Final Fantasy finally caught

“They didnt sell well because you play them once.”

Holy cope.

I bought Spyro trilogy and it would crash D: had to refund it on steam. Was very sad. I loved those games as a kid

im not talking about selling well im talking about people continuing to play them, which surely no one is playing spyro still after touching it the 1st time after purchase

Everything that has been typed by you had been cope. So please. Continue, it’s entertaining

“No you see, I have made you the soyjak and me the chad.”

So then would we consider WoW in that category based upon how many people still play it and pay subs?

I don’t know about that, they are right about the combat, it’s so slow and boring. When I played ff14 the spells and abilities didn’t feel impactful when I pressed them.

Bait? What bait? Surely i was 100% serious and im DEFINITELY not laughing at the fact that this got 600 comments…Totally not

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Thanks for the laughs today. I really needed it.

no? because people still play WoW besides the nostalgia factor

people do not play spyro still because after the playthrough from the remake, theres nothing to continue doing. thus is it not successful after first initial purchase

So no single-player game that doesnt have replayability is successful to you?

He was clearly proven wrong. Almost on an embarrassing level. Saying this is kind of a reach.

We mentioned games no one plays today either. Jus saying.

Thats a majority of games though lol. By that logic, no single player game is successful unless its replayable.

considering people are not playing spyro/crash/etc but are still playing + streaming nier/kingdomhearts/etc

yeah i would say thats accurate idk

Who cares about streaming? By that logic - Yugioh Master Duel is more successful than Elden Ring because it has more people watching it.

FFXIV is unfortunately still rooted in a code base designed for the Playstation 3 cell processor. It is so jank and the render techniques in use are too hard to look at. WoW doesn’t do boss telegraphs because they don’t want very established addon businesses to go under. Just use the dang addons, they are part of the package here and they aren’t going to change that.

This is wrong. So source or lolbye?

Wheres your source that its wrong?

WoWs engine is literally from warcraft 3 but upgraded so im not sure what ur point is


You were already proven wrong on an emarbarassing level you sure you want to go there?