FFXIV, WoW, RP, and game health

isn’t ff14 known for it’s pve content and not it’s pvp as i hear their pvp is dead unless there is like some event going on or something?

as for RP i mean i don’t RP but the 2 games are totally different i don’t see how the RP aspect really deals with that in the sense that what if one favors what ff offers in terms of WoW for an RP element? vice versa.

either way you look at it WoW is still losing subs im sure on a daily basis it’s not like they are getting a boat load full back either and many do quit for good for their own reasons. Also what WoW currently offers content wise doesn’t appeal to everyone either. been playing WoW for many years already over the years i just do less and less content. only thing that really interests me now days is Raiding. idgaf for M+, idc too much for PvP either. the quests are like any other mmorpg tbh.

the story is kinda meh it isn’t amazing but to me it isn’t terrible either it’s just okay.

also i don’t seem many “RPers” even in RP realms. i see a few but most of the time i see people just pretending to be girls or dancing naked begging for gold the TYPICAL bs people i guess call “RP” now days.

Someone from my family plays on ArgentDawn-EU, the biggest RP-server in the European regions. As far as I am informed, many regulars also have stopped playing there for different reasons.

I’m late commenting on this, but this seems wrong.

Every single FFXIV dungeon I’ve ever been in is a zerg between boss rooms, or as close to it as possible. I think that community would be less likely to scream at you over wasting time, but you’re definitely encouraged to get a move on.

Also, let’s not bring M+ into this discussion. Of course you’re not stopping to RP in M+. It’s high-end content and it’s timed. FFXIV doesn’t even have a comparison because it ONLY offers basically the equivalent of Heroic dungeons. If you’re doing content for RP, you should probably stick to the lowest version of it, and do it with friends.

Even in FFXIV, people aren’t RPing in randomly queued groups.

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I can give first hand accounts of plenty of roleplay happening that involves zero erp in cities such as uldah, gridaina and limsa. I can also provide plenty of screen caps if you really want.


As an RPer on WoW (I play on both large RP servers, MG and WrA). Our community has taken a huge hit from SL and dissatisfaction with it, the broader story, the development culture, systems, etc.

As someone mentioned many RPers also do PvE or PvP and when there’s nothing but RP many of them will quit for a bit. For those who don’t they may quit if they feel there is never going to be any and there is no light at the tunnel and no point continuing to RP in the downtime because the uptime won’t be worth it.

Honestly I’ve never seen the RP scene quite so dead. Cities so empty, my friends list so “last online 2 months ago”. There is a lot of frustration at the storytelling Blizzard is capable of lately and of shafting casuals in favor of super competitive e-sports clout chasing. Devs just don’t seem to care about the story so why would roleplayers who have to abide by it?

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I honestly have no opinion on what’s on occurring on FFXIV.
Maybe they are or maybe they’re not.

I have not seen much so-called “Elite Roleplaying” on WRA for quite some time, however, I have mentioned Social interaction is quite thriving there.

Some imbeciles would honestly disagree about this; instead of showing mere indefference. Besides a few cosmetic and faction to take patriotism in, most content are indeed created by the player-base community.

Even former Social Outcasts such as pale overgrown Rodents are enjoying themselves.

Did you just call me a Rodent?!

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You’re right, they are. But they’re not based in California, which was, and continues to be, hit hard by COVID. Bethesda/Zenimax are based in Maryland, which, while it was impacted by COVID, was not hit as hard as California.

Any person who actually believes that FF14 has more players than WoW or is even anywhere close to it is truly delusional. These people should not be taken seriously.

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I have a question about Final Fantasy.

I see many people on these forums always reference like RP and stuff…is that the “end game” for Final fantasy? What is there to do as far as a competetive player like myself would want? even if there’s no rating, is there like rare gear and items or does everyone kind of get the same thing like retail wow?

I don’t really like the mount models, but I think the customization options would be enough to keep me invested from a fantasy perspective. I just want to look cool and have rare things if possible!

I’m just trying to see if this game is for me or not, I am really considering trying it if 9.1 doesn’t deliver…

I love how badly the internet has broken some people’s brains.

They read something on it, don’t question any of the source to it, and then just repeat it as truth.

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Might have to censor parts of those.

If you’re talking about names, as long as it’s not painting people in a negative connotation screen caps with people’s names in it is usually permitted.

Doh. I misread your initial post as ‘I can give accounts of ERP in the cities’.

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In goldshire


How many more FF posts do we need?

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One of the most epic YouTube Poops I’ve seen in a while.

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I respectfully disagree,

FF 14 actually gives RPers more tools the WoW offers. At the moment I think the advantage WoW has is ease of entry (look back at the long discussion we had about MSQ) in FF 14 your character is the hero of the story; in WoW your just a schmuck who everyone happens to think is some sort of god.

I mean - if I knew “why” WoW was a multi-million sub success; I would be in a different line of work - so I can only give my perception as “boots on the ground” having been with WoW since the beginning - and MMO’s back in Meridian.

In short - Wow just did what was popular at the time; better then who else was currently doing it. WoW had VASTLY superior art and color and function/controls compared to every other MMO that was on the market at the time. Seriously - look at the games it was competing with and it should be no surprise WoW came out on top. Once at the top WoW made massive efforts to choke out every fledgling RPG that came out - dumping extra effort into content creation and support/events to ensure that people had to run with “fear of missing out” and wanting to keep up with the Joneses like a abused spouse - they stuck around long enough for the fledgling games to make mistakes and panic - until those games ceased to exist.

The problem is - WoW could not keep up that pace forever; doubly so once the corporate types got involved and began shifting resources to other projects during slumps in the MMO market - Look at 2012 (Diablo 3) and 2016 (Overwatch) and what MMORPGS actually came out at those times…the only ones that “may” have given pause were like Guild Wars 2 and aside from that everything was cash shop Free-to play stuff.

WoW has been coasting on massive sub numbers for many years - having a uptick in activity when a game that might somehow compete comes along. Basically WoW only really tries to retain you when there is “something new” you might consider trying out.

The problem is - there hasn’t been many mmo launches in the past few years that would have competed with WoW…so that uptick to convince you to stay has been less often. That means we are settling into WoW - and eventually we get what you might think of like the “7 year itch” and begin to act “unfaithful” to WoW - which means the only games we are going to consider are games “like WoW” that are still around…and that pretty much leaves FF 14 that has managed to “survive” WoW due largely to massive financial backing and a very dedicated development team.

In order for WoW to be motivated a new MMO competitor is needed to spur the “no baby c’mon stay” behavior; which is frankly a pretty good sign that WoW is now just a business devoid of an actual consistent creative vision. WoW has been getting away with the practice - but eventually a game is going to come along that does what WoW does - but better in every-way and that will be the “WoW killer” but that game is going to need amazing financial backing to survive the struggle that WoW is going to put up. That’s why I think it won’t come from a Indy game (despite me wanting to see AoC success).

Final note - the reason FF 14 never killed WoW when it came out is actually simple; its because a lot of what FF 14 is today was patched into a absolutely terrible game - FF 14 when it first came out was so bad that after I beta tested it - I passed on the launch and because there was such a push to succeed. Otherwise it would have died and eventually blizzard stopped trying to kill it.


…yeah i think i’ll just wait for asmongold to play it and decide from there lol