Final Fantasy finally caught

and because it’s a better game than ff was? they could get more entertainment and content out of it than they can ff. that’s because ff is trash.

and yet wow still gets 10 times the views that ff gets lol.

And you’re an idiot for blindly following them.

Nothing new there.

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no where did i ever say i follow any of them???

weird assumptions and weird that you stalk me in every thread

Has a ton more streamers that stream ONLY WoW. Plus 14 is just boring to watch. Personally I think WoW is boring to watch too but to each their own lol.

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Says the guy who thinks rogue = warrior. :rofl:

When did this become a battle of game knowledge? This has literally just been you getting offended by my opinion. Then getting offended further because I didn’t see your opinions as a fact. That’s literally all this has been.

I don’t stalk you, stop assuming things to make yourself feel better.
It’s an open forum and I bounce around a lot.

Ye gods sometimes I wish your mother swallowed.

and youve yet to prove otherwise other than you saying “no its not”

youve literally followed me to 3 threads, replying ONLY to me

are you unable to keep up with the things you say?

I’ve replied to others in this topic as well.

Get your glasses checked granny.

I’ve played both, they’re not… you think they are, we disagree. You gonna keep crying?

that doesnt mean that i follow them

if i click on the among us category and i dont see any popular streamers playing it, yeah its pretty obvious

says the person whining because i called you out for troll posting on an alt

There is a reason why they did not do this, and it is because the rest of the game builds from the ARR story. With that said, recently they did go back and streamline ARR to make it easier for people who don’t have the patience to go through the story. So now it is much easier to get through that story and still get all the set-up needed for the rest of the game.

When I did it last year, it wasn’t yet streamlined, yet I am glad I went through it as it helped develop the relationships with all the characters within the game. We have a very long term WoW friend who just finished ARR and he enjoyed it, so the changes are probably good.

At first I did not appreciate the glam system in FFXIV, but now the only thing I dislike about it is the number of slots I have in my dresser. It reminds me of the void storage of old WoW. And what I really liked about that system is the fact that I did not destroy the item that I worked hard for. These days, those in WoW, the items are sold/destroyed, so you no longer have the item you struggled to get. Kind of a loss.

At the beginning of the game, yes, the combat is slow. I struggled with it when I was leveling up. But once I hit max, I found that the reason there was limited buttons was that they were teaching me how to play the job. This made me a lot more confident to enter into the raiding scene at max level because I had learned what each ability was, why it was there, and why/when to use it. I now love the combat system because it engages you more than WoW’s system. It also showed me how unfortunate it is to be a new player in WoW these days. that big talent tree and nothing in the game teaches you how to use it. Sad.

Travel can be difficult, but they have a travel system just as they do in WoW, and in fact, it is better because in each zone, you can instantly teleport to the main village(s), where in WoW, you’d be walking or taking a flight path. It was not difficult to get your chocobo mount and we found out that if you got to 30 before that part, you could just go buy a mount and ride that.

You don’t carry profession gear in your bags, you carry it in your armory chest, which has plenty of room for gear for all the jobs and all the professions.

And I love love love the profession system, they have mechanisms in the game that help you level them up quickly and efficiently. The other thing that is really nice about professions is the fact that they utilize materials from the entire game, not just the most recent expansion, so all those old mats are utilized. I always thought it was a shame that once you left a zone in WoW, you never needed to go back. This is one of the reasons why when new people leveled in WoW, they never saw people. In FFXIV, I’ll be out in an old zone farming mats, and run across new people to help, friends I haven’t seen in awhile, and just random people to chat with. The game never feels empty.

Oh and you don’t have to craft one of everything to level a craft efficiently. There are many items I’ve never even crafted. - And I make a ton of gil selling stuff! Woot!

It would be nice if WoW developers stole shamelessly from FFXIV, for it would make their game much better. However, it is also clear that there is a sub-set of WoW players who would really hate that, so I see why they won’t do it. It is a shame because they are lost and can’t find their footing but I guess part of that is arrogance, so I guess they deserve being lost.


Not whining, was stating the obvious… I don’t care if some brat on the internet thinks I’m a troll, I’ve been called worse by far better people.

how else would you know if you didn’t follow them? my goodness :joy: :joy:

Except you’re missing a tele to one of the areas you keep going back to, and still have to run there EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. You have to go back.

Pray return to the Waking Sands.

because i know what popular game is being played? what

its not rocket science

you care enough to reply 100x when i proved you wrong <3

Someone drank the kool-aid! /teasing! Everyone knows ffxiv is mostly the best. (Been sipping my own special kool-aid)

I thought we were having a discussion before you got all upset because we disagreed.

and you know what streamers are playing without following them? are you psychic? :joy: :joy: :joy:

upset how? youre the one attempting to insult me because i posted a rotation of abilities lmao

that… doesnt mean i follow them. idk what ur going on about