Final Fantasy finally caught

That’s kind of the modus operandi of hardcore FFXIV fans and shills. They cannot seem to fathom that it isn’t the greatest game ever released in the history of gaming; they can’t even seem to fathom that other MMOs have done, do, and will do things better than it ever will.

“If you don’t like FFXIV, you have bad taste.” That’s their outlook, and no amount of actual discussion points regarding its own flaws, or even just the simple statement of “great you like it, I don’t” will shake that outlook. You should see their GD forums, they’re a bloody mess of that. Any criticism, no matter how well-thought or valid, gets torn apart by a chorus of “IT’S FINE WE’RE FINE THE GAME IS PERFECT SHUT UP REEEEEEE”. It’s like if the game isn’t absolutely perfect in their minds, it’ll shatter their entire identity.

Which is honestly funny how WoW was a breath of fresh air in that regard. People here aren’t afraid to call out the worst aspects of the game, let alone the devs. You still get the “EVERYTHING IS PERFECT SHUT UP GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE IF U HATE IT” types, but not nearly as much as you do in XIV.

Big mood. Though I’m technically an XIV refugee who went to ESO first, then gave WoW a try, only to end up swapping to it as my primary MMO because it’s just a good game beneath all the bullcrap systemscraft it piled on.

Yeah, though some of us had a wake-up call in Endwalker after gritting our teeth through the numerous issues that have plagued the game since re-launch, and it ultimately led to a number of players moving on to other MMOs. Far as I can see, it’s still bleeding players - maybe not a ton at one time, but it is. It’s just not a good MMO.

I ask that every single time one of these bloody threads pops up. They can never provide an answer. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Im hoping to get people to OPEN their minds for a bit so we can have a real conversation… its been getting pretty silly lately with all the fighting going around these forums the past few weeks and i can only imagine the state of the game is the main issue. Its like Asmongold says, “a dime a dollar” and if you think about it hes freaking right on the money.

I like that WoW players seem to think FFXIV is the only community that has a rabid fanbase, as if WoW certainly doesn’t have its own flavor of shills that refuse to listen to reason.

If you look for the rabid corner in any fanbase, you’re sure to find it.

This is especially funny because there’s literally a thread from last night from someone claiming that FFXIV players are the ones with bad taste.

You clearly don’t play FFXIV nor have you visited its forums.


It absolutely doesn’t and this(along with several other things you’ve said) shows that you have no idea what you are talking about.

The most efficient way to level crafting by FAR is to craft the same thing over and over again to turn in for massive rewards via the Isghardian Restoration. It’s an entire instance area specifically made for leveling up gathering and crafting. And you get awesome cosmetic rewards, pets, mounts, and gear by doing it. And most of the things you can get, you can sell for a sizable profit on the auction.

If you are sitting there crafting one item at a time, making sure to craft everything once? You are doing the absolutely slowest way you possibly could.

Perhaps that’s because you’re not actually on the FFXIV forums and no one really cares about your crappy game with canyon style levels stuck behind loading screens.

The PS2 could do open worlds just fine, and Square didn’t even manage to create one for the PS4, that’s how sad the game you keep spamming us about is.

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Yeah that’s a weird thing for someone to say. Once I found Ishgardian Restoration, I leveled all of my crafts to 90 in like a week. Every single one of them. It was really fun considering they all have little storylines attached to them as well.

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Doesn’t matter. If they’re commenting on something they know nothing about then they open themselves to being called out.

Someone’s still upsetti spaghetti that they couldn’t get out of the optional tutorials in the starting city.

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Right? Lol. You know someone is trolling if they are a Classic Alt, if they mention FF 14, or if they mention that loathsome streamer. The OP hit the trifecta.

This one really had me though :

Mindless acolytes who sniff after Streamers in order to be told how to think… agreed with what their dear leader told them to think… more at 11.

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For your FF XIV needs, go to FF XIV’s forums.


Yeah you already pointed that out. Doesn’t make it any less true that the person in question was spewing false information and was rightfully called out for it.

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And I’ll keep doing it until your type of people stop discussing that awful game in the wrong forum.

No either get over it or keep arguing, I don’t care.

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Hang on, I have a really good refute for this. I just need to find it.

I mean I think you care a little bit.

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You can think whatever you like Rudly, and you can have the last word since if I keep responding, you’ll just keep responding over and over again.

Pretty rich from the guy who called me an apologist in our very first interaction :

Who’s the apologist now uh ? Guess you were projecting all along.

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Do you have that post bookmarked? Did I get so under your skin that you refuse to let it go to this day?

Hard yikes, man.

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Lord of the Rings was a trash book because no one likes to watch people read it.

FF XIV is a trash game because no one likes to play it though.

As evidenced by people literally preferring to post about how good it is on the WoW forums instead of playing it.

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Oh. Oh okay then.

i hope youre at least getting paid to have such silly takes :slight_smile:

ff14 is the worst mmo ive ever tried, twice. hell id take wildstar or aion before that :wink:

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Too bad everything in Final Fantasy says “Not for you”.
It has no pvp, the characters are all terrible looking and you have to deal with “gnomes that look like 10y olds”.

They could give me 50$ a month and I wouldn’t touch it.

Ok nice. Now let’s see them hold the top spot for the next 15 years like WoW did.