Final Fantasy finally caught

You can level most of the way through Ishgard and after that you can just do various turn ins that don’t require items from other professions lol.

So yeah, you can’t read, got it.

Well not sure who crapped in your cornflakes, but have a good one.

If the person I was responding to said “Combat is slow and I can’t make it go faster without progressing the storyline,” I’d agree that your points are relevant.

But Maizou just made a blanket statement about how slow FFXIV’s combat is and it doesn’t even sound like they made it to a point where progression in ARR halted, so bringing up expansion locks is wholly irrelevant to what I’m discussing.

Alright well you have fun with that.

That’s a completely different way to level, a lot of people don’t even know that exists.

It’s also only really good til about 50-60

What can I say, I have a heavy dislike for clowns that reply without even bothering to read what they are replying to.

You can literally do it to max lol.

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Your OP was nothing but bias. Go play your game, you enjoy it, we’re all happy for you.

Just stop looking for validation over here.


If you want to level slowly, the efficiency of it falls off hard and regular leve’s take over about then.

I admitted twice I misunderstood what the argument was and you don’t seem to want to clarify. Perhaps you weren’t clear. Even your reply to Maizou was just bantering about how they had no clue what they were talking about.

You made no point.

Did you just diss on my favorite FF14 feature? Damn, there are insane people in the world.

Ok, but that wasn’t what was discussed lol.

It was literally quoted.


I tried professions, even made complaints about the rep abuse that gave some a massive advantage and how hard it is on some servers to get some orders fulfiled, and they did make some changes, but I quickly reailsed if you were behind you are always behind and unless you craft for yourself, there is no point in having the system to begin with.

Than I got an alt to 70 and realised I am some 10 weeks behind and will NEVER catch up and won’t even bother, it’s far cheaper, faster and better to just pay someone to do your crafts.

Definitely a troll.

Definitely someone that needs to learn how to read.

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Maizou doesn’t have a clue to what they’re talking about, in all fairness. Their post reads as someone who didn’t even get to unlock their job crystal (which is very early, mind you) and assumed that they had seen everything the game had to offer.

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The original post was literally talking about efficiency

I couldn’t get into FF. I’ve tried a few times. I might try again, but it feels futile every time I try. There is no Stormstrike dopamine button.