I cant see why.
In FF14
The world isnt scaled and there is, again, a sense of growing player power. Progression.
In FF14
I dont have to depopulate an ENTIRE ZONE to get 5 bear asses.
In FF14
There is a massive teleport system and chocobo porters that go IN A STRAIGHT LINE to their destination.
In FF14
The story is, to a degree, included as part of the story with dungeons BUT, many of those award new abilities or serious new gear.
In FF14
Crafting MATTERS and a high quality set of low level gear nets you a small fortune.
In FF14
You have more control over your character, can go where you want, do what you want and never feel punished for not doing all the latest content.
In FF14
You are rewarded for helping others, cooperation is ENCOURAGED and appreciated. Step in to help a lower player, you will be thanked and hugged.
In FF14
There is weather, storms, fog, atmosphere, immersion.
In FF14
Your spell bars are large and comprehensive, very LITTLE is ever pruned, and often what is removed ids actually changed to be better or to be more suited to the class. Class design MATTERS a great deal.
In FF14
Every single player has stealth. Every crafter has it, so you can craft or fish to your hearts content and never be attacked.
In FF14
What you hear is what is new, what is being GIVEN to the player, made with loving care and laughter. What you dont see is a litany of “xxx has been removed from the game”
At a convention, Yoshi P himself came out to tell everyone that the Blue Mage was ready…and when he heard the applause, said “Dont thank me, thank the developers, they did the work”
FF14 is modern MMO game design…and Blizzard could stand to learn a lot from them.