I, and many others, roleplay constantly in game and on the forums. You are saying it isn’t an RPG even though it is.
I’m level 21.
I’m having fun with the story and characters so far.
Dungeons felt a lot better than WoW’s.
The community is lovely, simply lovely. The best part is that, unlike WoW, I’m not met with constant racism and racial slurs, getting kicked from groups or blamed for everything because of my realm.
Combat feels a lot better than WoW’s, there aren’t a thousand random unknown numbers flying around, everything makes sense and there’s almost no RNG in fights.
FATEs are love, Hunting Log is love, Duty finder is love, it’s just simply better than WoW in every aspect.
My only negative points are:
-No regional pricing so it’s subscription is 3 times more expensive than WoW’s
-It’s too addicting, many things to do right from the start and not enough life time.
-Wasting too much time socializing instead of playing.
If you’re only 21 that means you’ve only done Sastasha, Tam-tara and Copperbell, which are considered the most boring dungeons in the game, partly due to rotations literally being 2 skills at most. Tam-tara recycling the same boss 4 times, copperbell having the worst “bosses” in the game.
Whether that’s a good thing that you had fun with the worst dungeons in the game, or a bad thing that you think the worst dungeons are better than WoW’s, I dunno.
Now I’m really starting to wonder if you’re just trying to shill for it.
FATEs are glorified WQ’s that are pretty much dead due to having garbage reward, as in really just exp, and not even good exp so nobody does them. Hunting log is LITERALLY a dead concept, they are strictly an ARR (so only to 50) thing and they are only useful from level 1-15, after when you unlock dungeons the time is not worth the effort at all. Duty Finder is basically LFG, we have that too, what’s the difference here?
Wasting too much time socializing? Nobody’s out in the open world, in a game where it doesn’t have a global chat or trade chat, only zone chat ie. General, but again, there’s nobody in the overworld so there’s nobody to even chat with.
The only real complaint there is the lack of regional pricing… meh, it is what it is I guess.
The other two things are just the sign of a good time. Don’t worry about rushing through content, it will still be there when you finally get back to it.
Just let him have his fun.
And let’s be honest here, Thousand Maws of Toto-rak is the worst dungeon.
… and maybe Aurum Vale is a close second.
They’re still fun mini-events to do while leveling, especially if you stumble across them. Worth going out of your way for? Seldom… but hey, if you’re already there, why not?
Esssentially, Permanent Timewalking.
AH, so you’re the guy who never talks during those Praetorium runs.
Speaking of which, I actually had a fun little conversation today about the merits of the metric system and all that (not joking either). Started with talking about the weather, and being asked to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit… and one thing led to another from there. Definitely helped pass the time during those long unskippable cutscenes. I’ve been through a few fun Praetorium runs just from people chatting things up in the background while the cutscenes play out.
Loosen up a bit, people just want to have fun.
They’re far better than the WoW initial dungeons and my role felt a lot more like my role instead of WoW classes being all broken at the beggining.
It’s nice to have them as a way of leveling from the very beggining. WoW could learn about that so that old world isn’t completely dead permanently.
They’re entertaing to complete, just my opinion though.
I enjoy looking around the world for stuff to hunt instead going from quest area to quest area for 120 levels.
Difference is that I don’t spend over 40 minutes for a dungeon like in WoW
Towns are full of people.
You want to know why? It’s very simple. WEEBS
Well if you’re level 21 and you already think the story is good now, I wonder what you’ll think of Heavensward.
The story of the vanilla game is good but the pacing is generally considered to be very awful, with a lot of fillers and detours. The 25-35 level range and patches 2.1 to 2.3 are considered the worst.
Heavensward was really good imo, Stormblood is where the story lost me a bit but Zenos was a bright spot in Stormblod .
You want to know why? It’s very simple. WEEBS
Im not a “weeb” and I am enjoying myself.
because it felt like there was no way gear-wise to distinguish myself from players who didn’t raid
Is that why you raid?
To be "special’? If so, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.
That and savage gear had a completely different look… these people are nuts sometimes.
And really… is it any different in wow? Actually it’s worse… All you get is a few ilvl and some SLIGHTLY different looking gear.
Not sure what you’re looking at because they have about 5 different Shadowbringers teaser trailers up on their channel, and those plus the Gunbreaker reveal are over 1 million views just in English.
And it’s possible that players aren’t watching the teaser trailer because they actually got to see it during one of the Fan Fests since it was streamed for free, rather than making people pay for it like they do at Blizzcon.
Oh, and I’m playing FFXIV - not watching their videos on Youtube. Unlike WoW, where I was watching videos instead of playing.
I took the time to look up “weeb”
Some of them also use Japanese honorifics, for example when they attach the “chan” honorific to the names of people or characters they like or find cute
“chan” is the more familiar and familial version of “san” which is basic good manners in Japanese society. To be called “chan” is to denote you as family or a close friend…which is in itself a major honour.
To the Japanese, family is everything. One does not earn that honour easily or quickly. I dont see an issue here…the term dates back close to a thousand years or more.
I also dont see an issue with good manners.
or when they use the or when they use the “sama” honorific to show they respect someone
To refer to someone as “sama” is to denote them as a superior, and that word itself has several DOZEN meanings, Japanese being a subtle language with major nuances.
A daimyo is “sama”, a member of the bushi class is “sama”…yet this is again more of a SOCIETAL stratum than it is “superiority”…see where this is going?
Japanese are never “surface” people, they have meanings within meanings.
Oh and the other sneer was at the words “senpai” and “kohai”
Those two terms have multiple nuances and meanings, and are tied more to giri, DUTY, both up and down, which is again a staple of a culture that predates the US by a thousand years.
A senpai owes DUTY to his or her kohai and vice versa, the old teaching the young in a custom centuries old…tied to responsibility and duty, in many ways, almost again…like family.
Upper left corner click on the quest Icon, and you get to where you need to go in the MSQ. On log in also gives you the quests you need as well. Just have to click on them.
Why is FF14 more popular than WOW?
Heres why
Boralus in the afternoon on an OCE server
Heres FF14 at the same time
Thats some of the player housing, btw.
Based on?
…the fact that their population is exploding whilst WOW’s is diminishing at a rapid rate?
OH…pvp sucks over there, unless they improved it the last 2 or so years.
Pvp is toxic. Pvper mentality is toxic.
FFXIV is really story heavy and laden with cutscenes, and the GCD will make you want to claw your eyes out at low levels.
It will?
I adapted easiiy. It allows for better pacing, better strategies, and quite frankly, the class design alone is reason enough to like it…
While the longer GCD isn’t necessarily a “bad thing” for FFXIV overall, it is frequently disorienting to long-time WoW players who are used to faster GCDs of no more than 1.5 seconds (a few classes actually have 1.0 second GCDs by default, if I recall correctly).
That and FFXIV can back-end ability progression a bit much, most classes/jobs don’t feel fully developed until level 60 or 70 (even at level 50, most feel lacking and incomplete)… and as such, lower levels feel rather tedious in comparison gameplay-wise.
Im enjoying it