Final Fantasy finally caught

Not exactly an appropriate response. The game didn’t hold me. It did not entice me. I didn’t enjoy it. That’s not a problem with me, I just enjoyed WoW more. You either accept that, or you say nothing. Beyond that, anything said would just be ignorant. :person_shrugging:

There isn’t some magic phrase to say to make people enjoy the game the way you do.

ok but imagine youre starting WoW right now with 0 knowledge of the game

they literally tell you 0 things about the current + past story going on unless you force yourself to go around doing old quests that aren’t even recommended or shown to you

it is the same thing

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Yes, get him out of here.

No, I have options on how I level, spam dungeons, story quests, BGs… it’s not one monotonous slog.

But you at least have enough to make the game not feel incredibly slow.

1,2,3 repeat til 50? and 3,4,5 for aoe?

If you aren’t paying attention, sure I can see that being true. Granted WOW has had it’s story draw-backs.

Is it? I gave WoW multiple tries. It wasn’t until Wrath that it held my attention.

I gave FF multiple tries. It still has not.

WoW doesn’t need to continue to hold my attention. Do I think it’s good for new players right now? Absolutely not, but that doesn’t inform whether or not I have fun with it now.

you can do the exact same thing in FF lmao. every option you listed is available to do the same in FF.

im sorry that you think WoW has somehow a more “brained” rotation? have you played like 99% of classes?

oh hunter? you mean multishot, kill command, multishot, kill command, multishot, kill command, multishot, kill command, multishot, kill command ? what a fun rotation, that you HAVE to do until max level until you get things like wailing arrow

almost like both games have the same problem youre complaining about

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Yea, I remember sitting in a que for pvp for 2+ hours and got nothing… so is that really true?

I’ve played every class in wow and every single class feels faster than all the classes I tried, which they all feel the same in FF14…

I was only complaining about FF14 because I think it’s a mediocre at best game, I like the state WOW is in, classes actually play/feel different… I don’t see why I’d complain about them… so I don’t think both games have the same problem.

if youre queueing at 3 in the morning? sure no one is doing pvp then, i just sat in a 35 minute pvp queue at 3 in the morning so WoW is the same wait-time. so it is true, yes.

i could also list every single other spec in the entire game in WoW which has a similar rotation of abilities, again… both games have the same problem youre complaining about

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Lol, it was like 4pm… in WOW I tend to play at around 1-5am… I never wait even remotely close to 35 minutes for anything outside of maybe LFR.

No, both games don’t have the same problems… each mage spec? Feels different. Lock spec? Feels different. Warrior specs? Feels different. So on and so forth.

warrior specs feel different

l o l

fury: whirlwind → rampage/ragingblows/execute x4 → whirlwind
arms: sweeping strikes → cleave → thunderclap (for rend) → cleave

im not sure what point youre trying to make here

i would agree mage feels different tho

FF14 must be in its boring/drought phase with posts about it springing up suddenly.

They never seem to show up on new expansions or good patches.

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ppl are capable of enjoying more than 1 game


The same point as you, expressing an opinion. Yes, each spec feels different and unique… something FF14 failed to achieve.

I just don’t think FF14 deserves the hype it gets…

It doesn’t really matter what you think.

but youre saying WoW deserves the hype it doesnt get?

entire reason they brought back old talent trees + abilities + etc was because WoW had the exact problem youre saying FFXIV has

if im playing Dragoon vs Samurai they both feel completely different, i cant say the same for WoW where theres little to no class fantasy left

shamans barely even use totems anymore… shamans l o l. i was legitimately confused leveling one because how little i have a chance to use them

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I dunno, I kinda liked the fact that I didn’t need an army of alts to be able to craft in every profession!! It made me focus on one toon… which was kinda nice TBH!!!

Your point about the bag space though… 100% agree!! Total money grab.

What hype has wow gotten lately? SL and BFA was dreadful and DF has been good, with people enjoying it… I’m one of those people.

Huh? Which problem? Because I named quite a few of them.

Each melee/non-caster was 1,2,3 single target. 1,2,3 aoe. That’s my experience of the game.

As someone who plays shaman as my alt… yes we do use totems quite a bit, one of the best utility classes.

From what I understand about healing in FF, there are very few single target heals. It’s more about your rotation. I do not think that sounds fun at all. The thing about WoW healing is that it requires a certain amount of precision from the player.

Also, I think you are very wrong about the story in FF. The story is one of the main selling features. Everyone gushes about how amazing it is. I’ve heard too many positive things about it to doubt it at this point.

i mean with WoWs only hype being sexual assault cases im not sure WoW is a good example for positive hype, idk

each melee in this entire game has arguable an easier single target + aoe “rotation” though and i just gave you 3 examples to prove that both games have the same “problem” youre talking about

What level did you get to? Samurai alone, which is one of the easier melee to play, has in the vicinity of 20 abilities, give or take a couple, that you need to rotate/weave through for a single target rotation. The aoe abilities are extra on top of that. This is at 90 though so it really just depends on how far you got.