FFXIV, WoW, RP, and game health

Not gonna lie, been playing since BC and I LOVE this post. WoW has shot itself in the foot and its great playing FFXIV and just finding these posts and sharing them in discord amongst friends. Please make more posts just like this one.

As an FFXIV RPer, 100% fallacy. The problem, however, is that most of the substantial RP is relegated to Free Companies and Linkshells that have proper organization. Different groups do different things.

Going to the Quicksand on Balmung, for example, is basically like going to Goldshire on Moon Guard. A lot of it is actual RPers playing around. Many idlers there are trolls from off-server just perpetuating the stereotype.


The age difference is a lot brother

In WoW their players are between 25-35 years average
In FFXIV their players are between 15-25 years old.

In WoW the roleplay is much more serious, hardcore and elaborate. Also only in the moonguard tavern it happen. In FFXIV the roleplays are much more casual and happen in all the servers in Limsa.

Also FFXIV came out for ps4, xbox and that helps the game to have more players. It is about time that wow comes out for consoles too and can capture public under 25 years

Sure, buddy. I’m pretty sure where you pulled those numbers from, and it certainly wasn’t from a reputable source.

I have played FFXIV since the 2014 ARR came out. I have grown up with that game and have been in numerous guilds. The players who play FFXIV are mostly people from play station 4 and yes they are 20-year-old kids on average.

In WoW I have only played it since Legion, BFA, classic-wow, shadowlands and tbc-classic. With breaks but most of the people I meet are 30-year-olds. Even now in my guilds everyone is 30-40 years old there are very few young people

Why don’t you go and check it out for yourself? Go and play FFXIV join guilds. Don’t just explore the “theory” of the forums

This is directly counter to the experience I’ve been having. Most folks I’ve been playing with are in their early 30’s and are equally split between PS4 and PC.

It’s almost as if you’re pulling your numbers from somewhere that isn’t a reliable source.

Well I explain the whole story and I leave you two links

The average AGE of the strongest FFXIV players is 22 years vs the average AGE of the wow players is 28 Males and 32 females. Yes 7 years apart. “Not very different from what I told you in the last post.”

People who play WoW have been here since August 24, 2004. Their competitors were Final Fantasy XI, Phantasy star online BB, lineage 2 and phantasy star universe. 2002-2006

FFXI players tried the 2010 version FFXIV 1.0 was a setback and everyone went back to 11. In 2014 FFXIV-ARR came out and moved most of the FFXI players to 14.

Here comes the “But”

The “Veterans of FFXI” players from the WoW-Vanilla days returned to their main game on the 11th because FFXIV looks a lot like Wow they even called it the “Stinking wow-clone”, right now all those veterans are in FFXI-Retail. Many of my friends just return each expansion to complete the story and go back to their raiding guilds. They do not stay even 3 months in FFXIV.

If you know that most of the young people between 18-25 years old, do not like to play on PC? They prefer to play on xbox / ps4 / switch, they are even PC-Haters. When FFXIV came out on ps4 this caught the attention of a lot of young people in their 20s and they are the ones who fell in love with the game.

The 30-year-olds as well as “Me”. We play WoW-classic & retail, FFXI-Retail and exporadically FFXIV. 20-year-olds play LoL, Dota, FFXIV. If WOW came out on xbox, ps4 and switch, it might capture more audiences in their 20s.

By the way, many young people came to try classic-wow 2 years ago and vomited on it. Because the game was slow, tedious and boring. They returned at the speed of light to their beloved FFXIV

h ttps://www.mmogames.com/gamearticles/echoes-eorzea-ffxiv-survey-results-1/