FFXIV treats Lalafel more seriously than WoW treats Gnomes

So thanks for saying what I did, only in more words? Which completely negates your entire point in attempting to equate the two.

I think that’s partially due to the constant focus on humans within the Alliance. Night Elves tend to be ignored, beaten into the dust or misportrayed but they get a lot of screentime due to how important Kaldorei are within the game’s lore, but Gnomes don’t come even close to it.

Gnomes tend to be that small side questline which only appear once every 7 zones and always falls into stereotypes. I suppose we could get more narrative with them but I suspect some players will claim that these gnomes “don’t act like real gnomes” if they don’t get a stereotypical representation.

Well, Chromie is there, even though she’s a dragon. That’s something. I tend to take her seriously.

They are a gag race. Their whole purpose is to be a joke. Majority of people who choose them do so because they think its funny.

And I wish it would be the same for wow. I really hate that archaic hive mind mentality they force upon the playable races/players.
There is never any progress in wow’s lore, but the story overall is pretty idiotic in wow, so nevermind, I guess. :sweat_smile: But it’s also just annoying from a gameplay perspective to force players to choose a faction based on -race- of all things, not on values and what not.

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I didn’t ignore it. I questioned the premise as you’ll see if you reread what I’ve said.

Sorry but you started with an insult! ‘I bet you haven’t even done the MSQ’. I haven’t said anything of the like. Some self reflection here is required.

With all that said; WoW actually has their own Gnome stories. Questlines for the Gnome introduction, camp in Outland, the Northrend camp, the Gnome/Goblin boat in thousand needles, the Mechagnome Island and storyline.

FFXIV does a lalafell only home, and the rest we go off is just the MSQ. So even looking at the premise of your thread it’s comparing apples and oranges.



WoW Gnomes have always gotten better treatment in non-game writing. For example, this is probably one of the best of the leader stories:

Least the class and cross faction interactions are being rolled back indicating that they are hopefully moving away from everyone being their own borg… Hopefully.

And yeah the faction system have pretty much just been a stain on wow from it’s inception. A barrier that only existed for players and was actievly sabotaging peoples experience (pvp servers that inevitably became lopsided to to griefing, not being allowed to team up with friends due to wrong race) or story (neither side can lose).

It’s funny how the english localization usually gives them very deep voices

Me watching him go on an entire meltdown over ppl saying they like console versions:

People dont usually play gnomes because their racial is bad, and the transmogs get almost unnoticeable on them

am disappoint.

thought this was a thread about falafel.

Not an insult. It was an inference based on observations based on your lack of knowledge of the subject.

Yeah, but you still can’t choose your favorite faction together with your favorite races. We’re still forced to choose based on race, which really su***
We still don’t have cross faction lfr/lfd, quests and what not. For a social game wow is pretty anti-social. :sweat_smile:
It’s a rather toxic design and it really shows in the community. I remember plenty of threads where payers got overly emotional about the smallest of things, bashing the other faction and it’s players, not to mention some stuff on Blizzcons or in general how the devs mishandle the whole faction system.

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Feels good to be right pointing out that people would forget the faction barrier even existed if/when it was removed. Hardly any one in dungeons or raids that bring it up.

Still sad that it took the catastrophe of SL and 10/1 pve ratio for the devs to buckle…

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They literally have bara lion dads now

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You seriously expecting good writing out of “I will never serve.” ?



What Fox said.

Best thing that can happen to a race in this is game is to be ignored. Just look at the night elves for example. Do you really want the attention they’ve received? I think not. :sweat_smile:


As a long time player of FFXIV, I have to disagree on two counts:
#1 - Lalafells are portrayed in FFXIV, the majority of them (not all) of the famous ones are EVIL, GREEDY, and VILE. More like the goblins of WOW. Gnomes are not portrayed that way.

#2 - Lalafells have no body shape - except that of a POTATO - they look RIDICULOUS, not cute, just stupid. They look like mr potato head toddlers. Gnomes, on the other hand, might be cutesy due to their size but the females have HIPS, CHESTS, CURVES, adn look like shorter PEOPLE, aka, midgets at least.

There is no comparison.
Lalafell are joke characters - the main ones in FFXIV are EVIL, and the ones that are good - like Tataru - is portrayed as a bumbling idiot child.

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I’d be so mad if I were a Night Elf.

Night Warrior fumbled, Malfurion traded in to literal hell for only a pep talk, Ysera’s kid being a wet blanket.

Don’t even have Illidan around to pick up the slack and Maiev has been demoted to Bootlicker General.


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