FFXIV more popular than WoW , but can't see why

It’s probably just because there’s a lot of cross compatibility between the players of both games. It’s a typical “first step away from WoW” game so you get a lot of people leaving or taking a break from WoW who feel the need to validate it and talk about how their new choice is so much better.


I mean sure it still has some RPG left in it, but compared to other games? Come on.

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Its still an RPG. That is my point. Saying its not an RPG is just silly.

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K you do you and I’ll do me.

I’ve tried ff and just can’t get into it. The lore doesn’t attract me, the odd anime-ish style turns me off.

WoW does the opposite for me. I love the lore. It doesn’t feel like another Korean/Japanese/whatever style mmo.

FF just not my cup o tea.


Final Fantasy XIV has a really great story, and there’s a lot of love that goes into the game.



If you wanted to say that you wished WoW had stronger RPG elements. Fine. I would agree. But just blatantly saying its not an RPG at all is just purposely spreading misinformation.

No different than if I stood here saying “FFXIV isnt an RPG”. I am sure I could make up a definition for RPG that omits FFXIV.

I just don’t get why people so enjoy rushing to false extremes, I guess.


I think FFXIV has some good storytelling, but a lot of the background lore is, yeah, just vague eastern / anime-ish and doesn’t keep me interested.

Meanwhile I think WoW has horrid storytelling, but a lot of really solid background lore that makes the world more interesting to hang out in.



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That guy is just another hate-mongerer of WoW, don’t worry. He made another one about how FFXIV has toppled WoW.

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What makes you think its more popular than WoW? lmao


Having a good time myself after switching to FFXIV over a month ago. I was planning on coming back for 8.2 but I think with how things are turning out for wow I’ll be skipping this expansion all together.


I don’t, I was talking about that hate-mongerer on Youtube getting easy click-bait views from hate-mongering FFXIV players.

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The community is nicer, Square Enix shows more respect to its players and game than Blizzard Entertainment to WoW (at least at the time of this writing).



Just, :rofl:.


You’re allowed to like what you like. You have to have your head in the dirt to think this game isn’t getting driven down like a hell-bound rail spike.

That is not to say you can’t like what you like. I will never want to take people’s enjoyment, but it took a good kick in the backside to get me to realize how manipulative and genuinely awful of an experience WoW is, present day.

I’ll start and stop as I please.

I have never been a big gamer. I was at my friends house watching him play Final Fantasy a long time ago. I had no interest in it, so he was showing me the game. This was so long ago, it might have been on Dreamcast.

I was like: “Thats not a video game, its a cartoon slowed down.”

You take two steps, and its an hour of cinematics and nonsense. Then two steps more, and another hour of cinematics.

That may have been a decade or so ago - but I will never have interest in that series after that.

It’s about the same on the larger servers, tbh.

LFD groups do tend to be nicer though, likely in part due to the commendation system incentivizing good/sociable behavior so you can earn vanity rewards.

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Genuinely curious. Because I don’t feel manipulated at all. How did you feel your WoW experience is manipulative.

Except it’s hardly “hate-mongering”, just noting that times are changing and WoW has the less-than-envious position of being the representation of what’s being moved away from. There’s actually some legitimate praise for WoW for having stayed at the top for so long.

… and quite frankly, you’re being overly defensive about it and blindly attacking anything that isn’t viewing WoW as being infallible.

I can’t speak for someone else’s experiences, but here’s a quick video explaining the most common way games (especially those which rely heavily on RNG rewards and loot boxes) “condition” players to keep playing (and quite often, keep paying):

Once you understand how it’s happening, you often find games have a MUCH harder time fooling you again.

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