Final Fantasy finally caught

I get it’s your opinion. But this is a bad opinion. :sob::sneezing_face:

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You’re speaking to me like I haven’t done that before. You’re speaking to me as if I haven’t tracked certain individuals on my realm to figure out what kind of punishments are being dealt to individuals who are spewing toxicity my way. You have no clue about the things I’ve had to take under chin because CS would refuse to truly enforce their rules. Which is what you’re failing to understand.

And that “honest and open” experience that I’ve had over the years is something that you are for sure endorsing. Because you’re constantly side stepping that I’m telling you repeatedly about my experiences with the WoW Community. It’s horrible. You said it yourself people are trashy. I don’t want to be coddled. I just don’t want to be told to do a “certain action” to myself. And any kind of pushback against that is psychotic.

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Shadowbringers was S+ tier.

Do not diss the vauthry story line.

That said, FFXIV’s problem is you cannot pick up the latest xpac and expect to know what’s going on. You have to play through all the older xpacs in order, no skipping. It’s the opposite of wow where you’re actively shuttled to latest content.

The other issue of FFXIV is they don’t keep things short and sweet. Everything is drawn out with dialog. TBH I think Blizzard would have had the same issue if WoW had released a few years later. WoW was limited to dialog boxes for quests instead of dragged on cinematics, and that’s a good thing. Less Is More is a good thing.

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The entire story is nothing but a clumsy attempt to stroke the player’s ego, constantly calling you a hero and talking about how amazing and wonderful and fantastic and great you are so you’ll keep paying for the sub.


I’m speaking to you like I’d speak to anyone. It sounds like you are trying to control something that isn’t in your hands to control. Just let it go, report and move on. That’s the best thing you can do.

You don’t have to take anything on the chin. Report → ignore → move on because that’s all you can do.

There’s no pushback, just report and move on. Don’t go on a witch hunt, don’t make it your mission to cancel these people, just report and move on. Like I said before, victimhood is not a good state to be in. Living in a vindictive way is also not a good state to be in.

At the end of the day, life is horrible until it’s not.

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No that’s stupid. I tell you I’ve had people throw slurs my way, your response is that I’m in a state of victimhood. Your stance is clear now. And showcases exactly what I’m talking about

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“There’s no pushback, just report and move on. Don’t go on a witch hunt, don’t make it your mission to cancel these people, just report and move on. Like I said before, victimhood is not a good state to be in. Living in a vindictive way is also not a good state to be in.”

That’s a simple way of thinking about it. But you probably haven’t even dealt with such toxicity that some players go through. When a good chuck of a guild decides to constantly harass you everyday you’re on in the game. It wears a person down. AND EVEN IF YOU DO BLOCK THEM. They can just make a new character and keep on harassing you. On top of that even if they are banned. Its not permanent, they will be gone for many a week and then they’re back on it. FF14 doesn’t put up with that stuff, that’s why you don’t see such toxicity.


“You’re speaking to me as if I haven’t tracked certain individuals on my realm to figure out what kind of punishments are being dealt to individuals who are spewing toxicity my way.”

This is just not healthy behaviour. All you should be doing is reporting the moment it happens and forgetting about these lesser cretins that try to bring you down. Why do you give them power?

Nor is me getting slurs thrown my way. Why aren’t you addressing that part and focusing on me?

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I did address it several times? Are you some kind of racism troll?

What about my example :frowning:

No you didn’t. You’ve side stepped that multiple times and are attempting to put some level of responsibility onto me about the behavior that has been thrown my way

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Really only thing worth playing in wow for
Me is PvP and until ion is removed I doubt I will play that much. Diablo four might give me some new stuff to play for a year before it becomes obsolete


It’s simple: block, report, move on. Same advice for everyone. Don’t get yourself dragged into a bad mentality because of some ignorant bigot.

You really seem like a racism troll.

But it doesn’t fix the problem though. Its only a temporary fix.

Where FF14 actually fixes the problem with their system

Believe what you want

You seem to live in a mindset that the system works. Well guess what it doesn’t. Examples like the one above just don’t end at “RePoRt AnD mOvE oN”. That individual was banned for a week and came back showcasing the EXACT same behavior.

Our server had to take itself into its own hands because Blizzard refused to do anything against racist trolls who went around parading toxicity. End all be all, you’re ignorant Darby. You don’t know what you’re talking about


Jesus. Yeah like I said a temporary fix if a guild is involved.

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Racism is probably never going away with the way humanity is. There is no permanent fix other than learning how to cope effectively.

The other thing is, do people really get permabanned for hate speech in ffxiv? Or do they get a warning → temp ban → harder temp ban → permaban? All I know is that in FFXIV you can be banned for saying someone is bad at the game. That’s the only thing I’ve said is bad. It’s such a safe space that you can be actioned for remarking on someone’s skill at a video game lol.

I am all for banning people who spew hate speech. Why should they be allowed to continue playing? But to ban people for insults that aren’t meaningful? That’s undeniably pathetic.

Well ever thought about not slinging insults? Its not that hard to just avoid doing stuff like that. Instead of going out of your way to say “A person is bad at the game.” Just leave whatever activity you and that person are in and just go do something else. Like you said “Just move on.”

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