Final fantasy 14 has solved player housing

Ff14 is currently in their shadowlands phase

They should honestly just update the garrison system. Allow it to be built in different areas, all over all of the worlds/realms/planes. Make it current, so all the functions work according to modern WoW.

Profession booths from the Draenor garrison would no longer just award those expansion recipes, but gain profession crafting booths like Valdrakken and Dornogal have to do crafting orders on. All resources like fish, herbs, and ores harvested within would be current too. The training dummies would use current stats. Mission table and shipyard also updated to modern.

Then expand it like crazy. Lumber mill makes a return and powers the new woodworking profession that makes furniture, decorative moldings, and maybe even building designs. I’d also like to see a quarry added, and a masonry profession working in much the same way as woodworking. Stone buildings, statues, water management (aqueducts), etc.

I mean

If you want to play an MMORPG and build a house
 yep, FF14 is your game.

I don’t get the appeal, but hey, different strokes. I always come back for a month every couple of years to play the story. Of course, I heard the new story is bad, so I’ll probably sit this expac out and hopefully they can course correct.

Enjoy FF14 - it’s got a lot of nice features, sadly combat and gameplay aren’t among them (and that’s kinda a sticking point for me). The Console friendly insanely long GCDs make everything feel so sluggish, animation locks for melee characters are way too long (even after they’ve nerfed them) and I feel like I have to hit abilities off the GCD 2 or 3 times before they actually trigger when I want them to. It’s just so clunky.

If Blizzard is gonna do housing in WoW I am almost certain it’s gonna be better than that Catgirl riding on chickens MMO. And I suspect hosing in WoW will come at some point, sooner or later.

 play FF14?

The best thing (for me) about player housing in FFIV is the neighborhoods; specifically being able to wonder through them and look at how they are decorated inside and out.

I’ve never gone through the apartments. Does anyone?

Player housing is boring, I prefer getting actual content.

The biggest issue with player housing in FFXIV is the limited number of plots, which is because they are premanent locations anyone in the game can hypothetically visit. This is also why there’s a “use it or lose it” system in place.

“Personal Housing” has been on the wish list for YEARS, but has yet to be implemented. Honestly, I think the devs may be trying to avoid it
 and they might actually pull that off.

That being said, the ability to upgrade interiors - including for apartments - is HUGE. Apartments are actually quite affordable, starting at
 500k gil? That’s an easy sum for any player to get. You only get a small area, but for ~50 million gil (cost of a large plot) you could upgrade that to a three-floor with nearly ten times the total floor space.

They’re also plentiful, almost never “filling up” (could change with the planned upgrade system)
 and it’s probably easy to expand, as it’s effectively just a list of instances.

The only issue is the lack of exterior space and furnishings, which includes gardening that’s not doable otherwise. They kinda solved that aspect with Island Sanctuaries in the last expansion, at least for gardening (I think, didn’t use it much myself).

Yawntrail didn’t surpass Endwalker I heard.

Only because of this, I won’t like this system for housing in WoW. Swtor/ESO have better housing too.

Every now and then I’ll go on a tour of a ward and check out the apartments, but it’s rare to find any that are actually decorated nicely or set up like an actual home; most of them are either not open to the public or are full of random junk that’s haphazardly strewn all over the floor. I suspect most apartments are essentially just used as storage units.

It’s a pleasant surprise to find an apartment that’s well-decorated, and if the owner has a guestbook I’m 100% leaving a like and writing them a nice message. :slight_smile:

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It does make a lot of sense that houses go on auction if the player has been inactive for 45 days. Neighborhoods are great for the RP and event community and I love to wander around in my neighborhood to visit strangers and greet them or leave a note in their guest book. Just letting people keep their houses even if they never use it or are offline for 2 years, would just lead to dead neighborhoods. And housing with personal instances would also be pretty bad imo because it would destroy these activities. FF14 has a pretty social and RP-heavy community, so a change like this would be a desaster.

I’m on one of the biggest european servers and getting a house isn’t even a real problem there. Every cycle there are a several small houses where just 1-2 people are bidding. Or nobody. When people there are talking about the “housing crisis” they’re usually talking about not getting a bigger house or not getting one of those pretty beach houses in Shirogane they’ve been hunting for months. But yeah
 problems like these will mostly be solved in a few months, I guess.

It works in Harry Potter books.

WoW had garrisons for one expansion, and they had Gen 1 issues with them - too much of the game occurred in the garrison, keeping people from the city, and so on.

The rest of the time, Blizz has avoided player housing.

There really is no reason why some of the buildings in Dornogol could not have player apartments, maybe even player mansions - it’s a huge city and a lot of it is not used.

I’ve literally spent hours touring the Wards. It is one of my favorite features. I’ve never had a bad experience chatting with the house-hunters either.

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No, but a caveat to that was endwalker was the culmination of concluding a 10 year story. Dawntrail was starting a new one, with new head writers.

I didn’t like the story till we got away from Wuk towards the end, and the comical bad ending where she magically appears in the final fight. They were trying to replicate EW ending MSQ, which made sense. This time however didn’t make sense, plus he power progression that went from getting kidnapped to almost one shotting the end boss.

Lot of things didn’t make sense, but hopefully around 7.2 and onward we’ll see less of Wuk, because they tend to listen to their community on the story feedback


It doesn’t tbqh
According to that GDC chart back in March(?), between all the versions of WoW available, we don’t even have Shadowlands levels of subscribers because the game has only been designed worse since Shadowlands. SO take that number of players amongst all of the WoWs (people say SOD brought 3Mil, Classic Era has 100,000) and how many of those players are actually playing modern day WoW. It’s virtually impossible that main-game WoW has millions more than FFXIV right now.

There are rights and wrong ways of putting in housing. FFXiV housing is bad, but it’s also been around forever back in a time where tech prolly still sucked for instancing. It’s certainly not wow garrison level bad, but still.

So many more games have done housing correctly, and i still will tout Wildstar for best housing system


90% of my guild quit cuz how bad the story is most didn’t even reach max lv. After I get the Halloween event stuff I’m canceling my sub

ESO housing is just fine too.
Bliz doesnt need to wait untill they can do it like ESO does.

Just put a bunch of fixed spots where we can put stuff all about the housing
like select the spot, then choose something from the collections menu that you want there.
No need for being able to move something in the basement 2 inches to the left (anyone get the reference? lol)

Then give a new collections tab for all the crap we can collect or buy
or craft
or buy off other players.