FFXIV is the new king

Sure. You took my text and misconstrued it in an attempt to make it out as if I’m judging people for playing a videogame, lol.

Because you are. :man_shrugging:

In your head, sure. :man_shrugging:

Once again, how can it be in my head when it’s in text?

Cat g0rls are de wae!

I’ve always loved merry-go-rounds.

Not sure how you can misconstrue that lol.

I’m not sure either. But you figured out a way. :rofl:

Weird part is I didn’t though lol.

You’re both using that tool poorly.


Choose the actual topic, not a combination of topics and search terms. Even that playing field.

Then, don’t choose a specific WoW expansion while choosing the entirety of OSRS/FFXIV.

WoW is hilariously on top in terms of search trends.


Lies kings don’t need people trying to convice people it’s king it just is.

Keep telling yourself that, lol.

I mean I don’t generally lie to myself.


Okay break it up ladies lmao.


No, I can’t forgive a transgression such as someone mentioning that horrible trash Fruit Loops. Dude would have gotten a pass if he said something like Captain Crunch.


hOL UP NOw pardner, I ain’t had a horse in this race but I’m about to take the reigns if you talk smack about the Captain now.


I mean, they shared a screenshot of some buff looking dude with a white afro, with pink bunny ears and matching skimpy maid outfit, wearing high heels.

So I said more power to those who enjoy their characters looking like fruit loops.

Apparently this is me judging FF14 players for having fun in a game.

Just when I thought I didn’t need another reason to not play FF14, I’ve now added “overly sensitive and fragile community” to the list.


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FFXIV has a lot going for it.
WoW is still a great game.

I’m enjoying classic more than FFXIV at the moment, but I bounce between Classic, FFXIV, and retail.

TBC has my attention. But we have the fan fest this weekend for FFXIV which I’m sure will also hype me. I’m excited for 9.1, but not as excited as TBC and the FFXIV expac.

If you like FFXIV more, play that now. More people should focus on what they enjoy and stop trying to sink what they don’t.

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