Final Fantasy finally caught

Sure, whatever delusions you need to perpetuate to convince yourself, chief.

I think the story is good. The stories back in vanilla sucked, there are a couple decent quest lines in the higher level questing areas, but most are boring and just helping random people with trivial tasks, ARR is basically like that too.

The transmog system could be better, but it’s not really convoluted at all. You need an easy to get item, and the gear you want to transmog, then go to the place and transmog it. I believe the only restrictions are: your armour needs to be the same or higher item lvl than what you want to transmog it to, and your job needs to be able to equip the piece. Basically the same as wows, except wow uses gold instead of an item.

I think the combat is slow, cause they built it around the limitations of the ps3? if I remember correctly. PC and console players can also mix. While I do like WoW’s combat more for the higher pace, I think FF14’s pace is kind of needed due to console being in the mix. Also, FF14’s is better with not needing combat addons, something I wish WoW would do - ban combat addons like weakauras, dbm, etc.

Travel is fine in FF14, you get your first mount, a chocobo early on, around lvl 20. Also, every single mount in the game can fly.

I actually think FF14’s profession system is better than WoW’s - even with DF’s revamp. The gathering skill nodes being personal is awesome. There are also manuals you can buy that increase your profession xp gained by a lot, and they are easy to get, using them to level crafting makes it not a big deal. And they have a separate inventory for storing gear, so you don’t need to keep gear in your bags. I got all my gathering and crafting jobs to max level without buying extra retainers as well. So you don’t need to spend real money for the extra space.

I also think FF14’s community is way nicer than WoW’s. I haven’t played on any EU / NA realm, but I have been on JP and OCE realms, and everyone has been super friendly that I have interacted with. Even when doing savage level content and making mistakes, people have been nice about it. Guilds in FF14 tend to do way more things together in FF14, for example, mine holds in game trivia contests once a month.

FF14 does have it’s issues, and I think WoW and FF14 could learn a lot from each other.
I think WoW needs more to do outside of PvP, M+, raiding - like revamping the DMF to be more like the gold saucer, player housing, better focus on stories during the main story quests (DF improved it in this regard, but the DF main story was really dull), add some systems so pugs aren’t so elitist/leave after a single wipe, maps and map dungeons, etc.

FF14, I’d like combat to be a tad faster, and WoW’s collection system, though mostly to update their collection system.

I enjoy both, I probably like 14 more than WoW (at least currently) but am playing WoW more currently, as it has more that I want to do at the moment.

It’s great you like it, people are more than welcome to like it. :slight_smile:

I simply posted why I don’t like it, and people jumped on me like I’m not allowed to dislike a game they like. Lol.

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ARR to SB have a good story that is grounded in the established reality of the game world. In ShB they just do a “LOL alternative reality” nonsense plot diversion. Bad writing for idiots who do not consume anything but anime for media.

Not quite accurate. It’s an admitted slog, but it’s entirely necessary. It’s 90% world building and setup, all of which they cash in on continuously to actually tell a cohesive narrative. It’s incomparable to Chromie Time; you don’t need to play through Cataclysm to understand Shadowlands. You do need to play through FFXIV sequentially to understand and appreciate what comes after.

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That’s… not what ShB was at all. It takes place in a setting that was set up in Heavensward, and it explores the cosmology to set up the eventual apocalypse in the next expansion.

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On one hand, i mean it’s technically still harmless, since it’s only shutting down other addons and not effecting the game itself.

On the other, that’s dumb and petty of them! :smiley: Seriously, it’s a graphics injector addon, why they need to do that exactly?.. I’m not versed in how FF14 addons interworkings, but i’m pretty sure a UI addon wouldn’t effect anything a graphic injector does, and vice versa… At least, not in a way that will block functions or etc.

You may subjectively think that, but reality tells a different story.

Funny how you reply to him and yet, avoid touching on any of my comments… :thinking:

Yeah, I do get it’s not for everyone. It took me 4 tries to really get into it myself. xD

I disagree. I HATED Heavensward so much that I bought a skip for it. Solely because of Alphinaud and I only got about 2 - 3 quests in before I skipped. xD
I thought ShB was great, but I also like FF8 a lot, and there is a lot of ff8 stuff end game. It also wasn’t an alternative reality, we got summoned to one of the other shards.

Except that’s not what you did. You made grossly inaccurate generalizations and assumptions about the game despite playing what was likely a fraction of it.

I don’t subscribe to the belief that you have to experience an entire game or an extensive amount to determine if it’s for you, but to say the story is horrible or to make off-base remarks about the game’s systems, especially when it’s so apparent to anyone who has played the game that you didn’t engage with them, is wildly dishonest.

Moreover, I don’t believe for one second that you spent 100 hours leveling each basic job to 15. Getting to 15 on any job after leveling a primary job is ludicrously easy, you only have access to 9 of them, and it takes at most 30-40 minutes, so you either aren’t good enough at the game to have an informed opinion on combat or you actually didn’t level every job to 15 and are simply throwing numbers out there to inflate your time with the game.

If you don’t want to get dogpiled, don’t make inaccurate claims about things you know nothing about.


Also FF14 has a Cactuar mount, and WoW doesn’t have a Cactuar mount, which is another +1 for FF14, and -1 for WoW. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So I recently got done playing the new expansion for WoW and MAN do the updates really show what I dealt with in FFXIV…It makes sense now why a lot of streamers started switching back over, the recycled patch content really helped the competition stand out FAR ABOVE what we’re used to.

I’m not sure if anyone is even PLAYING this expansion at this point, with people like Zepla clearly taking a break from the game since it’s just in a state of disarray currently…But trust me, in WoW the raiding scene is stronger than ever, multiple groups get made every time. There’s no loading timer like in certain FFXIV game modes cough cough savage cough so you know it’s better than what we think it SHOULD be. There’s one thing I know for sure - if people still think Endwalker is the key, then they need to find a different lock.

As a FFXIV refugee in WoW, the grass couldn’t be more greener on this side.


Gasp! You said the forbidden word!

That’s EXACTLY what it is. You can love awful plot hole ridden messes, but at least be honest.

So you like awful things BECAUSE they are awful. There are plenty of people like you. Heavensward was EXCELLENT. The story was great,. The characters were better than before.

To say you like ShB means you simply don’t read. You simply don’t understand compelling plot or good dialogue, or character arc building. It’s ok. You are a being of badness.

I can think of only one plot hole, that was itself more of an abandoned thread. Can you list the plot holes you’ve encountered?

I wasn’t all that engaged with the substance of the story myself, but I can admit that it was an actual long form story being told.

Lol, kinda cringe liking your own post on an alt.

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And if you were playing WoW you would do them all. Get to a new area > pick up all the quests you see, that is the WoW play style. I had to break that habit when I first started FF when I realized MSQ is enough to lvl you. And I know all to well what playing a game with OCD is like

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That’s what we call robbing yourself of the experience…The game is designed for you to be able to put it down and come back later, and you ruined it. There’s a reason people like Asmon have so much freaking respect from me, the guy is pure integrity. Some streamers decided to skip everything and guess what? They quit and never came back. It really shows the type of player wow decides to throw at you. But hey…“It is what it is”

ffxiv combat puts me to sleep. having to go through the story was bad enough as is.

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