FFXIV question

I think the answer will be no. I enjoyed doing the Trials like Garuda and Titan extreme. Some of the mechanics can be punishing. But once you get the dance of dodging in ffxiv the game does become a casual experience. Plus all they do is talk bad about us every chance they get.

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No, you need to play a non MMO.

Sounds like you’ve talked to some pretty ignorant people.

Check out the summoner rotation in FFXIV.

Now look back at the WoW rotations. They probably look very different now don’t they?

Coming from FFXIV to here the rotations here are hilarious to me. Literally hilarious. I am confident in a month or so after SL launches I will be one of the top healers simply because there are so few things that deviate from mechanics.

And you guys have a LEGITIMIZED call out bot through DBZ.

Not sure why anyone would call FF “on or off” type. Sounds like they listened to a little too many malding old men.


Everyone’s gangster until they join a Red Comet group in Bozja.

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You will understand why is less buttons when you start making hard content in WoW.
Rotation is not everything.

More like “Bozjan Southern AFK with hudlayout until castrum pops”

Agreed. Lights rampant says hey.

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If you are afk in Bozja, you are doing it wrong…unless you just don’t like collecting mounts, pets, furnishings, and various other odds and ends to put on the market.

Literally have everything from there and every relic weapon. Not exaggerating, all 17 of them are done.

I’m honestly at the point where it’s running for the upgrades for armor sets because while I could buy them idk why but that feels like admitting defeat. I’m a “disgusting filthy dirty relic hunter”, I want this content to be… at least somewhat challenging.

If you like Final Fantasy in general, you can probably enjoy the various storylines and just unsub when you’re done.

It’s what I did and it was worth it.

Oh wow, I should’ve read their post more closely.

Yeah I don’t think you should play FFXIV, OP.

No. You will not like FFXIV and i can already foresee you getting banned for toxicty so save the people you would troll over there some time and don’t even bother.


Don’t forget Shiva and Lakshmi’s songs!!!


I also love Hades and Elidibus’s boss themes. :slight_smile:


I agree. Rotations get rather boring in XIV. There’s no variation or procs for most classes. Healers are often just using OGCD’s and healing up around tank busters, hardly using even GCD healing in most forms of content unless they are under geared, then spamming their 2 DPS buttons. DPS often feel too strict with it’s rotation that it feels dull that you can’t deviate then annoying with stuff “Falls off” or things don’t sync well because you need to “wait” on something to do something else.

I feel like ability synergy and class synergy feels quite off a lot. Idk there’s a lot of that kind of stuff that classes just don’t sit well with me or I get bored of VERY fast, much faster than I do with specs in WoW.

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To be fair a lot of WoW’s complexity compared to XIV is in build crafting, not in executing your rotation. For example, no other MMO (that I know of) has you sim to know what’s the best upgrade for your character.

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Oh, one more thing @ OP:

No, FFXIV is not for casuals whatsoever. That suggests that WoW has the audience for challenging content when that’s plainly wrong. It has very hard content for players who love to raid, heroic/mythic level hard. And even above mythic difficulty in ultimate. Even an expansion later, ultimate Bahamut and weapon’s refrain are still INSANELY hard and not easy at all, even Omega final form is very hard and easy to wipe. They make it so mechanics will always matter unless its 3-4 expansions old.

The people who said its for casuals, are WoW players who don’t do savage/ultimate content and talk big without knowing anything of true end-game.


especially when you take either tome gear or savage, no other option for the most part when you are working towards BiS or you are a normal end game player. Also, your rotation pretty much does not change unless your class gets a rework, which is VERY rare and maybe effects 2-3 classes possibly per expansion.

SMN is one of the most complex ones but if you break it down to it’s phases, it’s really not that much. Like dreadwyrm stance, you spam ruin, hit maybe 2 OGCDs sometimes, make sure your dots are up, then finisher. Under pheonix, you hit 2 buttons and a command twice during the phase and reapply dots with Tri-disaster once every 60 seconds. It’s not super hard, but it adapts. One of the only classes that do it too.

depends on how casual is for you. Some also define casual as “it not taking that much time to be relevant” Which XIV is that. It doesn’t have THAT much higher end content even then, quite a lot of content just causes you to sync without even needing gear or a lot of wasted potential. Trials are largely ignored if you are consistently playing or don’t really need the weapons since the ilevel is low, even lower than relic weapons. Which relic weapons are REALLY easy to get. dungeon gear is pretty hot garbage but it’s fine enough until you get either of the tome types, 24 man, or crafted gear as catch up gear. Gear is only really useful to hit the bare min to enter content , past that, it’s really not largely important unless you plan on playing it in Savage content due to how so much of the world and content syncs. The DPS difference isn’t THAT massive. At the beginning of the xpac, a class could be doing 12-13k, now they will do 16-17k. My tank was doing about 7k DPS, now I can deal about 9-10k. It’s so minimal. Kinda stale to see such small progress.

If you are current, don’t really care for more than 3 classes,generally people don’t focus more than 3, don’t want to farm gear for classes you just plain don’t play or aren’t interested in, all you have to do is cap on tomes for the week, until you do want to play another class, do your 4 savage fights, maybe work on your 17 relic weapons which really don’t take long to do, and you are pretty much done. Maybe work on ultimate fights if you really want that weapon but you only really need to clear it until you get the weapons you want. They aren’t that impactful either.

bozja doesn’t have much going on even the weird duel thing that tons of people can get into but RNG. The dungeon gives hardly any mettle and the gear is WAY too annoying to get especially to upgrade. needing all those coins is ridiculous.

you can also craft if you so like and max out on that but that’s up to them if they even like crafting. Can just do enough for the turn ins.

so sure, XIV has hard content, but it’s not really that many sources to keep a lot of people interested in playing for a long time, and it can be pretty hard to get a full party that can clear. I was stuck on that for a LONG while with tons of attempts to reclear and training a new person.


Yep, that what I afraid, thank YOU <3

I would say no just from this. The ff14 community is very welcoming and helpful. They’re ya know… nice. Sounds like you wouldn’t fit in…


Best advice…dont listen to people telling you if you will or wont like it. Go try the free trial and see for yourself. Myself, I enjoy it but same as any game its not perfect