Final Fantasy finally caught

Here’s the start of Heavensward:
I know you are the warrior of light who has defeated powerful threats, but some rich guys don’t trust you, so you need to run errands for them to earn their trust.
selects no in the dialogue option
Alphinaud: Don’t worry, the WoL will do it.
That was only like the 2nd or 3rd quest in, and it ruined the entire expansion for me.

And I read all the quests and dialogues.

wow literally has almost 4x the viewers right now. Ffxiv couldn’t even pass it the day the ultimate came out while wow is waiting on it’s next patch. The streamers ‘‘switching’’ happened in shadowbringers and they left as quickly as they joined pretty much.


I didn’t rob myself of the experience.
And what does “putting it down and coming back to it later.” have to do with anything?
The opening quest dialogue was terrible, I had no hope for the expansion. I’ve since seen other people playthrough it, where I read / heard all the dialogue, and I still have no love for HW.
Stormblood is when the story gets good for me, personally.

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I tried to play FFXIV. Got past ARR and began to realize that the game is really just a well disguised overpriced visual novel.


WoW has better PvP, that’s about it, all the viewers on Twitch are watching PvP streamers, except maybe Asmongold.

Yea, you can probably just watch a youtube video and get the jist of the entire story, without having pay or play through the clunky combat system and insanely bright; over the top colorful graphics. The story from what I played to (up to like 54) was boring… and if it takes 50+ levels for the story to get “good” that’s just unacceptable and imho is poorly written.

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Don’t get me wrong I understand that these are people who have years of investment and have a high opinion as a result I have games like that as well. But for most people it’s not going to be enough of a hook especially when you need to slog through so many hours of trash content. And the truth is a good story doesn’t matter that much to a game, look at wow it’s story has been subpar since forever and you could probably make a book about all the retcons there have been. It’s popular because it has good gameplay though and is easily accessible in the way you aren’t forced to either pay up or suffer through literal days worth of subpar content.

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Yea, I agree for the most part.

WOW’s story has it’s moments of good story telling, I also don’t doubt FF14’s story does get better or even really good, I’ve played most of the FF games. The problems I see with FF14 are it takes far too long for anything to get good… combat or story. The story was generic in the base game and combat was a slog. Most of the melees felt the exact same and same with the casters.

I always get told, “oh you gotta get here for it to start feeling really good!” and it’s usually deep in the expansions, I for one find that unacceptable… if the base game doesn’t grab you, the game begins to feel like a chore.

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Every major ff14 content creator and community pillar has talked about this. Even asmon has covered it

You might be right there, cuz the average player doesn’t even really play the game. They afk pose in Limsa for hours on end. Hell, only 1mill ppl have completed the release endwalker msq


Why are you here posting on the Warcraft forums?
Shouldn’t you be playing Final Fantasy since it such a great game?


Exactly, why should I be forced to play 100’s of hours of boring content just to get to where it might “get good?”

I liked how easy it was to change your classes class/job. But that was about it.


Na… It shutdown your PC down cuz the creator put malware in it. He snuck it in to make ppl think it was other add-ons causing it so you would delete them

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Final fantasy is like the Kardashians I don’t get them but they seem wonderful. They seem fancy everyone likes them. I like them even more than tacos so be fair I hate tacos because they drip everywhere and we need to invent better shells as a society.

FF is great. WoW is great. I am happy to play both.

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Hated it but only did 2-3 quests. :joy: you missed a great storyline. Your loss.

Swtor is objectively better then all the other mmos.


Honestly I can’t believe I slept on it all this time. The story is so much better than WoW and FF14 combined.

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Its definitely a story mmo and is very much solo player friendly in that regard so its not for everyone butt its rather well done. Raiding is not to bad either.

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You can snag a handle of popov for $14

yeah. 2-3 quests in. That is unbelievably ridiculous. It’s like watching LotR and seeing the hobbits and just being like “I’m out”