Final fantasy 14 has solved player housing

Right, so when are players set to start losing their Garrisons?

Or do new players not get a Garrison?


zero interest in player housing for me

Because FFXIV does it better than garrisons, which is my point. You select the ward then the plot you want to enter into. Ward is basically “neighborhood”. Plot is the house. It’s like everyone has an in game personal address.

You can also talk to main city’s mother crystals to change your server to another one with the “visit” world travel feature thing. Then you can go to neighborhoods on other servers even.

But the point is, they are all there as permanent fixtures in the world. Garrisons are like an idea, floating around in space. Instancing like WoW does it would suck for player housing.

So you enjoy FF14’s housing, cool. I don’t feel the same way.

Like I said,

But just add your opinion to the thread, no need to try to chase cheap gotchas like a child.

Geeze, what would give you that impression? Was it the question about how housing works you quoted, or was it:

Surely I thought about it?

I’ve spoken about it. If you actually read the thread prior to jumping in on an attempt to stroke your own ego, you’d know that.

You clearly didn’t enter the thread with any intent to add anything constructive. And yes, I would call that trolling.

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I mean sure thing mate. Idk what to say lol. Sorry I came off that way I guess. Yeesh.

To add to this:

This solves a problem that they themselves created.

There is zero reason for the artificial limits they have on houses. There is no reason there can’t be hundreds of housing districts. The fact they limit them to 30 districts per area is crazy.

This still doesn’t solve the problem that just getting a house on a populated server is next to impossible.


…Which begs the questions why they can’t swap or change the names around to avoid confusion, but i guess straightforward and simple isn’t Square’s M.O. Like their profit margin in the last few years.

So talking about video games is now comparing about real life? lol?

And how’s pointing out one has more restrictions then the other is being anti-housing?

The human mage doth protest too much, methinks.

We dont need a single player house built for this to work.
Blizzard has houses of all sizes all over the game already.

Find a door…any door…its now a clickable port to an instanced house…TADA!..player housing.

Now…add in tons of fixed spots inside the instanced house for all that crap we can farm, buy or craft to furnish and decorate the house.

Over time they could add more houses to EXISTING houses by doing the same thing…design the interior instanced house, link the entrance to the door in the game world, etc.

it would be no different than making a new dungeon with an entrance and an instanced interior.

Literally no reason to make this all sound more complicated than it would need to be…

Ff14s system is still incredibly inferior to ESO.

Hopefully Blizzard is looking to ESO as the model for what good housing can look like.

In FFXIV? I thought only the owner resets the timer.

The instanced part I agree with. The fixed location for items, HELL NO! Give us the XYZ axis location system that EQ2 uses. Allows for greater amount of creativity.

yeah…housing will NEVER happen at that rate. lol.
Im sure you can easily figure out why.
I’ll take it actually happening in the next 30 years, personally

Is player housing live in Janthir Wilds yet for GW2? How’s that been by comparison to 14?

because it is as permanent as the characters we have here and youre making false comparisons to renting apartments irl. there is no difference in ownership between apartments and houses in the game like there are irl which is the comparison you made

because its a fictional apartment in a fictional apartment building. you are the only one confused by this. you shouldnt comment on things you know nothing about

please dont reply with another uneducated post

And the “real-data” showed lower on the chart than Shadowlands, weirdo.

Dragonflight was BAD for retention. Nobody came back for Dragonflight from Shadowlands. The numbers were lower. The plot on that “real-data” graph you are referencing is LOWER THAN SHADOWLANDS. The poorly designed dracthyr, now widely accepted as the worse race/class in game, inarguably, repelled more players than DF retained.
The only people who stayed after DF release were the people who play WoW as their primary personality trait. The ones who will play no matter how bad blizz makes the game regardless of how bad DF was.

It 100% matters if the numbers are the lowest they’ve ever been, as you very well know.
2 Million, tops.

If the modern game is a liability, Microsoft will continue to deplete resources from it. There is no business model that dumps resources in to a dying product. There are ZERO business models for that.

It is very possible and in-fact the default to separate subs from literally different games. Stop being a weirdo.

This isn’t China.
Nobody wants Blizz to design the game for China if China are the only clowns who play it because of their government restrictions on games/entertainment.
Here in North American, we want the North American company to make a game for North Americans again.

Modern WoW is doing terribly, and your cope-filled BS isn’t helping anyone. Go fly a kite.

Not sure why you feel civilians playing video games are your enemies.

I hope this is the dumbest thing i read all day. :pray:t5:

You’re a loon. Take some insulin and touch grass.

The game would be better if we had region locks and blocked VPN’s to keep people out.

It is just the house’s owner who can reset the timer.