Final Fantasy finally caught

Who says I’m trolling? Why is it so important for you to know who someone “really is” online? That’s really weird.

Lol, its a forum. Post the proof or stop.

because if youre anonymous and hiding, like you are, there are less repercussions for your actions or words

oh wow lets harass someone on the WoW forums on my level 10 alt and then post on my main normally so ppl dont know that i harass ppl

battletag should be visible

Warcraft 3 was designed for x86 to start with, so even if that were true, it is not an issue, and it is not true.

Its all about ethics in forum posting, dontcha know

FF14 still isn’t an open world and will probably never be.

except it is true


You’re a joke. For real. :joy: The reason they ended PS3 support was the game was being updated beyond a point where PS3 was no longer capable of running it. Why do you need proof for something that is common sense. FFXIV has updated their engine the same way WoW has. Both have upgraded it many times.

FFXIV also has a major graphics overhaul planned for 7.0 which has been in the works since stormblood ended.

Thanks for outright saying you are bsing lol. You may resume embarressingly victory lapping a forum argument you declared yourself the winner of.

Why should there be repercussions for me to tell someone to go play FF14 instead of posting about it on the WoW forums? What sort of repercussions should there be for that? Why are you obsessed with repercussions

I don’t harass anyone. I said that if this person thinks WoW is so bad and FF14 is so good, why spend time on the WoW forums about it. If anything you’re harassing me here. And I still believe you have the right to your privacy despite that.

You must be really embarrassed about that list you provided. You’re just going in circles at this point. It’s funny and pathetic at the same time :rofl:

What are you even talking about lol?

Bahahhahaaha jajaja. Hilarious :grinning:

whyre u so afraid to post on main tho

maybe dont troll and u wouldnt have to worry about anything

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You must work for FF to make such this advertisement spam of a post.

I tried it and didn’t like it for reasons others have already mentioned.

Its easy to bait GD with FF14. Its the ol’ reliable.

Oh god this is still going.

Some of yall do need to go outside for once, sheesh.

I never got the appeal of FF14 either. Sorry, but if your game doesn’t grab me within an hour I’m done. I’m interested in playing games, not watching them. But good for those who do enjoy it. Different strokes for different folks. I just don’t understand why ff14 fans pay a monthly WOW sub to tell us how much better it is than WOW. I would guess that most everyone here has tried the game at some point so advertising is a waste of time. For me it was a boring game with character types and asthetics that were very off putting.

Also, anyone who uses that dork Asmongold as some sort of “evidence” only proves they are sheep and unable to judge things on their own.

First time seeing a FF post? A lot of people left WoW during Shadowlands for FFXIV. Why didn’t they come back for DF?

I gotta be honest…for all the praise that the FF community gets, it’s pretty jarring to see so many people coming into this thread, frothing at the mouth ready to tear the head off people for espousing mild criticisms for a game who’s forum we’re not even on.

Like I spend a fair chunk of time on a lot of forums and I’m pretty confident in saying that the FF forums do not have the weird “WoW is actually better” threads popping off every other day.

I’m starting to think that this whole “best community” is largely a figment of a mass delusion.