Final Fantasy finally caught

Dont be a shill

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Yeah, I tried playing Final Fantasy too, I gave it a real shot. But the combat is sooooo slow I just couldn’t do it. The combat is such an important thing to me that I’ll never be able to get into it. I’m sticking with WoW no matter what.

I love when people decide to go into issues they can’t specify in like THEY KNOW what is right and not…You CLEARLY didn’t get far enough into the game and haven’t experienced the capital flying update, but it’s time to jump back in for another try. It actually reminds me of something Asmon was saying the other day, “Take the game and go to that” he said and genuinely it helped me change my perspective on BOTH games.

If you really want fast paced combat just wait until you get to spellweaving in ff14, the only reason wow hasn’t done it is because going into that territory with decisions makes the average player doubt new instances. Think about it.

I would say congratulations, go play whatever makes you happy if that is the final degenerates xiv… but someone who already moved on never comes back to do what you’re doing.

So. yeah. Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you can convince yourself.

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The only thing I need to convince myself of is how to keep helping wow players transition to a new experience…If you don’t agree fine but at least put on the table that each game has strengths but one game seems to be increasing those by a big amount. You DO KNOW that both experiences can’t be played without the average player learning the fundamentals or are you another “scholar” from the forums that really knows nothing?

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Yep, hands down the best leveling experience in MMOs, I go back every so often just to level a character. SWTOR is seriously underrated. Just wish it had more PVP and was more popular.

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Wait, I am confused. Did you keep the items you wanted in your inventory, or were you talking about putting them in the glamour dresser? Otherwise though the system isn’t too bad. It does need more lots and pages, but that is something they are working on.

Setting up your outfits is similar to WoW in that you have to visit the location to create a new one (WoW’s transmog NPC and FF14’s glamour dresser), and then you have a list of the outfits you make. I will give you that it is irksome that you can only apply the glamour in a city, but eh… I suppose that is also no better than having to go back to a city for the transmog NPC so you can do it in WoW.

FF totally needs a equivalent of the transmog yak or the attire rearranger so I can change my outfit out in the world though. :slight_smile:

Edit: Forgot about the glamour crystals. I basically just bought a few hundred of em and keep em on the back page of my inventory. I forget they even exist.

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That sounds as if you’re doing all the side quests, which I hope you didn’t. :sweat_smile:
Best thing to do is to complete the main story quest and if you really want to, then do the hundreds of side quests after that.
I also presume you didn’t do much apart from ARR, because later on every important scene and even some minor cut scenes are fully voiced, so you don’t even have to read. It’s like watching a nice movie later on. :slight_smile:

Pvp is a decent experience as of late with the new unrated pvp seasons. Does suck they removed ranked though

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Oh, I don’t like the fact that they don’t have ranked PVP. They might as well remove it all together at that point. Sounds like Yoshi is afraid of competition and doesn’t wanna see people take PVP seriously.

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People aren’t toxic because the moderation in ffxiv is extremely heavy handed. “Not in my christian minecraft server” is not a meme there but a reality. If you like fake behaviour, as long as it’s a fake smile, I’m sure you’ll enjoy ffxiv. There is nothing but fake behaviour in that game though. People even fake disabilities to rationalize cheating.

I’d much rather have people fake being nice to me then then have people log on to an alt on my faction, throw slurs while telling me to uninstall and only see those individuals get a week ban all because they lost an arena match or got killed in WPvP


Rather live a censored life than a real one. I mean, it’s fine but it is despotic.

Psychotic take. You think I should subject myself to getting slurs thrown my way? Are you insane?


No, people get banned for that and it’s not tolerated here in WoW.

You can hear the same stuff in FFXIV and they get banned for it there too.

The difference is, in FFXIV you can also get banned for calling someone bad at the game.

In these exact words, word for word: “You are bad at the game”

Such as? :thinking:

Last I heard FF14 was culturally appropriating, I need to avoid it at all costs. :^)

And every time they got banned, they were back within a week. I’ve had to deal with repeated offenders and the only solution was to grow thick skin cause CS wasn’t going to do anything about it. You are absolutely insane for even thinking that me not wanting to be called slurs for playing the game is me wanting to live a “censored life”


That’s not even remotely what I implied.

That’s quite literally your response when I told you what I’ve had to deal with in this community

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What do you want me to say? I said it is fine, but it is despotic. Which it is. If it bothers you that much that people continue to break rules even after being banned and risk a permanent ban, I don’t know what to say.

It’s not right to speak like that, but it’s impossible to avoid. Even in FFXIV it happens, just much less because you can get banned for saying “you are bad at playing samurai” in ffxiv. People are trashy, what can you do?