Final Fantasy finally caught




I don’ t follow Asmondgold. His opinion is his opinion and while sometimes he has an interesting opinion, my opinions are my own. He can play FF but I absolutely hate FF. Playing FF is like watching a movie because of all the cut scenes. It amounts to go here, watch a cut scene. Now go there and watch a cut scene. Rinse Repeat, Rinse Repeat…oh… I get to kill something…back to watching cut scenes for the rest of the day. It’s great if you like to spend all your days traveling from location to location to watch cutscene after cutscene but I prefer less cut scenes and more combat.

Now, you can farm the events in FF but those get rather boring after a while as well. Dungeons were cool though. Well done, interesting mechanics, etc. The raids were okay as well but the never-ending string of cutscenes absolutely killed the game for me.

If yo like FF…go for it but you should realize that there is room in the mmo genre for more than one game. WoW has its base and FF has its base. There is some crossover but they are different games, as they should be. One is not better or worse than the other. People have their preferences and not everyone thinks FF is FAR ABOVE any other game.

If WoW copied FF, I would find another game to play because I want to play WoW, not FF.

I played through as much of FFXIV as I could, which got me close to lvl 50ish I think? I hated the combat, the races, the voice acting, the soppy story that I’d been hearing was “soooooo good”. The only nice thing I have to say about it is that the community was friendly and helpful, but I had a miserable experience from character creation onwards.

Maybe people who prefer that game should go play that game.

WoW is fine, it’s mostly the story that is utter garbage and the raids are a boring slog. I do wonder how many would still be playing WoW if Mythic+ didn’t exist though lol.

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Americans are stupid

you would be completely lost and the story would be worse off than if you were to just suffer through ARR

This is what I was disagreeing with.

All I’m hearing is you agree with his opinion of the games… I personally don’t. I think FF brings very little to the table. Nothing wrong with agreeing with him and enjoying the game.

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I was 19 and got my chocobo. Dunno what you were doing.

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I tried FF14 but I just couldn’t get into it but that’s just me. I’m sure it’s a great game though. Also between two jobs and family I just don’t have time to invest into a new game vs my established time in WoW.

I don’t have enough experience with FF14 to give any takes on it. Besides couldn’t anyway since it seems to have this thing where any negative feedback results in ridicule, backlash and attacks from those that love the game.

I remember a video that talked about one of the main differences between the WoW community and FF14 community. WoW has toxic negativity and FF14 has toxic positivity lol. Seems accurate from what I’ve seen.

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I like to PvP sometimes, FF14 PvP is an absolute joke. I’ll stick with wow thanks.

A joke is better than FF PVP.


okay but you havent experienced the past-awful story part or content, which yeah would give me a good reason to stop playing the game

how is travel horrible though? you can literally teleport anywhere instantly as long as you click on the crystals

the combat isnt slow at max level because you get abilities to weave in between your gcd

just shows you havent really experienced the game like you thought you have ig tho

I tried to like FFXIV, but the style gets in the way for me.

Fair, yea can’t have a joke if it doesn’t exist

No, it’s not just you. I’d say it’s a majority of people.

Even Asmongold didn’t really get anywhere in FF XIV after praising it hard. Barely finished ARR.

It’s a boring game. One of the most boring FFs there is.

Evidenced by the fact most FF players pay to post on the WoW forums.

tldr; youre a WoW fanboy

we get it

I don’t bother really replying to them with the nonsense they spew most of the time.

Weeabofantasy 14 is for degens and Maps

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