Final Fantasy finally caught

It will never happen because there’s far too much competition in the gaming space for any game to have a “top spot.”

They also don’t publish their subscription numbers so nobody can say for certain which game has more players.

Bump FinAL FAnTasy ftw!!!

Stay triggered

WoW clone weeb simulator thread? always good for a laugh.

I barely qualify as a WoW player by your metrics, most likely. Haven’t even been playing a year. But go off, king.

It isn’t the only one, no. But it’s certainly one of the worst MMO communities I’ve ever seen, and one of the most cultish when it comes to fellating the game and developers at any given opportunity.

Is there? I don’t see it if so, just a couple other XIV threads that shouldn’t be in GD but are simply because people like to troll here about the game, since it gets more traction than it would in the proper section of the forum.

I know reading is hard for XIV players, but I literally in that same post you keep quoting from, stated I was a ‘XIV refugee’. You can check my post history, and I mention it a fair bit. Played for 10 years, left not long after Endwalker. You can quiz me on things “only true FFXIV players would know”, if you want - but we both know you claim anyone who disagrees with your shilling about the game “doesn’t even/never played FFXIV”.

That’s all it comes down to, in the end. And that is what the ignore feature on these forums are for. Welcome to the list!

Honestly, I should just start doing that for every XIV fellator at this point, because it’d sure save me the headache of having to read their inane drivel and slobbering at the mouth over a sub-par visual novel with MMO elements.

As a person who raids at the hughest level and have been ofr the past 7 years, you cannot compare the two. For one the base design us diffefent. Not only that, its a dead end game. All wow has to do is flesh out its questing system and ff14 is over. I completed Endwalker in 5 days including all quests for the first patch and ive been unsubbed ever since. It is slightly more accessible than wow at best. What it does best is that it takes old content and keep it accessible and rewarding even for max level players. As a person who has 100% every Final fantasy game, Its also the 2nd worst in terms of story and gameplay

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Then you either haven’t been paying attention to the WoW community nor have you played many MMOs.

If you played you would know that your statements couldn’t be further from the truth, but go ahead and keep propagating false information as you see fit since it’s the only thing you have to argue.


Lol wut?

Something’s not adding up here.


“I don’t agree with how you feel about the game, therefore you are wrong and you totally never played it ever, because CLEARLY you would think the exact same way as I do if you had.”

What amazing logic you got there, lmao. Believe whatever you want, shill. This is why a lot of people outside of the XIV community hate XIV players, you guys do some weird mental gymnastics to justify why people who dislike the game are wrong and ‘clearly never gave it a try’.

OSRS (back when it was just Runescape), Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine, Aura Kingdom, Aion, TERA, Blade and Soul, FFXIV, ESO, WoW, Riders of Icarus, ArcheAge, probably a couple other KR MMOs I don’t remember (most are pretty bad and forgettable, anyway).

XIV is still one of the worst, most cult-like MMO communities out there. I’d say only the Star Wars MMO fandom comes close, but I dislike Star Wars so I never played any of the MMOs enough to say.

But keep believing what you want. Most of the time you guys don’t actually want to discuss, you just want to bulldoze your opinion and tell others how wrong they are for not liking FFXIV. Even people who have been/had played it longer than you. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Actually putting you on Ignore now, XIV shills and hardcore fans are not worth the headache of even bothering with. But please, keep telling me how “Wrong” I am with your insane mental gymnastics and ego. I’m sure it’ll entertain others, or win you internet points with your fellow XIV shills.

If you think its bad now, you really should look into how it was when implimented. 1000% better now than then.

This didn’t last very long.

What about hardcore Destiny 2 fans? 9 days to Lightfall bbaaaaaaabbbbyyyyy!!

While FFXIV from what I’ve heard has had issues when people criticize the game get eclipsed by mega fans (which I’m not even sure if that’s true or not), the FFXIV community dwarfs WoW imo. From beginning to all the way through Heavensward I did not run into a single toxic player. And even when grouping up as a Tank and wiping a few times, everyone was kind, understanding and helpful on what to do.

Meanwhile in WoW if I sneeze the wrong way that’s outside of clearing the content at lightning speed, I’m more than likely to be told I’m terrible at the game, kicked and then replaced.

