Final Fantasy finally caught

If you don’t follow them, how do you know what they were playing? :thinking:

because knowing/hearing about popular games is a thing? wat

But them specifically?
Yeah you’re following them. Why else would you cram Asmon’s boot down your throat?

Does the leather at least taste good?

Dude, I’m not the only one that can see you’re clearly upset and have been getting progressively further in the hole. You should probably start smoking.

i never even said anything positive about him at all?

you assume an awful lot for someone whose so “mature” but resorts to insults + stalking me

resorting to personal insults because youre upset that i proved you have no idea what ur talking about is cute

oh look, it’s the question that you can only answer with by saying " i just know!" :joy: :joy: :joy:

enjoy your asmon streams lol

Unfortunately these issues pretty much goes hand in hand.

Had they gotten off their “body part that everyone have but that prudes are mortified to see in a sentence” and made a glamour log then you would no longer have to think about running around with the best gear you had, which in turn would mean that you wouldn’t even think about what was in your armor/weapon dedicated inventory slots.

Though at least as it is, outside of job locked and weapons each role tends to come with one set covering all. So your crafter/gatherer role just have to deal with 2 sets rather than 12.

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I’m matching my maturity to yours. I’m sorry you’re incapable of understanding that, maybe you should go back to school?

you dont have to watch streamers to know whats a popular game

i never insulted you personally until you did

you have to watch streamers to know what they are playing. im not sure why this simple concept eludes you.

i dont have to watch anyone actually to know whats popular in games

You poked me with toxic animals while I was asleep.
Ofc I’m going to wake up and immediately grab the brick.

what’s popular =/= what streamers are specifically playing. you have no idea how any of this works, do you?

i never referred to YOU as a toxic animal, you just took it as such

must be accurate though since you resort to personal insults when youre threatened

does not mean that i watch them

There alot i liked about ff the biggest one was how different the people reacted between both games . In wow it is best to be quiet and not ask question and in ff the opposite you ask question and you get polite answers . Now this was a year ago when i played it hopefully that didn’t change . The thing that drove me away was to much story in everything you could have a poop quest and have to read why it was important to this village.


Ahh… but you don’t have to. All you have to do is call out in your FC chat, or in general and ask for a ride and poof! Someone will come help you. I’ve given lifts to many people in my 4 seater mount. The only people I can give a lift to using my 5 seater mount in WoW are the 4 random people I helped get the mount back in legion and I have no clue who those people are.

And BTW, you had teleport tickets to the Waking Sands - enough to last you until you moved on from that area. :wink: At least I did. I had leftovers.

I think the teleportation system in FFXIV is much more efficient and yeah, I did need to run and get the currents in each zone to fly, but it wasn’t difficult and for the most part, I was flying in each zone before I was done with the story in those zones. After having to deal with pathfinder, it was a dream.


Lol, bless your heart. Saying someone is upset isn’t a personal attack… now if I talked about your personal appearance, you could make that claim.

And if the shoe fits, you wear it snugly.

and oyu are saying because you and asmon dont like it wow is trash. go play ff take this nonsene posting to their forums.

i mean you resort to calling others idiots because they simply ask you for evidence or proof of your claims?

awfully ironic isnt it

says the person who took it personally when i said toxic animal lol