Final Fantasy finally caught

At the end of the day, it works though.

I wonder how many new players WoW missed out on because they constantly got told they were bad at the game. Lets be honest though, people say it far worse than that.


If people quit for that reason then I don’t think they should be playing video games. Getting therapy would be a better use of their time, so it’s good that they were put off of playing WoW.

Yeah that showcases enough for me on this subject. Absolutely psychotic take


Cry more. I’m sure it will save the world.

Going to have to agree with jalen on this one.

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Actually you seem to be the one crying about “censorship”


isnt FF raiding like 5mans or 6mans or something?

No, I mocked the safe space and fake social interactions ffxiv’s despotic moderation created, and gave you my perspective on how you could be less bothered by what happens to you in WoW.

Feel free to carry on your vindictive crusade against the racists though. You really do seem like a racism troll.

Stopped here. Gonna take a page from your book and ignore the toxic player. Have the day you deserve :blush:

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Eehhh They have ten man for raiding, 5 man for dungeons

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Go cry some more. Look at you wishing me the “day you deserve” LOL. What is that some weak curse? Get out of here. Also, you should be permanently banned for weaponizing the words “psychotic” and “crazy” by your moral code. People with mental illness face enough discrimination just by existing, don’t need you to be acting like your issue is the only one that deserves to be taken seriously.

Nah Raids can go from 8 to 24 players.

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You literally play a anime girl elf. Lol

Skill and time investment don’t change the fact that the combat is just so slow and clunky. I honestly couldn’t stand it, wow still has the edge on tab target combat imo.

He literally plays the game every day, has a high M+ rating, clears the raid on heroic… but yeah…lets just blindly trust you

I’m sorry, but I just can’t bring myself to care about these pretty-pretty elves and their stupid chickens. Just really, there was only one character in the game I found remotely likable at all. If I can’t play WoW, I’d rather play ESO than FFwhatever.

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Is there M+ in FF ? Or is it just raids ?

I’m pretty damn good at the game myself dude, Asmongold or not I know how to play my class and I clear content at consistently high levels. There’s nothing wrong with going to a different part of the world map for a raid encounter but maybe you need to work less on RAIDING and more on TRAINING…For real man. Like Asmongold says on his stream, “run into the area and cause the world”. Without a doubt, he’s 100% right.

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Proof is in the pudding,op, I can say on another totally new toon or this case a classic one,any thing but without proof it is only a picture form by a cloud of nothing. Both games are good for what people make of them,just because Asmong switches sides doesn’t mean he likes either of them.

Unless they’ve changed the GCD on most spells, Final Fantasy XIV’s combat is objectively and measurably slower. I love the game, but with a 2.5s GCD it feels painful, even WoW’s combat feels slow if you don’t have the sufficient haste to get down to 1s GCD.