FFXIV more popular than WoW , but can't see why

Day night cycle needs a change, going by real world time is dumb since those playing at night is all they see, darkness.

Make day night cycle happen every couple hours or 1 hr day light to 1hr night cycles. Anything be better then how it is currently.

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We’ve been at them for over two years.

They havent fixed it, they wont fix it, they dont care. OCE has been neglected and forgotten. One look at the OCE forums will tell you that.

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Aehl, finally got around to installing FF14.

Been a busy week. So yeah, we may not be a huge number, switching to other games, but we’re the vocal ones leaving. Who knows how many are just quitting in simple disgust without saying a word.

As to the topic of the day and night schedule changing, I remember a number of single player rpgs that had an accelerated day and night schedule. And it worked. It wasn’t perfect of course, but it definitely helped with immersion. And these were games from like oh 20+ years ago.

Even modern single player games can do it. Yes it would be some work, but I don’t see that its impossible. It’s just they don’t think its worth the money. The problem with that of course is that I seriously doubt you’re the only one annoyed over the day & night schedule. You’re just vocal about it. The Silent Majority are the dangerous ones.


I cant see why.

In FF14

The world isnt scaled and there is, again, a sense of growing player power. Progression.

In FF14

I dont have to depopulate an ENTIRE ZONE to get 5 bear asses.

In FF14

There is a massive teleport system and chocobo porters that go IN A STRAIGHT LINE to their destination.

In FF14

The story is, to a degree, included as part of the story with dungeons BUT, many of those award new abilities or serious new gear.

In FF14

Crafting MATTERS and a high quality set of low level gear nets you a small fortune.

In FF14

You have more control over your character, can go where you want, do what you want and never feel punished for not doing all the latest content.

In FF14

You are rewarded for helping others, cooperation is ENCOURAGED and appreciated. Step in to help a lower player, you will be thanked and hugged.

In FF14

There is weather, storms, fog, atmosphere, immersion.

In FF14

Your spell bars are large and comprehensive, very LITTLE is ever pruned, and often what is removed ids actually changed to be better or to be more suited to the class. Class design MATTERS a great deal.

In FF14

Every single player has stealth. Every crafter has it, so you can craft or fish to your hearts content and never be attacked.

In FF14

What you hear is what is new, what is being GIVEN to the player, made with loving care and laughter. What you dont see is a litany of “xxx has been removed from the game”

At a convention, Yoshi P himself came out to tell everyone that the Blue Mage was ready…and when he heard the applause, said “Dont thank me, thank the developers, they did the work”

FF14 is modern MMO game design…and Blizzard could stand to learn a lot from them.


I just think that while FF14 is a good game, let’s be honest the structure is too similar to wow…

I mean think about it…

Heavensward expansion comes out, and that’s an expansion where you fly first time and get floating islands etc, kind of like Outland.

And in second expansion, Stormblood, the main villain is a psychopathic man with blonde hair.

Anyone else see the correlation?

So far the only difference is the ‘joke race’ is coming 1 expansion early. It’s in third expansion of FF14 you getting bunny girls. Sorry if this sounds harsh but in wow had to wait until the 4th expansion MOP for the first kid-like race (unless you count gnomes). I’m sorry but I simply can’t take bunny girls seriously. Like in wow, if you knew the Lore you could kind of take Pandaren somewhat seriously, but all an outsider would see with MOP is the kids cartoon kung fu panda. So silly. All i see with bunny girls is Easter bunny. They also had the underwater zone one expansion early too.

Another point also, they are even doing a Cata in the storyline and recycling one of the main villains from the original. It’s like Neltharion all over again, when they run out of ideas just recycle bosses from before (though it seems this guy has had a change of heart).

But it really just tells me that the structure is very similar to wow.

To be fair, you’re talking about gatherer ability, which would not apply to any player that doesn’t play gathering classes, or rogue/ninja. The stealth also only works for enemies up to a certain level depending on your own level, and won’t work at all for certain enemies (and possibly locations).

Honestly, I don’t see why any of your examples would matter? They’re superficial. Unlocking flying in Heavensward/FFXIV is different to unlocking flying in WoW, for example. So why would it matter if both games have an expansion that introduced flying as a transportation option or have a villain with a certain hair color?

