FFXIV Endwalker Looks Incredible

They are literally Twins


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is it money now that tells us how good a product is? if so, fortnite and Roblox destroy wow. I mean wow cant come close to roblox.

roblox is worth 38 billi right now. must be a MUCH better game than wow

flips through a rolodex of “WoW writing sucks” posts from the past decade+

The MSQ is about 200 hours if you watch them all. If all you want is to play endgame content, skip all the skippable cutscenes and the dialogue and that will drop dramatically.

Still a lot, but I’ve enjoyed the story. You can also skip cutscenes then later go back and watch them in an inn via the journal.

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Unless you are doing high-end content and they basically become sorta highly needed for number recording. ACT is actually a good tool, using it as a hammer is bad.

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Money tells you how good a company performs and if they’re worth investing your $ in them.

RoBlox has a huge appeal because it targets a specific age group (same with Minecraft) and they have way-worse micro transactions than some AAA games, but nobody is going to call them out for it the same like EA. Mommy and daddy think its cute to buy their kids RoBux cards as a gift for their birthday so they can buy ingame clothes.

Its why the on-running joke for FF14 is that the dev team has a budget of 2 chicken wings and a soda. Because SE funnels a lot of that money into other projects.

The only funds that directly go to FF14 is Mogstore sales.

I mean, I can look to my own behaviour in both games. I will organize group kicks to get out underperformers when I struggle in WoW because that is what the game has conditioned me to do. Even if I try to advise, odds are, I’ll be the one finding myself on the outside of the group.

In FFXIV, if someone is underperforming, I take the time to advise and guide them when I have knowledge that can help. That little crown by my name lets the person know that I’m actively trying to help them, not attack. I have had a few people say that they don’t want my help and… fair enough.

But I can count on one hand how many times I’ve had to kick people out of groups in FFXIV throughout the years. In WoW, I’d run out of fingers before I ended one session of LFR.


honestly being an FF14 fan has been great.

im a gigantic Warcraft and Final Fantasy game. 2 of my 4 favorite franchises.
Warcrraft as a franchise barely exists but wow goes strong. I hold my breath every wow expansion and update because the developers have a vision from the game that most players dont.

the flip side with FF is that FF is alive and kicking, but their games are extremely hit or miss. FF14 expansions however are amazing.


I think that really depends on what you are looking for:

Story-wise people will dislike Stormblood and love Shadowbringers.
Gameplay-wise people will dislike Shadowbringers and love Stormblood.

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You can also pay to skip it all to the most recent content. Which I would advise against doing, but it is an option.

FFXIV frontloads with character introductions and world building to the point of drudgery… but it spends the next decade of storytelling capitalizing on that foundation to brilliant effect.


I read all the quest text for every quest my first time playing, but thanks for the condescension.

Exception to the rule.

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…toxic Casualism?

Lol, wtf.


This used to be the case with Blizzard as well. And I’m not one to lament the older days, but there’s a marked difference between the then and the now.

I’m happy you pointed out the part of them adding content to the game that the players want, because that’s something Blizzard hasn’t done in years. I will say I’m still very salty at the FF14 team for how they treat head items on Hrothgar (I’m sorry, it’s laziness at this point, and I’m always annoyed when I get a cool head piece but I can’t use it), but otherwise they actively seem to care vs. WoW who sees us as profit pigs waiting to slurp up whatever slop they serve us for food.

And I love WoW, I really do. But I feel just…drained lately.

truth to this actually and heavensward is my favorite expansion

however the cons of stormblood and shadowbringers arent as bad as they are in other games.

WoW IS my favorite, but FF14 is simply what I prefer to play for many casual reasons now


You will be done in a week. There is hardly any story in SL. Is your clamping questions that’s it.

I mean, you could be done in a weekend if they didn’t gate everything.

I can explain this. FF14 tends to have a weird aspect of its community that relates anything to high-end battle content to elitism. It also has aspects where the community will avidly gatekeep and try to combat criticism of the game (specifically more in ShB) with methods akin to what you see the most avid Blizz White Knights do.

For example: there were a lot of vocal casuals who were celebrating that the second Ultimate raid got cut in Shadowbringers and basically went on a campaign of how elitists are mad because their content got cut even though it doesnt have a large completion rating.

This also mostly is associated with the NA community – which according to numbers is actively more casual than EU and JP.

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I don’t have their income statement directly in front of me, but it could be possible that SE is putting more of their margin back into the game. It could also be that the tax laws in Japan consume that margin or that micro transactions which basically all go to the bottom line aren’t as heavy.

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There’s also a difference in the pacing of content releases.

WoW’s war and covenant campaigns are pretty much abominations as far as story telling goes. Just from the pacing of them.

With each new content release of FF14, an entire chapter or two of the story comes out that has its own logical beginning and end.

I’m a big fan of the Bozja storyline and in 8 days I think the ending of that storyline is coming. It isn’t going to be drip fed week by week though. It’s going to start with the last phase of the war and end with a 48 man raid.

You can also grind stuff at your own pace. There isn’t so much daily/weekly checklist stuff. The only weekly stuff I do in FF14 is the Delubrum Reginae for the 3 gold coins. And the challenge log stuff which is entirely optional.