WoW is probably the only game I can think of that constantly gives in to their demands and constantly nerfs content as well.
Bungie recently had to clarify to players that the Zero Hour mission in Destiny 2 wasn’t bugged, it was just hard lol. Blizzard would probably be nerfing it already.
I’ve definitely seen that in just about every multi-player game out there.
Especially in competitive games where a lot of low skilled players call for the nerf of something that’s really only good at stomping low skilled players but is trash tier at higher levels.
I remember when Ghostcrawler made a blog post in Cata about “Wow, Heroics are hard now!” and people got mad about it.
Then they nerfed heroics.
This boss theme from 1991 is still more hype than any boss music in WoW.
Steel Reason is amazing, too. It always makes me think of Nero in his over the top armor xD
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To be fair that boss theme is also more hype than anything Final Fantasy has put out since.
Also FF7’s music is great and all, but I don’t like that they got rid of that opening bass line that had been a staple of the FF combat/boss theme since the first game.
Yup. Disliking things isn’t a personality.
Top youtube comment - “I can’t explain it, but this is the Final Fantasiest boss theme of them all”
Well played, random youtube commenter, well played (and very true). Nobuo Uematsu really nailed that one. He still composes for the series, as recently as this year for FF7 Rebirth.
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FF14 only does 2 things better than WoW:
- They actually moderate their community and make people think twice before being toxic.
Everything else is personal preference.
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This is false.
They also do Catgirls better .
censorship isnt ever better…
“I prefer the music and how the devs handle toxic players. So that are facts. Everything else are personal preferences!” Some peeps are really funny^^
It’s almost always subjective what we write. However, with some players here in the forum, it’s embarrassingly obvious that they have never tried any other game than WoW in their entire lives.
Do you feel entitled to being toxic to other players? Enforcing some basic rules so people can coexist better in a game has nothing to do with censorship.
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Enforcing? they don’t enforce any rules on their forums. So don’t tell me that they do care about rules.
Also, toxic positivity is never a good thing because it breeds that type of behavior and create tribalism and think that their game can definitely do no wrong. You know what come to think of it the FF14 community as a whole is an actual cult. Compared to World of Warcraft community we are not a cult and have differing views on the game as a whole.
That’s a nya from me, dawg.
I’m sorry, but statements like these are so incredibly silly. I can’t take something like this serious, it’s actually hilarious. Talking about how certain behavior creates tribalism, while showing prime examples of radical and extreme tribalism. You rock, sir/madam.
At this point I’m not sure if you’re just being extremely sarcastic or if you really think that way.
Sounds like something that someone in a cult would say.
Showing your tribalistic behavior for your almighty game FF14. Thinking that it can do no wrong and won’t criticize it and must be a “yes men”. Sure call me a cult follower or what not when you yourself are in a real cult following.
I have no clue what you are talking about. Having a shrine to Yoshi P in my house that is adorned with candles, finger based jewelry (known as rings to the common folk), and the the song “Lahee” looping in the background (the Soken FanFest version) doesn’t make me tribalistic.
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Honestly one of the best additions to the game. Now when I normal fly in ff14 it’s so boring in comparison