FFXIV treats Lalafel more seriously than WoW treats Gnomes

Gnomes are short adults. They have fully developed bodies and don’t resemble human toddlers or even children. Short people exist irl.

FFXIV is pretty well known piece of media.

You clearly know what it is along with everyone on in this thread.

Dwarves occasionally get lore.

You mean any media period?

Lala’s at least aren’t sexualized inherently. Even some skimpy mog is less skimpy on them in FFXIV. Compared to like Tera which had a race that fully looks like pre-teen girl (female only) and the game throws nudity at them.

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Lalafel players should have to inform their neighborhoods that they are on a watch list.

Done the MSQ twice.

Tataru is the comedic humour
(Always even in her side stories not in the MSQ, do the arcanist line especially if you haven’t)
Nanamo is at best a co leader and gets poisoned.
Pipin’s race is used as a backdrop to make it easier for him to feel like Raubahn’s son (adoptive but it visually works).

Then you need to stop and realise they are meme’d just as much. There’s a reason Tataru was selected for her role.

Unfortunately this.

They weren’t added or mentioned in WC3 for a reason, in WoW they were a last minute addition to balance the race choices out. Even Metzen once admits that not a lot of people agreed with the gnome concept to WoW.

That idea and stigma has stuck with them since then. :person_shrugging:


I mean Gnomes have pretty much been set up as the comedy relief race since early on and kinda motivation behind playing them is being able to make character that can be a more goofy comical appearance if you want a more serious short race then you would likely just go dwarf would you not?

Hmm. You make an interesting point.


Because she’s a bureaucrat, competent crafter and an economist. Three traits commonly portrayed in the lalafel.


Isn’t everyone basically an adult child? :thinking:


Given their original design, it was creepy as hell.

And yet they are still taken more seriously in canon regardless.

But why are you using canon as your basis here. FF is far more of a community game and community perception matters far more to the player experience than canon.

I’m sorry but literally no one was quaking in their boots when Teledji unveils his plan. As if it wasn’t obvious we were going to be betrayed by the Crystal Braves when they took on Laurentius who had betrayed us twice before and called my WoL the b word.

I need someone to NFL style punt this gnome for me…

I like to tip Gnome warriors over and then they can’t get up because their helmets weight too much.

It’s like tauren tipping, but for Gnomes.


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No one but the ageplay creeps want to potentially come across as child predators. Very little to do with whether they like gnomes or not.

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Watching that fool Pyromancer have a meltdown and scream at the wrong guy was the best thing FF14 has ever given me.

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But you are ignoring my points to make your own point. You can talk about the community all you want but I clearly said FFXIV treats lalafells more seriously than WoW. Not the community of these games but the games themselves.

Insulting players who weren’t on the up and up is silly. Not everyone understands every nuance. I didn’t see it but that might’ve been because I took a year long break somewhere in between that. Still the point stands.

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Female lala sounds are too adorable

FF XIV’s TLDR: Never trust a lalafell.


especially if her name is tataru