I’m stuck at a MSQ with a long wait time, to get a group. It is around level 50; I’m 55 now unable to go to the area after the first game.
After 14 minutes, it queued when I had to go restroom fast. I got back to see, “Did not accept…”
It is more complex than Wow, in some ways, but seems more easy/friendly as well. You don’t “need” alts, since your one character can do it all. This is kind of neat, after Wow.
Other people are glad to group with you, as well as patient, since part of the game is them doing lower level dungeons (scaled to them.) Instead of getting “kicked” like in Wow, I get “commendations” from other players (since you are actually encouraged to do so.) If you basically try at all, you are OK.
The events are pretty cool. I did a New Year’s one and got a fun outfit “glamour” (think like “mog”, in Wow.) That system is no way near as simple as in Wow, but it is OK.
You can set it up so the controls/view are very similar to Wow. This makes it every easy to start playing (if used to Wow.)
The graphics occlusion (things you don’t see not being rendered, not slowing you down) is FAR superior to Wow’s. I’ve only had Linux since the Burning Crusade expansion of Wow, which is all I’ve played Wow in. FFXIV runs quite well in Linux too (both running fine under the stock wine-staging I use in OpenSuse Linux.) However, in a city area and such FFXIV has a far higher framerate, with similar settings like Wow (view distance way down, etc.)
So FFXIV basically looks better, as well as running better (for me at least, again in Linux.)
I’m a Lalafel Dragoon girl, my cuteness even surpasses this Gnomes! I’m continually amused by her.
Except for that “hitch” for me with the MSQ(main story quest), I’m having a blast. So don’t do like I do, if you try it, thinking that “Quest” thing in the upper left corner is just a “suggestIon” or something; You need to keep up with that…
Best thing about FFXIV, you can play what is the full game up to level 35 for free. Then you can decide if you want to sub. You feel fairly powerful, as well as immersed in the game, at 35. Then you can continue just by subbing. I started subbing before that, knowing I liked it.