I’m currently subbed to both game and definitely leaning towards FFXIV.
I know this is 100% subjective, but I feel like the developers just care more. They’re willing do things that are a little different just because they think it sounds cool. Like the upcoming Neir themed raid.
Plus the Tanking and Healing is way more fun in my opinion. But to each their own.
Oh, readily. But for every pest, there’s loads more who are genuinely vile in wow. People who prey on the vulnerable, and people who are without a doubt just the most hateful scum out there. The game legitimately does have a toxic environment, and it wears you down after a long time spent in it.
No matter the company they can’t change things in-game over a minimal amount of players crying on the forums.
You just said they listen to players… How are they listening when people on the FFXIV GD KNOW they don’t care about their English forums? How are they listening when they ignore free feedback from Facebook and Twitter? How are they listening when they disable comments on Youtube?
All that free feedback, that they choose to disable and ignore…
Literally anything is better than being racist, sexist, or anything in that vain.
That said, I have been demonstrably toxic this thread, which I won’t try to make an excuse for. That’s just poor form on my part. I will however stand by quite a number of the points I asserted, regardless, as I do believe what I have said about WoW.
Because you can do all of those over a video game.
Yes, what you have presented are a collection of undeniably heinous crimes against humanity, but in everyday conduct, nothing is worse than treating someone else less than human.
Get your contrarian garbage out of here, and go with it.
I used to prefer WoW but lately I’ve really been enjoying FFXIV more. With a new expansion on the horizon it’s the perfect time for anyone new to try FF14 out.
Listen to the long time players of FFXIV… After one expansion cycle it loses it luster… then it gets worse, much much worse, as time goes on.
If you want to play a game where 80% of the development goes into dumb fluff, where raids are either single room dances or lfr stye monkey fests, that’s all up to the person.
If you play WoW for the endgame you wont be happy.
If you like variety you wont be happy (horrible patch cycle repeats).
If you thought eureka was the worst game content ever created don’t play it because the dev is continuing it into the new expansion ( just wow).
If you like having your opinion heard don’t play ffxiv (JP wants and needs are king).
I remember feeling that way watching a friend play what I think was FF 12. It was just 2 “random” encounters followed by a cinematic. Old FF didn’t used to be that way. Anyways, having played FFXIV, it’s nothing like that. It’s much more like WoW than the single player games.
I would say the bulk of your post boils down to this one key statement here.
It is correct… but almost missing a VERY critical point.
Not everyone plays MMORPGs for the endgame.
Perhaps a bit hard to imagine? Well, it shouldn’t come to anyone’s surprise… ever. There’s probably more players out there who don’t give a care about the endgame than there are those who do.
… or at least, when WoW was still going strong, that was the case. The “endgame or die” people are the vast majority of what’s left in WoW’s community.
Those who treat FFXIV like they do WoW, specifically rushing their way through all the content to try and get into the “meat” that is the endgame, will quickly find the endgame of FFXIV to have far less to do than what WoW typically carries.
However, if you would prefer:
Taking your time and enjoy the content at your own pace.
Doing various side activities, ranging from silly fun little mini-games to completely unrelated (and occasionally non-sensical) side stories.
Doing gathering & crafting for something other than making gold or improving your character’s gear (though that is still there if you want it).
Actually enjoy the fact you aren’t forced into the endgame, though it’s still there to enjoy at your leisure if you so choose.
Would like a stronger focus on the storyline with multi-dimensional characters and actual character development.
You’ll probably find FFXIV more enjoyable, at least in terms of how the game is structured.
If you run out of stuff to do, FFXIV has no issue with you taking a break form the game. It’ll still be there, ready to pick up where you last left off whenever you feel like coming back.