Final Fantasy finally caught

You’ve never read my posts it shows.

I’m just a hater of FF spam.

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like ??? i would accept if they had actually played the game but its literally just someone doing a quin69 take

“oh yeah i played the game” ok well no… u didnt really. u just skipped everything or boosted and didnt really PLAY anything tbh

Oh, there is a bit. Some stuff unrelevant to this topic, one of it in this topic, which you’ve just mentioned and described.

I agree with this.

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Maybe more people would play it if it weren’t a snooze fest.

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I liked the story.

I dislike a lot of posts you make but this post describes very well the issues I’ve encountered. This game is somewhat difficult to get into as a new player. The game throws out so many things at you at once.

I have multiple classes in the 70s + sge at 90.
Been playing since Heavensward.

I’m sorry but yes it IS a slog. Even with the quest squish for the gap between ARR and HW, it’s boring.
It does get better once you get into HW, but that is still such a long way off that I understand why people can’t get into ff14.

Also there’s an issue with toxic positivity, but that I only know from friends on Mateus who dipped over to wow.

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Yeah, you have to do literally the entire story just to get current gear, raids, extremes, etc.

It’s hell.

Vs WoW where you can literally do anything you want without playing any of the expansions before the current one. And yeah, the story is insufferable.

Signed; Miss Mahthildis - Famfrit

(just in case anyone wanted to cast doubt, I included my character name and realm to show proof that I actually played through the game)

And yeah, the combat is slow, and the travel system does suck, paying all that gil just to travel around. And when you’re playing through the story, that’s a ton of gil you gotta spend.

I don’t like FFs art style at all so it’s a non starter for me. I’ve tried a couple of different times but nothing hooked me into wanting to keep playing.


not according to those Twitch Views lmaoo.

The viewership for FF, especially for Twitch and Youtube is abysmal. D2, WoW and every other game are leagues beyond FF. FF is just overrated.

FF does the exact same thing. Its a patch cadence. An expansion is released. Then through points in the expansion, content patches flesh out the expansion. FF adds the same content to its game. WoW adds a new raid tier and zone to its.

Dragonflight is 3 months into its expansion. FF just released a new raid. People finished one tier and migrated to another game to try the new content. Come 10.1, they will come back for the 3-4 months, then go to play something new.

Also Hogwarts Legacy is dominating streamer content right now. At any given time it has 3-4 times the viewers as WoW or FF14. This will drop as more people finish the game. Will that mean other games are KILLING Hogwarts Legacy? No. They just completed what content they wanted to do and moved onto other games.

You talk about a streamer exodus, but only mention one Popular Streamer. Echo, Gingi, Max, Dorki, Growl, Naguura and many other WoW focused streamers still have viewership in the thousands every day. Even the streamer you mentioned Asmon, still streams WoW. But he variety streams as well.

And to emphasize

This is the social media bubble bias. This is the same thing with facebook, twitter, instagram ect. You typically view content that you agree with and like. We all do.

So as you do that more and more, your feeds become populated with that content that you like and agree with. And therefore you begin to form this bias. Where because your information feeds have through algorithm or preference give viewpoints you agree with, you begin to think that the majority also agrees with that view and what is expressed in those feeds is fact.

So by nature, most of Asmon’s viewership is going to agree with his takes on things. Asmon isnt an investigative journalist, or a product research firm. He is an entertainer. And by his popularity, he is a good one. And by and large his fans share his viewpoints, or will take his viewpoints as fact as opposed to opinion.

So at the end of the day, you are being argumentative because you think your opinion is fact. When there is very little substance or fact to anything you have posted. It is opinions, some of which you are just being an echo chamber for a popular stream entertainer’s character.


You really are impressive. Now you are attempting to discredit an argument because they spelled a word wrong?

The desperation of a a troll is impressive.

Are you Tripleyoyo? The Asmongold bit and the way that you type gave you away. :rofl:

I don’t think you really understand what was being argued.

Maizou was speaking directly to making stories post-ARR accessible. I simply stated that it would be virtually impossible to do so because the stories in the game are tightly interwoven and are difficult to separate from one another.

Example: If you skip over ARR, Heavensward, and Stormblood and go straight into Shadowbringers, the plot threads and their significance are going to be lost on you because you didn’t watch the build-up to that point. If you skip over Shadowbringers and go straight into Endwalker, things like The Final Days, Zodiark, and the Ascians, specifically Emet-Selch, are not going to have as much of an impact on you, the player, as they would someone who didn’t skip Shadowbringers.

I’m not saying it’s virtually impossible to skip cutscenes nor am I saying you shouldn’t. Like the game is still playable even when skipping cutscenes, but that’s not what I was saying. This discussion is regarding story beats, and I’m saying it’s impossible for Square Enix to do anything with regards to making FFXIV’s story more accessible. Believe it or not, they already did that by cutting ARR’s post-leveling quests and there’s still a significant amount, and that’s because much of what’s being conveyed to the player is important for things down the road.

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I couldn’t get to that point because I wasn’t having fun.

not every start of the game is 10/10 fun? im not sure what to tell you

ur acting like WoW has a fun start of the game though when it doesnt either

you get thrown into random battle for azeroth dungeons without even knowing the story at ALL since WoW does a horrible job of guiding you through it

Yea, that’s one of the big problems… I always hear people say, “once you hit 50, the story and combat get better!” and that’s not acceptable. It shouldn’t take take 20+ hours to start having fun or a story that’s enjoyable. They should have figured out a way to either make 1-50 better or just give the option to skip it all-together.

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except WoW literally has the same problem?

you have almost no abilities until later on in the game because of new talent trees

you also have no idea what the story of WoW is at all

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