Final Fantasy finally caught

If you’re a pawn you wouldn’t know it but back up you see your being used.

So troll then. :dracthyr_shrug: Flag and move on. Not really much to have a conversation about.

Fair enough. :dracthyr_lulmao: Myself, I’m about to go do my DK class hall quests for a little while, after I finish up my catalyst quest for the week on my main! With any luck, these spam topics about XIV will be moved sooner rather than later. They only post here in GD instead of the proper, off-topic other games forum, because they get more engagement here for their trolling. :dracthyr_tea:

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Why does it even matter what one does better than the other? There’s always gonna be people agreeing and disagreeing. If it was up to a lot of you here every game would be the exact same always crying they need to do this just cause another game does it we’d basically be playing the same game no matter what we play lol.

Lol wut?

See, this is the problem with pretty much every reply you make, you have no clue what you are talking about, with FF14 but also with WoW lol.

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I find at least entertaining for Saturday morning<here of course.

Dude is either OP on their main or really thinks OP is spouting some big brain 5d chess strategy.

Hardly,we don’t even type the same.

How is what they said incorrect? Some of the professions in FFXIV require you to level other professions to be able to craft.

IE: BSM needs some materials from CRP to make some items.

This guy’s definitely OP.

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Cool but that’s not what was said, nor is that even true now lol.

Thanks for the laugh :rofl:

It’s still true, you need materials from different crafters to make a craft.

I mean, you can just buy them obviously, but nothing that HE said wasn’t true.

What Maizou said though was a load of hogwash.

I misunderstood. I don’t know about the crafting one of every item to craft efficiently, but without relying on the MB, you do need to level other crafts as they have items needed to craft in other professions. That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact.

I fail to see how FFXIV’s progression structure makes the combat slow.

Why are people making remarks that aren’t even relevant to what I’m saying? This is an entirely different discussion to have.

Most efficient way to level is to do Leve quests.

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Only to make something, not to level. You can level a single job without ever touching another.

Does no one know how to read anymore?

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Depends on the profession and the leve quest you have to do.

Many leve’s ask for crafts that require materials from other professions.

And many crafting quests in the earlier game do too. Wasn’t until SB that crafting quests started providing the mats.

You just met one of the biggest trolls in the forum ,that why I totally place the player on ignore,forever.

If combat gets faster the higher level you are and the more you unlock skills through Job quests, and I can’t get to the quests because they’re locked behind a quest in Ishgard and I’m still in ARR MSQ then the combat is going to remain slow until I slog through the MSQ.

What’s so hard to understand about that? Quit with the attitude.

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Then I have no idea what your argument originally was. Not sure if that’s on me or you, but you don’t seem inclined to clarify and just provide snippy remarks.