Final Fantasy finally caught

I’ve yet to call you a name. Read up.


All I’m getting out of this is that person’s somehow dumber than my cat, and I should really smoke a bowl before I engage with the wow populace.

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i mean youre awfully upset though to keep replying even tho ive only asked you for evidence of your knowledgeable claims

resorting to insulting ppl simply because youre wrong doesnt make you any smarter than your cat

Projecting isn’t a good look for you, it looks like you’re getting bombarded on all sides right now… must be that award winning personality you got. :rofl:

circlejerking isnt hard u know

I’m not resorting to insults, I’m calling you as you are.

I get that you’re used to being wrong, but you really shouldn’t take pride out of that.

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calling ppl an idiot because youre wrong is an insult, correct

But it’s not an insult here.
It simply is what you are.

It has not changed. After playing WoW for so long, the community within FFXIV is refreshing. I think I’ve only heard one troll in the general chat, and that was a WoW player trying to see how fast FFXIV would ban them for trolling the chat. I think he was banned within 30 minutes of starting his experiment.

When I was leveling in FFXIV, so many random people helped me out. In fact, I was admiring a guy’s chocobo armor, asking how he got it on his bird, etc., and he gave me a million gil and told me to go to a market board and buy some armor for my bird. I can’t even get people to say thank you for putting a buff on them in WoW, much less give you a bunch of money so you can deck out your companion. lol

Recently, a long time WoW friend of ours started playing FFXIV and the first thing he said when he got to his city was, “wow, so many people”. Because the servers are server based and not some weird cross-realm sharded thing, the cities are full of people and you run into the same people throughout your journey. Again, very refreshing and fun! I’ve made more friends in that game than I ever did in the 12 years I played WoW.


I am so glad I never have to do that stuff again.
Holy hell, somehow makes me hate the game more than the questline between ARR and HW.

lol, is this post a year old?

people are still pissing and crying about asmongold, so yeah

its a year old

again, nothing from ur side was proven whatsoever for me to agree w you

but keep attempting to troll + post on low level alt so you can hide yourself and your non-existent achievements you say you have

I don’t really care if you agree if me… doesn’t change my opinion. Lol.

Pot, kettle.

except you didnt prove your “factual information” at all

you didnt show any high content characters orrrr logs orrrrr say any difference of rotation? so youre just wrong

Neither do you.

That is your opinion and you’re entitled to it.

i did though

i actually gave you multiple examples to prove you incorrect

Left bar on twitch likes to display random related streamers.

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You gave opinions.

Nothing to prove incorrect… because these are opinions and you aren’t gonna change my opinion on FF14… it’s a mediocre at best game, that’s not gonna change.

i gave you literal rotations and examples of how WoW classes are exactly the same

thats not an opinion and youve provided me with nothing to prove your side of things

youre just wrong and thats okay. you will not always be right