He/she is a textbook example of why unsubbed people shouldn’t have forum posting privileges. They’re taking their sweet time fixing that I see.
I know if I left for ESO, FF or RDR2 I wouldn’t be trolling and bashing wow on the wow forums of all places. I would probably post on the forums of the game I actively play and actually like. Unsubbed people here basically give their opinions on patches and features they’ve never played.
an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.
Bit easier to get once you cut out voices that might otherwise bring some contested views, wouldn’t you say?
FFXIV is really story heavy and laden with cutscenes, and the GCD will make you want to claw your eyes out at low levels.
If you can survive the leveling experience there’s a ton of really fun content to do and the community is really good. It’s definitely an acquired taste though; it’ll either click or it won’t. It’s not something designed for more universal appeal like WoW.
The devs are really passionate despite Squeenix stealing 99% of the money from it (the dev team is paid by the CASH SHOP ONLY, the subs all go straight to daddy Squeenix).
But the voices that don’t like WoW aren’t being cut out. There are plenty of people that still play WoW and actively post anti-WoW threads.
But people that don’t play the game? They are literally just here to troll and cause forum arguments. Never seen anyone contribute in any other method.
Especially considering their beloved FFXIV doesn’t let non-subscribers post on the forums either…and will also lock you from posting if you haven’t even LOGGED IN in the past two weeks. It’s absurd that people think not allowing non-subscribers to post quashes dissent.
Funny you say that because coming back to modern WoW I was very underwhelmed at how puny my heals felt. I crit Flash Heal and it heals like 10% of a tank’s HP, the heck!? Then I understood that in modern WoW the healers have a healing rotation and it’s that whole stack of healing mechanics that together keep up that keeps the tanks topped, not a single cast of Heal or whatnot.
I think I prefer the way that FF healing works. I’m not a fan about being expected to DPS either, but the fact that it’s more about being reactive and having those bigass heals that can heal half of a tank’s HP in one shot makes them more enjoyable to me.