FFXIV question

If you like final fantasy, you’ll like ffxiv. You might be a little dissapointed with the end game content, but it will certainly be more interesting than doing more bfa endgame.

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True, very true. Thank You.

Yet you wanna go to XIV, the most casual of games. LOL. Save yourself bro. Don’t play that boring game. End game is a joke.

Bro, listen to me. Please. if you’re anything like me, and it sounds like you are, you must listen to my experience.

Several months ago I made the exact same decision. I started leveling, thought it was ok, etc. Unlocked my first real job, and I was really starting to like it.

I was assuming that at some point it would be less like the first 20 levels of wow, and start to feel like more than just a bunch of cutscenes and questing.

Eventually I bought the box. I figured I’d heard so many people say so many things about it, I had to be missing it, and I just needed to push a little farther. I was wrong.

I now sit at level 65, let the sub run out, and soon will be deleting the game.

I was scratching my head for quite some time trying to figure out how anyone could leave wow for that game. They’re literally absolutely nothing alike. Then I took a little extra time to really read some of the feedback on these forums from players about what they do an dont like about wow.

Then it hit me, we are not the same. Not even close. I play wow to compete with myself and others. I play wow because the endgame is addictive. I play wow because of damage meters and io score. Most people play wow because they get to play some allied race or something. I don’t even know what that is. We are worlds apart

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It all depends on the player.

I believe you will love it. I love both Wow and FFXIV so I play both.

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FFXIV is great if you want to play casually, or want a GREAT story. Community in FFXIV is INFINITELY better than WoWs toxic cesspool of entitled elitism, especially if you join an RP server (you don’t have to RP, and most people don’t).

If you want cutting edge mythic raid difficulty, you might not find it, but you also won’t find the same BS you have here with raider.io and the like. Addons aren’t required to raid (and aren’t supported).

So basically, if you want to have fun playing a game and not trying to make everything into an e-peen measurement, FFXIV will be good for you. Otherwise, we still have WoW IO.

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Main thing that threw me off and had me saying NOPE are the weird outfits, specially for males…

I know right. Thank god WoW doesn’t have some weird fairy princess attire or anything. That would be awful.

Whew, thank goodness.

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You have to go out of your way to look like a fairy or get a sl** mog.

Final fantasy just gives it to you while leveling up, it’s the norm for that game.

I never got a fairy outfit from leveling in FF14. Are you sure you didn’t go out of your way to get one yourself?

Not gonna argue with a troll.

That’s my opinion of FF, take it or leave it.

Your opinion seems to be coming from a position of authority is all I’m saying. :man_shrugging: :princess:

Brother… is You? :smiley: Exactly I’m like that :slight_smile: So thank You for saving me.

You’ll quit before max level, the levelling in that game is boring AF. And the loading and zoning between each area. I’d recommend Runescape over that game to anybody.

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Ffxiv sucks.


You play WoW for the end game content. You play FF14 for the sl** mog and constant gay bar atmosphere.

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Ye that’s true… LGBT community is strong in FFXIV. I saw even some toon male in women dresses. It was super wird experiance.

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I’m going to say no. There’s a “fear of being banned because some words were said to me” kinda feel in FFXIV. So if someone is dragging your group down with low dps you can’t call them out on it or you’ll get banned.

your post seems like you just made up a silly topic so you could make jabs at something pointless.

here let me try

When your driving and you see a jogger do you crash from your sickness because they aren’t wearing a gold medal ?
When your partner cooks dinner do you vomit because they don’t have a MICHELIN Star ?


Leveling experience in ffxiv is basically FF game online. The story is pretty good but it is very final fantasy so if you don’t enjoy that type of storytelling then you wont like it. Also it takes a while for it to start getting exciting and high fantasy world saving bits. At first you are just a nameless adventurer doing menial tasks.

Instances are a lot more streamlined like there is one way to do it and you kinda have to do it that way, game limits you in the amount you can pull etc. Mechanics are scripted in a way they mostly go off in a set sequence so it’s more about memorizing what the boss will do next rather then think quick on your feet on how to approach next mechanic.

Crafting system is really good and tbh I’ve yet to see a more extensive one in any other game.

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