The only reason I stopped playing was because it felt like I was by myself all the time. That being while I’m going through the story I’m essentially on my own. And it’s pretty much a massive chunk of the game.


I don’t like FPS games, so I never gave Destiny a try! I couldn’t say one way or the other. :dracthyr_lulmao: None of my friends seem to play it, oddly enough. Most seem to have preferred OW or Warframe (or Valorant, now).

Depends on your server, your class, how you play, and how long you’ve played.

I don’t say this to be rude, but I have noticed a lot of people who played fairly sub-par often never ran into any issues - or only had issues with people playing at a more standard level. Whether that’s your case or not, I won’t claim to know! But as a tank and healer main for many years, I ran into a ton of toxic and passive aggressive players who threw tantrums like children and threatened to report over the most minor of things.

Meanwhile in WoW, I rarely if ever see any toxicity despite the forum’s claims of it being incredibly rampant. :dracthyr_shrug: Comes down to personal experience, at least in terms of gameplay interactions.

Forums and social media though, hoo boy.

Yeah. It’s a solo player visual novel for most of the game, with casual MMO elements once you hit endgame.

Didn’t always used to be that way, but it’s been moving closer and closer to a full solo experience that actively tries to avoid pairing you up with actual real people. One of the many, many reasons I eventually quit after 10 years of loyalty.

I do think harder content - non-LFR raiding, and high keys - likely have more of the supposed toxicity that gets harped on so much here on the forums and outside of the WoWsphere.

I wouldn’t personally know, as my raiding and HC days are behind me; too old and tired for that, just want to come home and vibe in a fantasy world for a few hours doing whatever. It’s more fun to me after having been on the endless gear treadmill of XIV for years. I just do normal dungeons via the Duty Finder to level sometimes, and otherwise am out in the world. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: The highest keys I and my friends do are like 6~7 at max, and we only do them for loot at the end of the day.

So maybe that’s why I feel like the whole “WoW is the most toxic community ever” claims are overblown.

Oh yeah I agree with the personal experience thing. I played a Paladin Tank and I’d like to say I was pretty meh at it. The sprout helped people know that I was new at the game so players were quick to give me advice on how to survive certain encounters. In my time playing WoW though I’ve tried to push harder content. And even before that I ran into a ton of negativity and toxicity no matter what realm I played on.

Personally I’m sure if I came back to fully playing that experience would be the exact same

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I just hate how every realm is apparently full. I shudder at the thought of trying to play when an expansion is out

Right now it’s mostly just Crystal, for whatever reason lol. It’s completely congested so they turned off the ability to make new characters.

Edit: Just looked and NA is just busy I guess. Even that new data center they just opened already has a congested server on it lol.

Final fantasy bored me.

OP should leave us alone and go play his a ime girl game.

I got the trial after seeing this thread, and I think this game is really beautiful. I love the graphics, and the enemy design is awesome.

Character creation is pretty dull, I was expecting a lot more. It is definitely more advanced than WoW, but really lacking when compared to other MMOs. Everybody fundamentally looks identical.

The cities seem well populated with players.

Combat seems neat, I wish the game would let me do more of it.

The questing so far is AWFUL. I HATE that I have to click through cutscenes or dialogue every time I interact with a quest npc. Did I really need to load into a cutscene to watch a totally insignificant npc turn around and greet me? Also, some of these completely irrelevant cutscenes are unskippable!? It’s not even voice acted, why do I have to watch this???
Gathering quests make you place the required items into a dialogue box to complete the quest instead of automatically removing the items… just seems unnecessary.

I stopped playing after the story questline brought me to an npc that asked me to find 5 pieces of gold he hid throughout the city… is this supposed to be fun? I’m not the kind of person who has the patience to wait until the game gets good.

WoW questing and leveling is immediately rewarding and to the point. If I don’t want to engage in a questline where I need to run from one npc to another and to another, I can do something different. From what I understand, FFXIV has a required mainstory to complete.

The ‘Exit Game’ timer is a real timer. You might actually have to wait an entire 20 seconds before being allowed to exit the game through the menu.