

None of this had anything to do with what I said… lol

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Then go play ff instead of spreading troll trash stories here.

This makes 0 sense. You’re laughing at him for playing a race that wasn’t the original class, but you’re playing a Blood Elf warlock. The first Warlock lore wise was an Orc.

Hilarious irony

You tipped your hand too far with this line for your bait thread.

I’m talkin taste not lore

I agree and that’s a point I make all the time when people complain that WOW subs are down. If I get responses they are often angry.

I think you are posting on the wrong game forum. GOOD FOR YOU~

Thank you for the 7-month necro. I love finding old posts from Bathtub Rita. The posts usually have poor punctuation and they’re full of random, disconnected thoughts, but they remind me to take a bath and have fun.

As a lover of FFXIV and I guess WoW. Both games have their pros and cons, both are good.

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Ff13 is superior