Final Fantasy finally caught

No one is playing DF. Dead game. You can report this to your superiors at Square Enix

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I am not diagnosed with OCD, and even I can’t stand to see unfinished quests in my path.

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What? We’re getting new content patches every two months now.

It’s already been a faster release schedule than all of SL.

I’m playing the game. Not playing my warrior at the moment as I have been having a blast doing all the loremaster stuff, but I am certainly playing and enjoying the game. :smiley:

This forum is a bit bipolar. Last summer it was all “FF14 is the great thing eva” and now people trash it.

That’s the biggest cope I’ve ever read. and I’ve read a bunch of crap in my life.
You sound like the rejected ex- that is looking after “revenge” and taking up to next level.

Just a tip: spend your time with things that brings you joy instead of focusing on negative things.
If you tell me that what you’re doing here actually bring you joy, then yeah, seek help, you’re a sick person.

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It is actually insane that you’re trying to present the stance that BLIZZARD SHOULD UPHOLD THEIR TOS AND STOP TOXIC BEHAVIOR LIKE SLURS AND HATE SPEECH as anything close to “despotic”.

You’re right dude. When observing the options of people being nice to me regardless of their actual intentions and having people be unfiltered in what they can say and only get a slap on the wrist, I should choose the latter. Thank you for your wisdom Darby. I can’t wait for the next time a player tells me to do a certain thing to myself when I win an arena

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these “poaching” threads are weird. like UHH i play this game instead!! its better and heres how!!
ive played ffxiv, gw2, and now wow
i cycle through them when i get tired of one, thats just how i play. doesnt mean i wanna rant about how this one sucks and that ones great. its personal taste.
i think its healthy for there to be a few viable mmos on the market, cause they all can learn from each other and make the product better.
but to just show up on a game’s forum extolling the virtues of another makes me think hey how much did you get paid for that post? lol

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I would prefer an updated SWG, COH, or EQ.

do you wake up thinking of inane things to say on a public forum or did this just happen spontaneously?


Final Fantasy is cut scene hell and I like cut scene but I could not even finish Realm Reborn. What is sad is my husband got me every xpac including the new and I just can’t will my self to finish. Even though he tells me I am almost there :sob:

Just report them, explain what they said, and they will likely get banned for it. At the end of the day, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

I don’t mean to dismiss what you’re going through, because it’s unacceptable, but what more can you do other than report them for breaking blizzard’s rules and expect them to get banned eventually if they keep it up?

What is actually insane is that you’re trying to portray me as someone who wants to enable this behaviour. I just don’t think people should ever be banned for saying something like “you are bad at playing this video game” like you can in ffxiv. If you want full on despotic censorship then I don’t know what to say to you.

I am right, nobody is only getting a “slap on the wrist”. You dont’ know what kind of punishment is dealt because that information is not shared with the person who reports. Victimhood is never a good state of mind to exist in.

Blizzard is not despotic, but square enix is definitely extremely despotic about censorship and forced “good vibes”. Blizzard community feels pretty honest and open.

and the playerbase gets salty as heck when someone who is not them skips cutscenes.


The graphics in ff14 to me lack any depth. My character feels like its skating around the place. Movement feels horrible.

The biggest issue for me when it comes to FF14 is the ability bloat. My god some jobs have three plus bars full of abilities. They really need to combine and reduce the bloat.

Then you have the main story progression locked behind a dungeon no one runs anymore so you end up sitting in a 2 hour plus queue just to continue.

The soubd effects are terrible. Not enough thud to them. I sound like I am hitting mobs with a wet fish as melee.

I have 3 full bars of hotkeys in WoW, a bar for just mounts, and a bar for professions, trinkets, etc.

I am talking abilities. Spells and buffs. Not mounts etc.

I will also add the terrible macro system FF14 has. Its like stepping back in time to the early 2000s.

So what you’re saying is FF14 is so bad you need to try to convince WoW players to play it so it doesn’t die. Gotcha.


I haven’t finished FFXIV yet but I did finish ARR and LOVED it, lol.

FF XIV isn’t (or, well, shouldn’t be) a cult movement. However, there are some amongst the FF XIV player base who have some sort of weird worship culture surrounding Yoshi P and the dev team, so I’m not too surprised to see something related to that elsewhere.

FF14 is just an endless slog of cutscenes mixed with occasional, painfully slow combat. Streamers and their goonies can stay there.

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