Final Fantasy finally caught

You can’t judge the story as insanely horrible if you didnt see even 10% of it, thats like “reading the back of a book and judging it insanely horrible”. Their game has a really good transmog system, I love having 0 cost to change. 800 items into the dresser is HUGE. The combat gets way better later on. Go make a lvl 1 cnaracter in wow - you will have horribly slow combat too at first. Al games have horrible slow combat, or do you expect to start out with 30 skills right away? after 50/60 combat gets faster with OGCDs. Your given a mount early on, your own chocobo. You must have missed it. And professsions in FFXIV are x10000 better then anything wow has ever had, but you never got too far into it it sounds like.

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My crystal palace disagrees. It’s the stuff high school was made of.

If they still use prismas, it’s not free.

Not if you play multiple classes.

Enhancement shaman was beginning to shine well before level 50.
Not a lot of classes in ff14 can do the same.

Before you try and pop off on me: I leveled SGE to 90, and have like 6-7+ classes in the 70+ range. I was working on dragging an old main of mine - AST - to 90 before I burnt out and left.

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You know then how to obtain prismas then easily and the dresser. If its in dresser, you can assign it to a save slot - and always change to it for free, 1 prisma to put it into dresser. You can also really easily obtain them by handing in items at your GC for seals. I can go there and buy 300 prismas atm if I wanted to. The only reason you would not be able to fit in all your glams in there, is if you had like 100 glams per job.

I make glams all the time, just as I make mogs on wow all the time.

I am gripped by the inescapable urge to create.
Not even being sarcastic with that either.

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We all know the prisma system cant compete with other systems compared with previous expansions in the game…Take the tmog vendor for example, do you really think the average player is going to help competitors gear up in a way that shows the flaws in fundamentals? It makes ZERO sense imo, it’s like the time Asmon did his transmog comp and nobody with a good one won…It shows the disparity between gearsets in a way most players cant compete with.

old wow mog system was absolute trash, literally anything is better then it is. The current version is perfect and Yoshi-P is looking for a way to fix it. I remember shoving tons of items in that void storage in wod to use for later, having to pay to pull it out and back in…just wtf?

Yes, and obviously those people are incorrect, but many of your comments are directed at people for simply not jiving with the game.

I’m not even talking about WoW’s story. If you actually paid a fraction of attention to what I’m saying, you would see that I’m clearly talking about WoW’s combat/gameplay, which picks up almost immediately.

People play games to play the game. Not everyone wants to spend a half hour getting situated with the world and the narrative just to start playing, and that’s fine. It’s called a difference in tastes.

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As little as I care for Call of Duty, it’d be a bit silly to say it’s not selling well/still a successful franchise considering it has been the core of Sony’s argument to try and prevent the Microsoft deal.

Because all of the classes are homogenized to the point it’s less about picking a class, and more about picking your preferred role from the trinity - then the flavor of sprinkles.

Most of it can barely be considered ‘content’ anymore, and the rest is the same exact formula that it’s had since ARR - but somehow getting worse each patch.

They aren’t frequent. They actually have pushed from 2 to 4 months over the course of the game’s life, and half of the patches tend to be broken up into different mini-patches in an effort to drip-feed bare-bones content so that people aren’t “overwhelmed” with stuff to do.

In an MMO.

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Nice joke. They barely even listen to their JP players anymore, let alone NA/EU.

Yes, lack of engaging and dynamic scaling endgame content is totally better. Instead, run the same roulettes over and over again, the same 2 dungeons over and over again for expert, or do zerg-rush hunts - all for your tokens to buy gear that’ll get replaced in the next patch.


Can’t argue there, but they arguably need more downtime to fix stuff instead of letting things stay in a pitiful state for an entire patch. Emergency maintenances are becoming more frequent over there since EW, though, so…

Funny, I feel the opposite. That’s how opinions work, innit?

Glad you enjoy XIV, doesn’t mean WoW is garbage in comparison though just because you - personally - dislike it. Honestly, if you hate it that much, I don’t know why your friend even bothers to play it with you. Feels like that’d just cause friction, but eh.

Unless the latest update to FF14 massively overhauled the combat system (And I’m talking massive in the ‘1.0 to ARR’ levels of overhaul) , good luck and have fun, very much not my bag.

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The fact that ShB and EW have the worst story in modern media history should be mentioned as well.

The ONLY reason anyone pretends to enjoy that awful crap is weeabooism. If a western dev made that awful plot, dialogue, characterization, and lore, they would be panned into oblivion.


I’m trying to play a game like a game. Side Quests shouldn’t exist if they impede progress of you doing basic things like accessing a mount. The sheer amount of side quests from 1-20 was ridiculous. And I understand “You should have focused on the MSQ” but you don’t understand how people with DIAGNOSED OCD see things. Those marks on the map have to be dealt with.

Then add a short story. They added a new player guide complete with voice acting. Do a summary of the expansions we need to know, in video format. Have it available in-game as well. There are ways to do it without making every single expansion mandatory to understand the story.

Final Fantasy 11’s expansions were all standalone. Not sure why they opted for one big continuous story in 14.

See previous statement - it’s up to the devs to make that available to new players so they aren’t offput.

I did like this part. That’s the only part. The actual system is just not fun.

And yet there’s still people in this thread trying to say it’s fine. :man_facepalming:

You essentially have to keep every piece of armor you want to transmog, and then you have to go purchase a specific item to use the glamours, instead of just allowing us to use gil. If the items are on the vendor, cut out the middle man and let us use Gil. Again, it’s convoluted.

Also, 32 replies in one night and like half of them just being direct insults? Lmao. Y’all do know people are allowed to dislike something you like, right?


Honestly I’d probably play some FF if it had Dress Spheres

dont think you are in a position to point out bias lmao

I don’t think you quite understand that there’s nothing “short” about FFXIV’s entire MSQ. It spans hundreds of hours for a reason, and most of that time is spent fleshing out narratives and plot threads that remain relevant up until Endwalker.

It’s easy to plug and play into different expansions in WoW because the story isn’t really at the front or heart of the game. Most cutscenes in a WoW expansion add up to less than an hour, whereas FFXIV cutscenes in any expansion are somewhere near 8 hours spent over a 40 hour leveling experience. Acting like they could apply something similar to FFXIV is really dismissing just how interwoven that game’s story is. There are ways to do it, but I’m not entirely sure any of them would be any better than just playing the game as is.

More than that, FFXIV is a character-centric story as much as it is a plot-driven story. There are quite a number of moments in the game that, were you to not experience from the start, wouldn’t have the emotional pull they would if you were to just jump in even with a video summary. FFXIV indulges in a slow-burn.

Whether or not one is better than the other is really up to interpretation.

That said, I know very few people who actually played FFXIV and didn’t indulge in its MSQ in some capacity. If you were to ever revisit the game, I would suggest to stop viewing it through a WoW lens and taking it as is. If that doesn’t vibe with you, then FFXIV probably just isn’t the game for you. Which is fine. There’s nothing wrong with that.

New players are offput because the video game industry has conditioned players into thinking that everything a game has to offer exists at the end of the game. The sooner people drop that mentality when playing FFXIV, the more fun they’ll have playing it.


This one is either paid by FFXIV to spam the WoW forums, or are just the typical forum WoW hater, just saying.

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But FFXIV has the absolute worst story in modern media history. Just stop pretending it’s anything but an ERP facilitator for weeaboos with problematic sexual fetishes.

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Yeah, this is definitely a level-headed, totally unbiased opinion.

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It is level headed. Nothing is unbiased.

I’m right. Simply correct.