Final Fantasy finally caught

It literally didn’t.

Say again?

The way ChatGPT writes these FFXIV ads is crazy

New crafts are the quickest way to get mettle and early levels/talent points

Oh, I’m sorry, you know, since you said efficiency through leveling through turn ins, not efficiency by crafting every single item that exists.

My bad.


Wrong game, they were talking about FFXIV crafting

Ah, fair. I rarely read all of what Maizou posts.

That being said, with the limited quote they used, I assumed they were responding to needing to leveling other jobs to level one of every crafter. Which I said I misunderstood realizing Maizou simply meant that you have to craft 1 of every item to level, which isn’t true.

When I asked if Sabbia would clarify what they meant they just proceeded to act like a dbag.

It was literally part of the quote. Not sure how you didn’t get it lol.

Just simply asked for clarification as assuming can just lead to problems. However, you felt the need to just be detestable. You must be a hoot to be around. No point in carrying on further.

Definitely a lot more fun than someone that needs an explanation on everything said, especially with text. I could imagine that would get annoying.

It is amazing how people discover “now” things, and they think the game “now” is something…

FFXIV was always better than WoW to those who like what FFXIV is.
Not even vanilla WoW was as story driven, or as engaging by narrative.
WoW has never had that quality of profession handling, and much less now.
FFXIV never “catched up” with WoW, it is just aimed to a different kind of player.

There is nothing wrong with either of them,just they really should be compared to each other they are separate game with two different taste I don’t complain and the bbq chicken sandwich and the bbq beef sandwich<I’m getting hungry> they are both good when you hungry.

Well apparently we’re just two detestable people. Does detesting someone who is detestable make them detestable? Who is to say.

That mostly sounds like a you problem.

Sorry to hear you think so little of yourself.

I’ll be the adult and call it a day. At least one of has to.

The irony after coming back to talk about detestable people lol.

It’s just a contest of who wants to have the last word.

I mean, good luck with that I guess.

Hmm… :microscope: or :telescope: ?