Just sounds like you’re coming up with a lot of bad excuses why the game doesn’t sound fun to you, or why you think they’re copying off of WoW. If they are, they’re certainly doing it better than WoW did. They now have the knowledge of what worked and didn’t work with WoW and can use that to improve their game.

And I can’t even fathom how Viera are the joke race to you, when lalafell exist already.


So dont play it.

Stay in WOW where your pettiness towards others is more appropriate.

The structure isnt similar to WOW, its superior by several light years. FF14 doesnt have a one year timegate on flight either.

Nillah: Elae’s attitude towards the game reflects her attitude towards others ingame, which is why she was rejected for a group in Ironforge.

And yes Elae that was me that day and no, we didnt want you.


Even though I like the Lalafell, I will agree they’re more like the gnome of WoW. In short, they come across as the most light hearted race in terms of visuals.

And yeah, the Viera are not “joke” characters. They had one in Final Fantasy 11. Fran. Sure, she was fan service. Won’t deny it. But she was also a deadly serious character and not a woman you wanted to cross.

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Another big thing is the size of the cities. Yes, there are fewer cities, but they’re positively huge and a delight to explore.

Oh, and the auction house. It’s functionally the same, but what makes the AH in FF14 more interesting is they applied a nice bit of immersion into it. Basically you get a “retainer” who you can use for extra storage and you can also give them items and tell them to sell the stuff for you.

It’s a nice touch of immersion.

Retainers can also be sent out to try and find mats for you. So yeah, you’re not a schlub who does all the work by yourself like in WoW. You hire people to work for you! Of course that also means you have to supply them with gear, which makes it a nice way to get rid of old gear. Give it to your lower level retainer!


12* :slightly_smiling_face: They might have also been in the Tactics games, since those take place in the same world as 12, but I’ve never played them. And lets be real, every race in FF14 is fan service lol so they’ll fit in pretty well.

I initially liked the retainer system but as I started leveling more jobs up and started collecting more and more gear, I really really hope they figure out how to develop something like WoW’s wardrobe. I’m tired of paying extra every month just to have access to my ridiculous collection of gear.

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FF14 is superior to WOW in every sense of the word, which is why I turned my back on WOW after eight years.

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Brain fart. You’re right. It was 12.

True, a Wardrobe would be awesome. They’ve made progress of course. And they’ll continue to make various small tweaks to the game. Which is a good thing.

I currently have two retainers and I mostly use them as banks. It’s kind of funny in a way.

Though, since it on topic … storage space.

Mein gott!

They’re like pack mules compared to WoW characters.

Space for like 100 slot of mats (roughly), gear being in its own separate set of bags, THEN you have your retainers who can hold stuff for you. Once you get your chocobo (your first mount) you ALSO get a saddlebag that you can store Even More stuff in.

Of course crafting items often involve a lot more mats than WoW. But even with that in mind, its nice not having to be as worried about “I’m running out of bag space” like can happen during a long run in WoW.

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It’s nice having the armory space for all of your gear, too. Can you imagine carrying around like 20 sets of gear in just your inventory? lol


Oh, Ael, what server are you on?

I’m on Primal. Behemoth and Exodus (I believe).

Though I heard last night that certain worlds are being moved off Primal (their words, not mine) to the “furry erp server”

Only downside can be organizing all of that can be a pain. And I’d love for them to add an auto-sort and auto-stack option (for mats). I spent like half an hour last night tagging all my gear for the classes I play.

My world is one of them. I am not thrilled. We’re already being called the “Balmung Containment Datacenter”. :unamused:

Sorry to hear that. Is Balmung really that bad? Or is it more of a “don’t visit goldshire” sort of deal?

I don’t know anymore, that was the first server I played on years ago but I dunno if it’s still a problem. My biggest worry is, from what I hear, all of the decent raiders are going to be moving back to either Primal or Aether. So I’m concerned we’ll be left with a bunch of ineffective roleplayers and the quality of our dungeon and party finder groups will plummet.

It’s also a concern that now all of the roleplayers that couldn’t be with their buddies on Balmung will flood into smaller servers like mine and take up all of our housing and drop our market board prices into the ground. Since next month that world visit feature will be introduced, they won’t need to squeeze into Balmung anymore.

Well that’s okay as I don’t even remember.