Final Fantasy finally caught

FF14 GD is literally a battle between the defenders and the criticizers. Its pretty dang entertaining.

You lost me right there.


this is coming from the WoW community who repeatedly gets in trouble for being so toxic to everyone

pvpers? they ddos + leak nsfw content of others + harassment constantly

same for pver’s when a well-known raid leader/guildmaster got outed for naming his Details name as something racist

not sure WoW is so much better :slight_smile:

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I’m not trolling. You just got really mad I told someone to go play FF14 instead of proselytizing about it on the WoW forums. Then you start going on about ‘repercussions’ for posts.

im not rly mad but

ok again, why post on a low level alt other than so you can avoid ppl knowing how toxic you are?

See this is the thing that’s so weird. I never said WoW’s community was better. I’m not comparing the two, I’m just saying that I think people have been tricked into thinking that FF’s community isn’t like any other online community out there. Which is to say that there are both lovely people, and absolutely vile people.

Yea but FF14 drama is amazingly funny. Are you going to not say the GShade drama and the addon drama has not been peak comedy?

ppl using addons rly isnt that big of a deal

wow ppl harassing others, ddosing, leaking pictures, being horribly racist, method josh? etc

easily to tell the difference in game drama

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That’s an assumption you’re making about me. All you have to go off are the posts I’ve made in this thread. If anything it’s you who has been weirdly combative.

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Thats exactly how it works in WoW now! You NEED those first crafts knowledge points!

FF14 mod and addon scene is honestly awful, like most modding scenes as I’ve been more and more aware of.

But I will say 14 is particularly more egregious because of how…smug they are about it. Someone said it best, from the outside looking in, XIV’s modders are like kids who was bullied through high school and now that they got even a little bit of power, they tend to go power mad.

The GShade Fiasco was basically that. But with malware.

Gonna have to agree with you. I agree with bnet showing so people can’t hide. Until then all you can go by is how people act.


Not really a big deal.

This is when I realized all yall are trolls tbh. Dude clearly lost hard with that list reply and you kept going.

That’s what trolls do.

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It isn’t, because you don’t know why I’m doing it. I’m doing it because I want to. Because I don’t want people rifling through my profile because it fundamentally feels weird.

okay so you dont want ppl knowing who you are so you can continue to troll posts

got it and thanks for proving my point

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Oh definately. I am saying that there is still a lot of similar drama going on in both games - maybe not to the extent of Method Josh.

And this person is why my realm gets a bad rap.
Well besides GS.

S i g h

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Nobody cares. People troll on max level characters too, like yourself.

He’s still victory lapping over nothing lol.

im not rly trolling but u can continue to think that lol

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You are here causing arguments and doing everything you can to keep that train rolling.

You may not want to believe it but that is a troll. lol