FFXIV is the new king

The forum has that little activity? That’s the new king of MMORPGs?

So you’re saying a 16 year old version of WoW beat FF14 but it’s also somehow the king of something?

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IMO it’s the goofy anime art style that FFXIV has that is so off putting. I just can’t get past the art style of the game.

The king of poop.

Not exactly. The GCD is admittedly long between the skills in a given combo, but there are tons of off-GCD skills that you can weave in between them. You just won’t see them until the higher levels.

The meters are tolerated. Spamming them in in-game chat is not. You can use them as intended on your guild’s discord chat. You can’t toxically use them to berate players in a PUG or to show off your e-peen.

Just like in WoW, you’re allowed to create more than one toon. You just can’t transfer materials to your alt toon without a friend’s assistance.

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It’s not a dead game. You can see a reasonable number of people in the evenings hanging around in the cities, RP’ing, etc.

There are some numbers that can be applied (including forum participation) that does not paint FF14 in a positive light, but not sure I’m all that interested in driving it down on them.

I don’t mind the game. Their loyal defenders/recruitment drives on this forum are a bit silly from time to time, but the game itself as a whole isn’t one I’d ultimately call bad.

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I was surprised to discover that Age of Conan, one of the first ‘WoW-killers’, still has almost 900 active players!


I just tried FFXIV last month and love it. You can play free to level 60!
It is very chill compared to WoW and easy on my old nerves.
The people are tons nicer too.
Goodbye WoW.


All kidding aside, I’ve played a bit of it and see why a lot people might like it. It just not for me.

Would be fine if you could actually make your character look monstrous instead of a kawaii cosplayer. I miss my bikini + chocobo helm combo, but the races are just humans with head attachments.

I really wanted to like FFXIV so that it could replace WoW for me, but the MSQ is soooo grindy and filled with really cringy emo stories/cutscenes. Also, being a healer in FFXIV is really boring to level and play. Would rather play EQ2 vs. FFXIV.

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There is literally a forum troll on the FFXIV general who goes by WoW who does just that. Also MPK but they have brain damage.

When you find an MMO that I can take pride in playing or want to show to my friends and family, please let me know. As far as normies are concerned, all MMOs are cringe. I frankly find it extremely amusing when portions of the marginalized gamer community turn on each other with criticism of this nature. We’re playing a game with Kung Fu Pandas, Space Goats, and pink-haired, pig-tailed, adult Gnomes, and a bunch of its players are criticizing FFXIV for having cat people, goofy transmogs, and “lolis” (which aren’t even really lolis by the way). If that isn’t the kettle calling the pot black, I don’t know what is.


See this is the sort of thing that I wouldn’t care to ever see in my game.

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Between all the weird glamours and advertisement cross-overs (Nier, and the recent Butterfinger thing) I always find myself back on WoW for immersion. As weird as it sounds, at least this game has some cohesion.

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To each their own. Aside from the fact that you can’t swim in FFXIV, I prefer their open world design simply because they let you fly as soon as you’ve explored the zone. Once you hit Heavensward, unlocking flight in a zone is its own little mini-game.

SE actually designed their UI well enough that you can fully customize it without needing addons. Whenever there’s a feature that players would want to build an addon for, SE simply implements it in game. Frankly, I think it’s insulting that Blizzard, with its huge budget, effectively pawns so much of its game development and testing off onto third parties. The only addon feature that SE won’t add is a DPS meter, but most players have found a way around that, too.

This is what makes FFXIV the better game, IMO. Blizzard is actively incorporating features to further divide and marginalize portions of the community from one another (in-game RIO integration, for example). SE, in contrast, goes out of their way to reward you for taking the time to group with inexperienced players. For example, there’s a first-time bonus that the entire group gets when one or more players in a given party successfully complete content for the first time. There’s a commendation system that allows players to cast votes for an MVP in their PUG. There’s a mentor/novice system that the game actually takes seriously. New players are flagged with a sprout next to their character name so that everyone knows to take it easy on them. All of this adds up to a much more pleasant and welcoming environment.


This is why I won’t go back.

I quit in Heavensward. I don’t want to solo my way though 5000 quest lines to get to the good part. The end game.

I mean, if you’re spending tomestones to buy materials with which to upgrade your gear, you’re effectively spending them on gear anyway, aren’t you? If you’re high enough level that tomestones are your only form of gear upgrades, then a month is way too much time that you’re spending to cap your tomestones. If you were to knock out beast dailies and chain duties, you could probably cap every week, if you wanted to.

This goes on in every game. I’ve seen it in Guild Wars, WoW, and FFXIV. I’m sure that I’ll run into this no matter what MMO I decide to play.

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The UI is garbage. Hard targeting to cast heals and stuff wrecks my reaction time. And it’s ugly.

There’s a very useful discord server that fills that role. Check out thebalanceffxiv.com.