FFXIV more popular than WoW , but can't see why

Well said.

Well I was talking about WoW specifically for that person’s specific experience.

I tried watching that video. I can only take the “ive been sucking on helium for the last 3 hours” voice for about 45 seconds.

Letting non subs post definitely opened the door for trolls


Big time. Half the troll posts are created by them.


Do you have any proof FFXIV is more popular ?


Asking for proof isn’t looked up kindly in these parts.

You are supposed to blindly agree with and believe any negative thing about Blizzard, WoW, and Activision.


FF14 definitely has ways to differentiate yourself at endgame.

The new Ultimate modes drop unique weapons and titles only obtainable that way.
Raid gear IS the defacto best gear. On raid-patches you cannot match raider’s gear levels without raiding. On the off-raid patches, they add the items that upgrade the Tome/Badge gear to the same level as raid gear (these also drop in the raids.)
So while you ‘can’ mostly match raider gear without raiding, you’re only going to do it a few months after them, then fall behind when the next raid is new once more for a couple months.

Beyond that, the raids offer early/unique access to dyable variants of the tome/raid gear, so people who know what to look for can tell raiders apart at a glance still.

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You can compare the viewer numbers of the trailers, FFXIV Shadowbringers is completely behind the Battle for Azeroth trailer.

I was finding it really interesting comparing the FFXIV viewer numbers on Youtube to the WoW viewer numbers. If you tie all the Shadowbringers trailer languages together, they don’t even add up to 1 million.

RNG on RNG. The layers of it, between Titanforging, sockets, additional stats, and Azerite traits make finding the piece you truly need a headache and a half. But, you do want to perform optimally right?

Control over the pace of gameplay is almost entirely in luck’s hands anymore. To top it off, you remember when Zandalari were announced as an expansion feature? Isn’t it fun to play one?

Yeah, I wouldn’t know. Because that promised feature still isn’t in my hands yet. Everything’s gated behind some arbitrary date, or some asinine time gate. All to bleed as much out of you as you’ll stay subbed for.

The contrast? in ARR, you can eventually work by doing the higher end content to just buy the gear you haven’t been able to get, forcing it out of RNG’s hands. There’s not some carrot to hope for like Zandalari (etc), because SE honest to god does keep better communication with their customers. And once things are released, you’re free to throw yourself at them like the world’s meatiest sledgehammer against a sturdy brick wall. And that includes flight.

I hope that’s succinct enough. I’m probably forgetting a lot, but that’s a great deal of my most prevalent personal gripes. It really is just… kinda deplorable how they treat their customers with, if not outright contempt? Indifference.

Edit: Sorry for the wall of text my dude. I wanted to give you a genuinely descriptive answer, since you asked.


I was just curious - it is okay if he says it is more popular among his friends.


I thought were you going to talk about Fishing in Stormblood with this statement.


I mean…if that makes you feel manipulated…ok.

None of that effects me. Makes me feel manipulated. Or causes really any extra work on my end.

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Glad to be lost. Enjoy yourself with WoW, and I truly mean that. I wish I could. But that simply is not possible anymore.

Well, learning about that concept is a big reason I would no longer consider myself “addicted” to WoW, because WoW certainly does use the technique. I still play the game, but at my leisure and no longer falling for the “cheap tricks” which WoW uses.

Hell, the excessive RNG in BfA (not to mention WoD and Legion, though the latter moderated it a bit) is actually a perfect example of them indulging in those very same “cheap tricks” to keep players in the game.

Also, I strongly advise you put away your childish misconceptions and actually watch the video in full…

… and learn something important from it.

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Yoshi P who directs FFXIV actually played WoW and liked it. He even did a blog about visiting Blizzard HQ.


i actually had a negative opinion of the game because the steam version gave me so much grief. One of the twich prime rewards this month was a starter edition and free 30days. I decided to give it another go.

Good news is i was actually able to make an account and log in this time. It doesn’t have all the casual things i enjoy in WoW like dungeon finder and pet battles but its not a bad game. It also has sexy women so that’s always a plus.

It doesn’t really hold a candle to just hovering over a DPS In this game and knowing that if they’re approaching or over 200k HP they’ve actually done some hard content (or have oodles of real life cash on standby to buy enough runs for that gear, but those situations seem pretty unlikely). Gear doesn’t always equal skill, but it’s nice in this game that there’s a clear quantifiable indicator via my health bars or damage output that I’ve done content that requires skill.

It doesn’t help that raid gear for the past two expansions in XIV has been unforgivably ugly, tbh. The lack of meaningful difference in ilevel wouldn’t bother me if sets actually looked as cool as Second or Third Coil gear did. If you dye a turd it’s still a turd, IMO.

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But I find the person’s voice so annoying…that I don’t want to watch it.

Blame the youtube content creator for failing at being even mediocre at communication.

This has nothing to do with a “childish misconceptions”. This has to do with me being so annoyed by the intentional choice of a way to talk to me (via the youtube creator’s voice modulation), that I just don’t care.

If he wanted to spread an important point he could have done it differently.

? It definitely has a dungeon finder. Push U in-game. If you can’t access it it’s because you haven’t unlocked dungeons via the story yet.

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I agree. FFIV graphics are ok at best and I hate that all the cool classes(jobs) need to be unlocked in a sense.