Final Fantasy finally caught

Yeah, that’s not how it works lol. If you buy the Shadowbringers skip, it skips everything before it as well.

except ive literally shown you 4 examples to prove you incorrect

youve shown me 0 anything to prove your side of things. you have no achievements, no mains linked, no experience or rotations posted to prove me wrong otherwise

4 opinions don’t equate to fact.

Again, you aren’t of relevance to me… what is there for me to prove?

Thank you for the clarification!

I was told otherwise. I never use boosts so I’m OOTL.

then why comment like you know what youre talking about in the first place, if youre unwilling to prove your side that is apparently so “correct” and more knowledgeable? lmao

youre hiding on a low level alt for a reason

ff is garbage which is why all the streamers that played it for a month have already quit it.

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Crazy talk right there. Everyone knows that m+ is the beating heart in this game and it’s what makes wow the best mmo on the market.

Yeah, the individual ones are there if you just aren’t liking one particular expansion, you can just skip ahead to the next but if you get the latest one, it just skips everything. The skips are linear basically.

Lol, what? You’re still trying to push that agenda? This whole conversion has been about our opinions of things… not sure if you’re having trouble reading or just willfully ignorant.

you keep bringing this up like it matters… not gonna change either of our opinions.

its more that they play the current “popular” thing

same thing happened with among us

you hide because you have nothing notable to show and you cannot prove anything you say since you have no achievements or merrit to your words

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It’s still kinda bad they’re essentially mandatory if you don’t want to waste another 1000 hours re-running MSQ on a fresh toon.

WoW levelling is more reasonable and can be finished in a much shorter timeframe.

except people played among us for a lot longer than ff. the reason for this is because ff is dumpster trash.

So it’s willfully ignorant? Got it.

probably because every single streamer, ever, was milking it for content? ya makes sense

youre ignored because you state things that you apparently know soooo much about but when i ask for evidence you provide none

I thought people played - and still do play - among us since you know
it’s actually fun?

Wild I know.

except asmon, xqc, etc no longer play among us because theres nothing to milk in it

Well, at least you are continuing to prove my point.

Lol, kid is getting upset over opinions.

If you follow Asmon for stuff then you’re not just a fool, you’re a straight up slobbering idiot who can’t think for themself.

Stop using streamers as a basis for how much fun YOU will have.

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They aren’t streaming Dragonflight much anymore either lol. Asmon is barely on it, Preach is done, Nixxiom is done, etc., etc.

kid that proved that you have no idea what youre talking about? yeah

you again… gave no examples or anything to prove your “knowledge” or “experience” that you keep boasting about having

we were literally talking about what streamers play ? what lmao