Final Fantasy finally caught

Ok? You want a cookie for noticing I’m posting on a lvl 21 female blood elf paladin on WoW Classic? Or would you like an award?


but you want to talk about how you have so much more vast experience with the classes but youre posting on an alt

soooo cant really prove you know more than i do when youre hiding on a alt probably for good reason

This outright killed the game for me.

I mean they probably have more experience than you.
But they haven’t experienced being declined from m+ for being from MG at least. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

i dont get declined since i post my own keys every single time but ok

i was referring to ppl on forums for moonguard complaining about people declining them simply for “rp server”

Man, people are really exaggerating how fun WoW is 10 minutes in. Also, it seems like most people haven’t even tried FFXIV past Lv5 or didn’t even understand how to play at max level.

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I’m not really seeking your validation… so I don’t feel pressured to prove anything. You aren’t proving anything either. Whether I post on my main or on an alt, it’s not gonna change the fact that this entire discussion is opinion based. You’re just trying to push your opinions as fact.

everyone can be bill gates when youre anonymous on the internet :slight_smile:

im a 4k rated real life winner gladiator m+ rank 1 warlord then apparently too

since we can be anyone and anything, like how youre doing

I never heard that, not in any othe meanings of 50 … not TBC, not SL, and even if I had, I would call bullcrap on that.

The game is AS FUN as it is in all levels, thinking you it is as fun as you think it is. It never gets worse, it never gets better.

So go play FFXIV, I mean is it that hard to just walk away for some of you?


nope :slight_smile:

going to continue playing WoW

Uh huh, sure.
Nice deflection.

Again, it’s never happened to me. Maybe do better?

being wrong =/= deflection

Just proving lack of maturity still isn’t going to change anything… we all know what you are.

Well you would know what being wrong is like.
Absolute master of it. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

im someone who doesnt hide on a level 21 alt, on WoW classic, where you cant be check-pvp’d or anything so you can hide for when you troll forums?

I could’ve told you what they were if yall had asked.

An absolute fething idiot, and another black spot on my realm.

aahhh look

back to personal insults because youre upset on the internet

very mature

quoting this so i can refer to it when i report you

If the shoe fits, ya wear it.
We been over this, forum vacays do nothing in the long run, and I’ll gladly cop them for funny stuff.

Oh it’s worse than that!

You have to play every single xpac from start to finish in order before hitting end game. Not just the base 2.0 ARR one!

Funny how Square Enix has a story skip mtx in their game store.

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